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Non-Virgin/Born-Again Virgins Christians intermarrying with Christian Virgins.


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It's hard to ignore a question that hasn't been asked.
To ignore someone is really ignorant, if you ignored your enemy(which is to turn your back) you will be vulnerable and be stabbed in the back and die. Do not be a fool, do not ignore people. Also it is very displeasing to God when you ignore 1 of your own blood brothers(Christian Brother), Did Christ ignore people? Did God ignore/forsaken Man. I ask you to become more Christ-Like and less like Man.
Speaking of being rude, you may want to reread your posts before making accusations.
I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to speak the truth and to Say what it has directed me to say. If you or anyone here is against what the Holy Spirit has posted through me, than I suggest you talk to God, because I am clearly a messenger of God. So far the responses I have read to the posts that the Holy Spirit has posted through me are rude and offensive.
It is not I who accuse you or anyone else.

One of the passages that God gave my fiance was;

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
I Love that verse. Thank You for sharing.
Also, whilst praying on it I just felt God say "she is from me" so that combined with everything my fiance got we are happy God has brought us together.
I question what you felt, did you test the spirit that was telling you this? as flawed human beings our feelings and thoughts are Evil and our heart is Evil. We cannot trust our feelings.
Yes we are very different but I've been forgiven for my past, my fiance knows my past and I hide nothing.
I understand that you are saying God has forgiven your past and your fiance knows your past and that you hide nothing. that is Good.
Have you read Leviticus 21:1-15 which talks about the Holiness of the Priests?
These commands that were given by God to Moses and we as Christians Follow Moses and Christ. The Apostles followed these commands and carried them over to the NT(See 1Timothy 3;Titus 1:5-9). It is said that the Priests were to marry Virgin women, because they have not become defiled. The Lord said that Priests are Holy and are to be set apart because it is Yahweh who sets them apart. These Priests are Virgins and have not defiled themselves. The Priests are Holy and are required to marry Virgin women because they are Holy and not defiled. If you are not a Virgin sir than you are Defiled and no longer a Virgin, ask for Forgiveness all that you want and it will be given to you, but you will not become a Virgin again. The Lord has set apart those who are Holy because it is Yahweh who sets them apart.

I am here to admonish my brothers and sisters, wither they like or dislike what His Spirit is doing through me. I will do what my God asks of me, even if many hate me for it, including those who claim to be my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

“Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” Proverbs 27:6
For what I have read many praise you and congratulate you on you and you fiancé, however the Holy Spirit Instructed you through me, that what you are doing is wrong and displeasing to God. For what I have read it’s as if you prefer the multiple kisses which is pleasing to you, and not what is pleasing to God.

Do you remember the Story of Micaiah and Ahab. Ahab asked 400 of his Prophets if he should go to war and they said he should and that it was the Lord’s will. But Micaiah a Prophet the King Disliked, because he went against what the King wanted to do. He said the other Prophets were lying to him and that if he went to war he would die. The King did die, because he chose to listen to those who agreed with him and what he wanted to do, instead of God who spoke through Micaiah who disagreed with him and what he was wanting to do.

God Bless you.
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Luke 15
"3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

Does it bring joy to the Lord when we do not follow his ways? No. It brings joy to Him and all of Heaven when a sinner confesses and repents of his/her sins. It brings joy to Him when one is found who once was lost. Nicholas, you have sinned, just as the rest of us have. Are you to be thrown in a heap of "lesser thans" because you made some wrong choices? Should those wrong choices you made weigh you down in spite of the fact that you confessed and repented of your sins? NO!! You are NOT a lesser than! The Bible is full of pillars of our faith that fell down and by the grace of God, stood back up - every king, every prophet, every apostle. God used them in spite of their flaws. Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

It does not matter to God what they once were. It matters to Him who they ARE IN CHRIST. It is not our place to saddle them with baggage God has released them from!

