As I showed you, the author is exhorting these believers not to give into persecution. To take the "great conflict of sufferings", the "partly by being made a public spectacle", the "reproaches and tribulations" and the "becoming sharers with those who were so treated" out of your exegesis of Heb 10 is to miss the entire point, which is what you are doing.Right, you are not getting it.
I'm showing you that God is patient in turning the former believer over to the consequence of their unbelief--lose of justification. Your argument is that they lost it the second they did not believe anymore. The letters to the churches in the Bible do not support your doctrine. They support mine as I am showing you.
Sorry, but the exact words are "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, (Heb 10:26 NASB)No.
Behavior only signifies the belief that effects justification all by itself. As John point out in 1 John 3:7-10, your righteousness shows you are righteous (justified). Your unrighteousness shows you are not righteous (not justified).
It doesn't say "if we stop believing" we lose justification, but "if we go on sinning" we lose justification. Again, to imply, for no textual reason, that the author means "behavior only signifies the belief that effects justification all by itself", is to miss the entire point here, which is what you are doing.