More circles we are creation you said.. He is the potter while according to what you are saying we are not clay.. The potter is throwing a cup and the clay says nope i am a bowl .. wait no He fore knew it to be a cup but not predestined it to be so He let the clay choose ...
This does not matter as it is not a point of salvation IMO
No, not intrinsically a point of salvation. But it is a matter of faith. I'd rather talk about this than watch a movie.
I don't think we say what we are going to be, or what will happen to us. I fully believe that He creates some pots for filling with 'bad' stuff, and some for filling with 'good' stuff.
If I am a pot that was made to be filled with bad stuff, then why does that mean He cannot give me the choice to believe in Him? What if I am the pot made for good stuff, can He not allow me the choice to believe in Him?
I like to know things like this so when I am talking with others(not online) I can carry on a conversation without the "I'll have to get back to you on that one" statements.
Plus, the one 'fault' and potential pitfall of "traditional" predestination/election doctrine is the idea that God is going to take you into eternal life, no matter what, if you are one of the "ones" predestined and elected. This is dangerous, as I see it, on two points. And doesn't make any sense on a third.
1. It lends to doubt in weak believers who are unsteady in their faith. If they are not 'sure' of their faith because they don't 'feel' like God predestined them, then there is potential to walk away.
2. It lends to those who are predisposed to sinful pride in having them believe that no matter what they do in life, it won't effect the end outcome.
3. It negates the need for all the NT letters to believers. If God has a plan(He does) but we don't have a choice in any of it, then once we believe we are "predestined" there is no need for anything else. We just have to wait till we die.
So that's why I like to talk about it.