In my role as admin, I want to remind you that you may not dictate who can and cannot participate in a thread. It is not your place to even suggest that they do not participate. You have been given Godly responses here, and I have seen you lash back with hostility because you didn't agree with answers you were receiving. If you were bent on making a point and defending it against opposing views, Christian Talk & Advice was not the appropriate forum to start your thread in. There is no debating and arguing in this forum.

Since this has not followed the rules for the CT&A from the very beginning, I am thinking of moving this thread to the Apologetics & Theology Forum. If it is moved, you will be free to argue against the fullness of God's Forgiveness there, but you will not determine who will and won't participate in any discussion. As long as it stays in the CT&A, this must be discussed without arguing.

Here is one more chance to keep this discussion within the confines of this forum.

Thank you.

The Apostles carried over this command Leviticus 21:1-15 into the NT in the book of Timothy and Titus. Notice how it says Yahweh has set them apart, not that they set themselves apart. If you have anything against which The Holy Spirit is speaking through me, I suggest you talk to God. Though all Christians are in Christ, many are given different ranks, just because some are of a much more higher rank than others, doesn't mean they are loved more. Make note Mike that this Topic has nothing to do with Forgiveness! It's as if you believe like so many believe that just because their forgiven they can do whatever they want. that is misleading.

This topic belongs here because it is advice. I'm not here to argue but to admonish and give advice.
I wanted to reply to this post the other day because I saw several misunderstandings of Scripture within the mind of a brother - but I held back because, like Mike has said, this forum is for talk and advice and not debate. That being the case, I'm not sure what advice is being sought, perhaps none. The OP contains the invitation, "let the discussion begin," and perhaps the purpose is only to stimulate non-debate type talk here.

With that in mind, I'd like to 2nd Questdriven's last post and say that God does not create categories or classes of people in order to give more respect to one group of people over any other. If a man thinks too highly of himself because he does not tell lies, then is he better than another man who thinks too highly of himself but doesn't steal?
I believe in equality however in scripture God talks about how some people are set apart from one another in the Church(See Leviticus 21:1-5). The Apostle carried that command over to the book of Timothy and Titus. This comes from Scripture. I'm not making this stuff up.

It is YOU who assert this to be of utmost importance, not I. I have no answer because I don't see where even Jesus Himself asserted that it "must be this way".
I take you back AGAIN to His remark to the woman at the well.

And we both agree that it is BEST for ALL that only two virgins marry - my position is that it just simply won't always be that way, you, on the other hand, refuse to even address my point.
Though we are flawed just because we are flawed, should we not try to become perfect as God intends us to be? God calls us to be Holy and Perfect! sure I believe in Idealism, I believe things should have order and Justice! If we do not strive for what is right which is equal weight than we support chaos. its that simple. though we try not to sin, we will sometimes sin, but she would give up and not try to become sinless, so that we can stand before God sinless and without blemish? I say No. Let us strive for perfection so that we can be with God.
To me that is wrong. We are all equal in Christ. If you really think virginity is the only quality you are looking for in your partner then you will probably find nobody at all.
God is my Life partner and after life Partner. I wouldn't even marry a person if they were a believer in Christ and a Virgin. God has other plans for me.

