Wow !Amen. I got the whole blast of legalism when a friend pressured me to attend a messianic Church. Before I continue I wish not to judge or offend members of such churches.
I'm talking about my own experiences. They believed in Jesus as sin of God and the promised Messiah BUT then they would celebrate lot of Jewish festivals and observations. I felt extremely uncomfortable in those gatherings . They referred to OT as Torah and mostly studied Torah every Saturday which was the Shabbat. Coming from a Bible based Church which was founded by mostly NASA employees who were strict about everything being Scriptural, and yes we were passionately partial towards JesusThat dynamic hadn't changed in my heart although I stopped going to Churches. Even my own Church until they stop teaching Easy Believism . Inspite of all that I was infinitely more comfortable in my Christian Church than the messianic Church. I told them what's the point in backsliding into legalism ? One of the premier reasons Jesus came was to end all this legalism and teach us how to observe the entire teachings of Father God and the Prophets , through " circumcision of the heart" ...turning away from sin and turning to Love and kindness . Loving the Father and the fellow human being would enable a true Christ follower to obey the entire Law and the teachings of the Prophets, taught Jesus. Apostle John repeats that message ( and the vital importance to become loving rather than hateful and judgmental).
I believe new wineand new wineskins will come. New generation always springs surprises and hope. They will sift the Word especially the words of Jesus and have interactive Churches, so that the risk of uniting in error is mitigated at least to some extent. Respectful and knowledgeable debates will lead to better understanding rather than dogmatic assertions of teachers .
It's so much easier to access information now. No room for mistakes and errors. May the Lord Christ's teachings , undiluted , unwareed prevail in the World is a sincere desire of the heart . One request I do make to all Churches . Put Christ's Words before anyone in the Bible, Dave Father God's words. In NT teachings repeatedly teach the four gospels , until the Churchgoer gets saturated with CHRIST. Obedience must be taught . Just thinking aloud here guys. I myself have founded an online ministry called Christ's Words First Ministries. Still in the process of developing a website . As the name suggests , it's all about concentrated teachings of Jesus, the perfect Son and reflection of the Father. Since I do not, and will not charge a penny in any form, I'm using my own funds to finance the Ministry which is taking forever to take off. I have founded a Meetup group in my city , to bring about Christ awareness. But Covid struck days after the group was formed. Still have 30 odd members. But Grace of God it will grow if God wills it. I wish nothing beyond His will . Everything must be conformed to His Will. All my prayers end in one line " Lord answer my prayer ONLY if it's thy will, else please do not . And no matter what Your. Will. Must. Be. Done!
It's an irony guys , I'm not liked by most family members in India due to I being a Christian and they being Hindus.
And Christians do not like me much either because of my interpretation of the Word. Quite a situation I'm in!!!. Not very pleasant I must say. Yet my comfort and reliance is the Lord. Simply obsessed with Jesus..Enough of this . Good night and God bless you. May the deep wisdom of the Lord permeate our hearts and souls and His Word go deep into our being. And as the Baptist says , which is a favorite perdition of mine, "Jesus must increase, but I must decrease...until only He's left in me and I'm gone .... That will be a happy day for me...when I finally depart.
Lots and lots of love to you and yours, friends .![]()
What a great testimony !
I too have left the "main-stream" churches in favor of one aligned with God's word.
We teach that a man can be free of sin, and to live perfectly, according to His word.
May the Lord bless your endeavors in Christ.