Adullam said:NT holiness is built on OT righteousness. What has been replaced is the law as a means to holiness. We receive the grace of God now to do this. This is only accomplished in Christ. God does not fill the unrighteous with His holiness. We must hold the truth IN righteousness. Those who advocate unrighteousness do not believe that repentance from dead works is a requirement to receiving the gift of The Holy Spirit.
How can the Holy Spirit abide in a vessel of unrighteousness? Sin separates us from God. Repentance is a work of righteousness. So we must display righteousness in order to be filled with HIS righteousness.
NT holiness is like an upper room that is built upon the main floor of OT righteousness. Unless OUR righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, we will be also rejected. It is unfortunate that the modern gospel needs to destroy righteousness in order to justify itself. Let the wise consider this!
I'm surprised you would think "our righteousness" could exceed that of the Pharisees. The point being, all men sin and come short of the glory of God. It is only the imputed righteousness of Christ that is given us when we are born again of the Spirit that enables us to be saved. We cannot display righteousness until we're filled with His righteousness. Only then can the fruit of the Holy Spirit be shown forth in our lives. It is not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saves us. A consequence of that will be the fruit.
We re His's foreordained that we should walk in good works. Those are His works through us (fruit of the Spirit).
Don't confuse those who merely "profess" to know God with the believer who will show forth the fruit of the Spirit.Ephesians 2:10 said:For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
He is purifying a people who will desire to please Him. Again, that does not mean we are yet perfect, in ourselves. It's Christ's righteousness in us...for all men fall short.Titus 1:16 said:They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
Titus 2:14 said:Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.