The Topic is Titled Christian Non-Virgins/Born-Again Virgins intermarrying with Christian Virgins. Notice how I put Christians in the title.
I believe Faith plays a big part in marriage too.
God's perfect will for us is that both should be virgins. IT avoids the pain that sin brings to us. Someone who has been a theif all his life but is saved, brings a history of bad company and bad habits to overcome. It is easier to for a Christian to marry someone with no baggage, no criminal past, but this is not always God's plan for us. When Peter refused to eat the unclean animals God told him to eat, God said let no man consider to be unclean that which God has declared clean. When we come to Christ God makes us new creatures in Him .
Jesus said he who is forgiven much loves much. A person who deep down knows he is a dirty no good rotton sinner saved by grace in not self righteous and his thankful love toward God is greater as well as his humble love toward other Christians.
God has removed the sin of every born again Christian and declaired him clean. HE has also removed the sin of every repentant sinner and promised to cleanse him from all unrighteosness. IN God's eyes they are clean and we can marry them. IT just means that they have much to overcome. SAtan's accusations cause a lot of guilt from the past, and since they are half truths we often don't recognize them for what they are.
SOme people have bad habits they struggle with for much of their lives. Smoking, pornography, bad language are habits that are difficult for some people to overcome. IT is better to marry someone without bad habits but we all come with baggage. Those of us raised in Christian homes and with few bad habits are tempted to be self-righteous and condemning toward those who struggle with bad habits, no realizing that their intollarant attitudes are often far worse in God's eyes.
So yes, if you are a virgin it is best to seek another virgin to marry, but there is nothing in the New Testament that says we should do this. WE live under grace and are told only to marry other believers in Christ. We do not longer live under old testament law. I know your pastor means well. HE has counseled many marriages and wants to spare you pain. But the reality is that the only requirement is that we marry only other unmarried Christian.
Our sons married girls who were saved after sinning with other men. One girl had a child by someone else and this has created division among their children. Our son was also made to to feel like he wasn't her real dad even though he raised her from a toddler, solely supported her and adopted her. It really hurts him. Our other son married someone who had an abortion before she was saved. In fact, this is what God used to convict her of sin and lead her to Himself. But she still grieves the loss of this child. Both of these girls are beautiful Christians who really love the Lord and who are raising their children to love and serve God.
So I do hope you avoid fornication yourself. It is still sin to have sex outside of marriage. It is right to keep yourself for your bride and avoid the guilt and misery of sin.

At the Beginning you started off nicely, but then you went off course. God's Perfect will for us is that both should be virgins. No if,and,or,but's. It is plain and clear, we are to do the will of God and just in case you missed some of my posts that pointed this our including the 1st, which States that I will not be getting married, because I have given my chastity and Life to the Lord. For The Lord Jesus Christ has other plans for me.
This was an interesting thread. I don't disagree with you as strongly as some people did. I don't think being a virgin or not doesn't have meaning. Or that never having sex is something God will not honor. I think the gift you have of being asexual has caused you to become judgmental about this. Someone with the gift of humility could judge people who boast. Someone slow to anger could judge people with a rage problem. It's different wanting to marry another virgin than calling non-virgins thieves. What label would fit you? It kind of reminds me of the people fasting and then making a show of it. I'd be careful about thinking highly of yourself for your faithfulness sexually or judging others about it. You might lose your reward for it.

I'm not judgmental. If you find some of the sentences in the posts judgmental, they do not come from me, but from God. I do believe that the Lord blesses us and rewards us, but measures it and dispenses it equally.
You have to be careful not to ADD things to the bible. There is no such thing as a born again virgin.. If you decide to remain a virgin for life...that is your choice but please do not try to make the bible say things that it does not say.

Remember this Revelation 22: 18
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book."

This is referring to the book of Revelation but this principle is clear..DO NOT ADD OR TAKE AWAY...our ways are not God;s neither are his thoughts ours.

I didn't come up with the Born-Again Virgin thing, that's people who claim to be Christians came up with, its a title for a person who thinks that they become born-again and baptized that they think their a virgin again. As a Virgin and a Christian I find it insulting. BTW I don't add to the Bible, I read the Bible daily and the Lord gives me guidance. I wouldn't post if God wasn't telling me too.
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I asked you not to participate dear friend, because you did not know what this discussion is about and couldn't contribute to it. When you do come to understanding and can contribute to the discussion, please I urge you to come back.


You seem to be taking pride in the fact that you are a virgin...Christ came to save sinners...despite the fact that you are a virgin you are a SINNER. Humility is a thing to cultivate...but God hates pride.

