HI Kidron,
There's so much misinformation going around. Sometimes it makes me dizzy.
Regarding predestination, I agree 100% with Nathan and JLB and Jim Parker and others. The God Calvin presents us with is not the God I know. He changed totally God's character, His mercy and justice, and left us with a God I feel no one could love or serve (but apparently I'm wrong as some do).
And regarding OSAS, eternal life, or whatever you want to call it, I don't know anyone that says you lose salvation by NOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH, as you stated up above --- which I highlighted.
Salvation is lost when one stops believing and having saving faith in Jesus - which is what saved them in the first place and what must be present to be in God's presence. Jesus literally saves us.
I believe you're mixing this up with WORKS.
Some say works are not necessary. This is also wrong. Anything we do for God can be called works. I don't know why it's such a bad word lately. Maybe the hyper grace movement has something to do with it.
We ARE called to do good works. Not for salvation, but because Jesus commanded us to and if we want to be followers of His, then we must do what he instructed and commanded.
Do you see the difference?
I would not be the one to insist that you follow the pope or john calvin or Arminianism.
I dont have much to do with any of that stuff.
Both the pope and Calvin had people murdered.
JCalvin has his "tulip" doctrinal thing going., and many are in that theological ditch.
Me, not being one of them.
Tho, the Tulip is my favorite flower..
Too bad its associated with JCalvin.
And that you agree with some of the people on this forum who are trying to save themselves.........or confuse other believers regarding who saved them.
Not much i can do about that, wondering.
You are a free will agent, and you will pursue what you choose.
Same as the rest of us.
And regarding "works',...the works you do , that you are to do, as a Christian.
You are to do them, but we are never to misunderstand or imply or believe that Salvation has anything to do with the works performed by a Christian Disciple.
This is why Paul explains that redemption its of Fatih and not of Debt. Romans 4:4.
And all who are tripping over OSAS, have not studied that scripture or .. Romans 4:8
See, once a person starts trying to teach that works are critical to maintaining what God has freely given, then out goes the Cross and in come the self righteousness.
Self Righteousness.....Is "trying to make self RIGHT with God".....instead of believing only on Jesus who is the only one who can make us Righteous.
A question that all Christians should ask themselves is...."what am i trusting to get me to heaven if i died right now".
And if the first thing that comes to mind is the epistle of James and some scripture about "works" or "enduring", then that Christian is so in the dark that the darkness is consuming them.
So, yep, we ARE to maintain Good works, but Salvation is not achieved or maintained by them.
Salvation is a Gift.,and you cant earn a Gift or keep a Gift by works.
And here is the other thing.
Once a person starts teaching that Faith saves you, so you much hold onto it, or be damned, then that person is now trusting in faith as their personal savior, instead of trusting in God who saved them ONCE, when they gave Him the faith which caused Him to regenerate them. once.
So, being Born Again, is the end result of God accepting Faith, and then regenerating them ONCE.
This is why in J0hn , Jesus sad we are to be "born again"....(singular) and never did He ever say this happens more then once.
It cant., as birth can only happen 2x in a person's life.......When they are born from the womb with blood following, and 2nd, when they are "Born from Above" because blood was SHED by Jesus.
We are not "being born again, we ARE already born again (if we are saved)....and you cant undo a birth by your behavior AFTER you are born.
Its impossible.
All you can do after you are born, is live till you die., but you can't undo being born.
So, regeneration, (being born again), is the literal eternal result of God accepting your faith, once, and in return HE saved us, eternally.
Faith does not save.
Faith is not the Savior.
Faith didnt hang on a cross.
There is no redeeming blood found in Faith.
Nails were not driven into Faith.
Faith did not wear a crown of Thorns.
Faith is NOT the savior.
All Faith does, is meet the one time "convicted by the holy spirit" requirement that God requires of you to then SAVE YOU because you did what he told you to do to be "saved".
It happens only once.
All faith does, is release God to Save us., and He DID, once..... if we are saved.