Brother Mike
- Thread starter
- #121
Actually, the Trinity is there in Scripture.
Look at John's Gospel, especially chapters 13 thru 17; and at John's First Epistle, for example, and the end of Matthew 28. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all seen in these passages.
Any ecclesiastical boudy that tries to claim the credit for what is in Scripture itself is being rather too bold.
I am not arguing your studies or anyone else's studies. All 3 are seen, work as one, have always been, are a person and not it's, or things. I only gave the history of the Trinity Doctrine and it was first adopted by Rome, not the protestant Church. Rome at one point was against the idea of Trinity because the first incantations of it came from a non Christian view making Jesus a demi god of some sort.
The protestant church did not view the Trinity as scriptural so Rome makes a decree to punish those that don't take this view after they adopted what they felt acceptable. John Calvin is the earliest protestant version to be complete in the 15th century. That battle was on there for Ersimus to add the comma to the 3rd edition of the received text which was a gospel by John. Erismus (however you spell it) did not believe in a Trinity concept and felt that one document was a forgery but added it to keep the peace. His own words.
However, I don't find it scriptural to say that Jesus and the Father are just ONE GOD when there are Two of them. If God came down in the flesh (Creator Father) then He did not send His son but himself. The concept of what constitutes a "god" is the problem. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one Team. Trinity Doctrine is fine at that point. They are ONE GOD, then we have a issue.