For he beareth not the sword in vain -
The “sword†is an instrument of punishment, as well as an emblem of war. Princes were accustomed to wear a sword as an emblem of their authority; and the “sword†was often used for the purpose of “beheading,†or otherwise punishing the guilty. The meaning of the apostle is, that he does not wear this badge of authority as an unmeaningful show, but that it will be used to execute the laws. As this is the design of the power intrusted to him, and as he will “exercise†his authority, people should be influenced “by fear†to keep the law, even if there were no better motive.
A revenger ... -
In Rom_12:19, vengeance is said to belong to God. Yet he “executes†his vengeance by means of subordinate agents. It belongs to him to take vengeance by direct judgments, by the plague, famine, sickness, or earthquakes; by the appointment of magistrates; or by letting loose the passions of people to prey upon each other. When a magistrate inflicts punishment on the guilty, it is to be regarded as the act of God taking vengeance “by him;†and on this principle only is it right for a judge to condemn a man to death. It is not because one man has by nature any right over the life of another, or because “society†has any right collectively which it has not as individuals; but because “God†gave life, and because he has chosen to take it away when crime is committed by the appointment of magistrates, and not by coming forth himself visibly to execute the laws. Where “human†laws fail, however, he often takes vengeance into his own hands, and by the plague, or some signal judgments, sweeps the guilty into eternity.
-Albert Barnes
a revenge to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil;
he is a defender of the laws, a vindicator of divine justice, an avenger of the wrongs of men; and his business is to inflict proper punishment, which is meant by wrath, upon delinquents.
- John Gill
Rom 13:4 The sword -
The instrument of capital punishment, which God authorizes him to inflict.
-John Wesley
For he is the minister of God, a revenger -
???? ???????? ????? ???????, For he is God’s vindictive minister, to execute wrath; ??? ?????, to inflict punishment upon the transgressors of the law; and this according to the statutes of that law; for God’s civil ministers are never allowed to pronounce or inflict punishment according to their own minds or feeling, but according to the express declarations of the law.
-Adam Clarke