I guess I am talking about two different things.... I believe a Christian is sealed with salvation at the time of their conversion... They will be judged accordingly to how they lived their lives.... It's a done deal... thus the gift of salvation.I *think* you might be talking about two things. Can a Christian lose his salvation and can a believer turn his back on God and walk away from Him...and still be saved?
I think we all are guilty of at times turning our backs on God and walking away from Him.
My life now at 58 years old is much different than my life even 20 years ago... I don't face many temptations today... therefore my behaviour ( if you will ) is not filled with what one would call the BIG SINS... LOL
My walk is now at the place of focusing on the finer things... the actual condition of my heart...
It is my desire to please Christ... but that is because I have been convinced that I am a precious and loved child of God.
I firmly believe that until a Christian receives this heart knowledge (knowing that they know that they know that God loves them personally)... what often occurs is obedience of "works"... following a list of do's and don'ts.
There is a distinct difference between hearing.... For God so loved the world... to .... God loves me... and I don't think anyone really blossoms until such a time.
This is the problem with judging salvation by works... humans only see the outside... and sometimes we struggle terribly... and fall so completely short for whatever reason... thus turning our backs on God. I believe He understands and sees absolutely everything... and HE has much compassion and GRACE.