"Again, pride is the maddest thing that can exist; it feeds upon its own vitals; it will take away its own life, that with its blood may make a purple for its shoulders: it sappeth, and undermineth its own house that it may build its pinnacles a little higher, and then the whole structure tumbleth down. Nothing proves men so made as pride. For this they have given up rest, and ease, and repose, to find rank and power among men: for this they have dared to risk their hope of salvation, to leave the gentle yoke of Jesus, and go toiling wearily along the way of life, seeking to save themselves by their own works, and at last to stagger into the mire of fell despair. Oh! man, hate pride, flee from it, abhor it, let it not dwell with thee. If thou wantest to have a madman in thy heart, embrace pride, for thou shalt never find one more mad than he."
C.H. Spurgeon
I am humble and I try my best to remain that way. I raise up the name of Jesus Christ, more than my own self. I consider others better than myself. I am unworthy of a Wife and Children. I am unworthy of life and only worthy of punishment and death. I don't have pride, because it is what almost killed me and I gave it up and asked God to take it away. Many of my friends and family and those who don't know me personally will say that I am Humble and consider others better than me. I might sin like others, but I'm a quick repenter and give praise to those who do the will of God. I carry my Cross and Stand Convicted by God.
I am humble and I try my best to remain that way. I raise up the name of Jesus Christ, more than my own self. I consider others better than myself. I am unworthy of a Wife and Children. I am unworthy of life and only worthy of punishment and death. I[/B] don't have pride, because it is what almost killed me and I gave it up and asked God to take it away. Many of my friends and family and those who don't know me personally will say that I am Humble and consider others better than me. I might sin like others, but I'm a quick repenter and give praise to those who do the will of God. I carry my Cross and Stand Convicted by God.

You mentioned the letter I ten (10) times.

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Since the OP can not work within the guidelines of the CT&A, this thread has been moved to the A&T.
Though we are flawed just because we are flawed, should we not try to become perfect as God intends us to be? God calls us to be Holy and Perfect! sure I believe in Idealism, I believe things should have order and Justice! If we do not strive for what is right which is equal weight than we support chaos. its that simple. though we try not to sin, we will sometimes sin, but she would give up and not try to become sinless, so that we can stand before God sinless and without blemish? I say No. Let us strive for perfection so that we can be with God.
Now you move to obfuscation. Your post changes the subject, because your original, insulting and manipulative post was refuted.

An intelligent discussion is not possible with you.

You are a "Christian" example of "The Woo-woo Credo"; I never thought I'd encounter such a personality on the internet. :toofunny
2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

First a marriage should never be based on sex, but needs to be Christ centered as we wait patiently for God to join the two together. I've been married three times so does that mean I am not under Gods grace as being a Spiritually born-again child of God who has wiped my slate of sin clear and has given me a new beginning. Unfortunately I never waited for God to send me the right husband in the first two marriages and in my case they ended in disaster, but did wait patiently in the third and for 15 years now with this marriage being Christ centered God has truly blessed this union, even though neither one of us were a virgin. How would God expect two Christians not being evenly yoked by being virgins to ever get married. This would leave many of us going against Gods will if this were true as what you have stated.
Don't judge others, period.

If they are not a virgin, that is between them and God.

James 4:12 There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that you be not judged.

John 8:7 Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone...

Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly...
I consider others better than myself.

Why? The Bible says we are all equal and one in Christ (paraphrase).

I am unworthy of a Wife and Children.

I am unworthy of life and only worthy of punishment and death.
Why? You were bought by the Blood of the Lamb. The old man in you was certainly only worthy of punishment and death (as Graham Cooke likes to say, "You were so bad that God had to kill you!"), but the new creation in Christ is sinless and spotless--deemed worthy in Christ to rule as heir with Him.

Well, God bless you!

the Lord's
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Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
..How would God expect two Christians not being evenly yoked by being virgins to ever get married. This would leave many of us going against Gods will if this were true as what you have stated.

for his glory:

The point is, being cleansed with the precious blood of Christ, and having this in common. If for a first marriage virginity is there too, then so much the better (less psychological baggage, maybe), but it's not strictly necessary.
Forgive me if this has been covered already. I haven't read all six pages int this thread.

What about Mark 10:11-12?


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