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Man Conceived Religions

Robert Pate

Did Jesus say that those who love him will keep his commands? Did John say that whoever doesn’t keep Jesus’s commands doesn’t know him and is a liar if they claim they do? Did Jesus command his disciples to go make others disciples and to teach them to observe what he commanded them?

Three simple questions. If you would reciprocate the respect and courtesy I've shown you in addressing your arguments by answering my questions, that would be great. Maybe this discussion could get somewhere.
The Apostles were ordinary men.
I'm not debating this with you. If that's how you feel OK.

No mention of a CC in the bible.
Is there a mention of the Assembly of God church? The Baptist Church?

Go to Rome someday and then tell me there's no proof. Not debating this.

I sure hope you know what a heresy is.

The CC is not a works religion. What makes you and others think that?
God identifies His people in the Bible, if He does not, He has no right to hold anyone accountable in their choice of how to serve Him. Jesus made it quite clear that requirements must be met for salvation Mat 7:21-23. So if those doing His will receive salvation, His will has to be found in the Bible.
They are all without an excuse, Romans 1:18-32. Hell is going to be one huge place.
Hi Bob, hell is very large sir, but won't it be great when those who reside in it are called back to life, and it is emptied? Then even better, having no more need of it, it gets cast into the lake of fire.
God identifies His people in the Bible, if He does not, He has no right to hold anyone accountable in their choice of how to serve Him. Jesus made it quite clear that requirements must be met for salvation Mat 7:21-23. So if those doing His will receive salvation, His will has to be found in the Bible.
You forgot verse 23 of Matthew 7.
It's a really important verse.

So who are God's people?
How are we to serve Him?
Hi Bob, hell is very large sir, but won't it be great when those who reside in it are called back to life, and it is emptied? Then even better, having no more need of it, it gets cast into the lake of fire.
I would like to believe that, but the Bible does not teach that.
You forgot verse 23 of Matthew 7.
It's a really important verse.

So who are God's people?
How are we to serve Him?
Actually I did include it in the post maam, although v21 gives the whole story.

I believe the Bible identifies God's people, do you? Would you like to go through some of the identifiers in the Bible Wonder?
I would like to believe that, but the Bible does not teach that.
Well Bob, I have great news for you sir: Re 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead that were in it; and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
Re 20:14 And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.

I realize this is a very new teaching to you Bob so you might instinctively reject what it says, but think about it in love, and it will begin to make sense I am sure. Would you like to discuss what the Bible really teaches hell is? My name is Bob as well.
Robert Pate

Did Jesus say that those who love him will keep his commands? Did John say that whoever doesn’t keep Jesus’s commands doesn’t know him and is a liar if they claim they do? Did Jesus command his disciples to go make others disciples and to teach them to observe what he commanded them?

Three simple questions. If you would reciprocate the respect and courtesy I've shown you in addressing your arguments by answering my questions, that would be great. Maybe this discussion could get somewhere.
Sure. Under the New Covenant God's people do not live by laws, rules, commandments or religion. This is why Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. The reason that the just shall live by faith is because Jesus is the end and the fulfillment of the Old Covenant the law and the Jewish religion. This is why Paul wrote, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone that believes" Romans 10:4. Christians are not law keeping Pharisees. They are Spirit led children of God. They live by faith in Christ and his Gospel.

All that are trusting in Jesus for their salvation are "In Christ". God sees them in Christ. As far as God is concerned Jesus has defeated sin, death and the devil and now sits in heaven as "The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" Revelation 19:16. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ" Colossians 2:10. No laws, rules or religion needed.
Well Bob, I have great news for you sir: Re 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead that were in it; and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
Re 20:14 And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.

I realize this is a very new teaching to you Bob so you might instinctively reject what it says, but think about it in love, and it will begin to make sense I am sure. Would you like to discuss what the Bible really teaches hell is? My name is Bob as well.
Not really. The reason is that God is a God of judgment. The Bible is full of God's judgment. The lake of fire is where the souls of the lost will be tormented. I don't like the idea of eternal suffering, but the Bible teaches it. Mark 9:43-48.
Sure. Under the New Covenant God's people do not live by laws, rules, commandments or religion. This is why Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. The reason that the just shall live by faith is because Jesus is the end and the fulfillment of the Old Covenant the law and the Jewish religion. This is why Paul wrote, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone that believes" Romans 10:4. Christians are not law keeping Pharisees. They are Spirit led children of God. They live by faith in Christ and his Gospel.

All that are trusting in Jesus for their salvation are "In Christ". God sees them in Christ. As far as God is concerned Jesus has defeated sin, death and the devil and now sits in heaven as "The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" Revelation 19:16. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ" Colossians 2:10. No laws, rules or religion needed.
Sure what? Are you going to answer the questions or not?
Actually I did include it in the post maam, although v21 gives the whole story.

I believe the Bible identifies God's people, do you? Would you like to go through some of the identifiers in the Bible Wonder?

Yes, some identifiers would be good.

But let's look at Matthew 7.

Matthew 7:19-23
19“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20“So then, you will know them by their fruits.
21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
22“Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’
23“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’

Verse 19 Jesus spoke about wood being cut down and if it didn't have any purpose.
Verse 20 We can know THEM (followers of Jesus) by their fruits (and false prophets)
Verse 21 It's not enough to call LORD, LORD, but we must also do the will of God to enter heaven.
Verse 23 Jesus never knew them, because they PRACTICED LAWLESSNESS. (they did not obey Him).

Verse 23 tells us who verse 21 (the one you feel is most important) will enter into heaven.

I'm not sure yet if you agree...
I did answer the question. You don't like the answer.
You responded but you didn’t answer the questions. You dodged, again. I clearly asked three questions, each of which only require a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.
Nobody is required to respond to anyone's question. This is not a court of law. It is a discussion.