Dorothy Mae
- May 23, 2020
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- Thread starter
- #41
How would you know that? Can you provide evidence of any nation ever bitterly mourning, say longer than 1000 years ago? Does that mean no nation ever did?Nobody believes that the nation Israel, " House of David ", has ever mourned bitterly for Him who they pierced .
The Day of the Judgement of God on those pierced Him. Jesus said they’d see it.The " early church saw it " where & when ?
I would love to hear the detailing of this great day of mourning, and what caused this bitter mourning of the entire nation Israel to happen?
Where is the concept “accepting Jesus” in those prophesies? Where does this idea that one fine day all the lucky Jews, 100%, who happened to be alive will “accept Jesus” and be very sorry they killed him when they didn’t kill him come from? Do Jews who become believers evidence mourning because those in the first century killed him? Do Gentiles mourn when they “accept Jesus?” I’ve heard the testimonies of both and I can’t recall anyone mourning that Jesus had been killed 2000+ years ago.The entire " House of David" mourning bitterly as one for crucifying Jesus and accepting Him as, " an only son " would have to be an event very well documented, yet I and no one else has ever heard of it ?