Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
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What do you mean by 'takes the law away'?...I have found that this Royal law of Love by which the Holy Spirit sheds the love of God abroad in our hearts by faith In Christ Jesus takes the works of the law away.
If you mean it takes away the way of the law, meaning the love of God written on our hearts replaces the old way of only reading about the love of God in the written code, then I understand. But if you mean love takes away the requirement itself to satisfy the commands of the law to love I don't see that at all. That's not even logical.
Exactly what I've been saying. "(F)aith expressing itself through love" (Galatians 5:6 NIV) KEEPS the law, not abolishes it (Romans 13:8-10 NIV). You said it, but then you say the law is abolished by God's love in our hearts through faith in Christ. That only makes sense if you mean the WAY of the law--written words dictated to us on stone and paper, powerless to change anybody--is what is set aside by the this new WAY of the Spirit inside of us writing the commands of the law on our hearts and minds.For if I have and abide in the love of God, I don't steal or sleep with your wife. Love conquers all and by which the law is kept...
How does doing right by others, because you love them, abolish the doing right? Obviously you mean it abolishes doing right in the old WAY of obeying mere written words in the power of your own strength and a higher standard than set in the OT but at the same time abolished as only one law now to keep, and that is Love God with all and love your neighbor.
Certainly even you can see that what you mean, but may not realize, is that you are saying the WAY of doing right is what is laid aside, not the doing right itself. I challenge you to prove to me that 'do not murder', or 'love your neighbor as yourself' have been abolished by now having the love of God in our hearts through faith in Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit causing us to 'do not murder' and 'love your neighbor as yourself'. It's clear that faith in Christ is a new WAY that fulfills the very same requirements of the law (and then some), not abolishes them, and replaces the old WAY of fulfilling those requirements of the law, not the requirements themselves.
'Tooth for tooth' has not been abolished. That is an eternal principle of God's justice. Christ is the 'tooth for tooth, life for life, skin for skin, eye for eye' that God's holiness and justice demands.For Jesus said it's not longer a tooth for a tooth, there is a higher law, and that is Love.
The requirement did not get abolished. It got fulfilled to God's complete and total satisfaction, forever, through our faith in the work of Christ to meet and satisfy that lawful demand of God's justice. Just another example of how Christ came to fulfill, not abolish, the requirements of the law.
What got laid aside is the old WAY that requirement of God's justice was doled out, and by whom. But the requirement stands firm and eternal, unmoved by the change of covenant from that of the way of literal fulfillment through the law of Moses, to that of the way of spiritual fulfillment through faith in Christ, of which the literal Mosaic way only pointed to.
I'd be shocked if you found anything to argue against in anything I've said.
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