I said this....
Adam took things into his own hands, rather than trusting God.
Which reminds me that Sarah and Abraham took it upon themselves to get Abraham a son, Ishmael. That didn't work out so well.
And Rebecca and Jacob knew Jacob was to inherit, but instead of waiting on God to provide the way, they lied and deceived. Look what that mistake caused Jacob to go through.
But if there is the guarantee that none will fare better than the other, how do you explain that if not for irresistible corruption that overcomes our freedom - that then needs an irresistible grace to set us free again and to safeguard against such corruption?
Why do you think that Adam couldn't have chosen to obey?
You believe you were saved by an irresistible grace. So why are you not
Always able to resist sin? Does God give irresistible grace for salvation and then take away that same grace and give another kind of grace?
And quite obviously God's purposes wouldn't have directly willed man to sin - His purposes would have factored the inevitable fall on course to realizing His plan - and that is to gather a people for Himself in Christ, who have true knowledge of Him in love through faith. Is it your belief that God somehow was surprised with the fall of man into sin and that He had to improvise then?
Why do you believe God could not have had a people for Himself if Adam had not sinned? He said go forth and multiply. Couldn't Adam and Eve have done that in the garden?
You seem to think that what man does, does not have anything to do with what God does. And yet scripture clearly tells us otherwise.
God says He plants and He plucks up and what man does determines whether God plants or plucks up.
God planted Adam and Eve in the garden and because of what they did, God plucked them up out of the garden and planted them outside in the thorns and thistles. That principle repeats itself through out the scriptures.
When God started the whole thing and created man in His image and likeness, a man who could think his own thoughts, feel his own feelings, and make his own decisions, God knew His creation and knew that eventually man would not choose correctly.
Because man is not God. Man would need a Redeemer and a Lord that he could identify with, the Son of Man. God in the flesh. Who would stand up against temptation, and die in the flesh for man, and be resurrected for man. All of which glorifies God. We have an awesome, awesome God.
It is my understanding that God is in the business of restoration. When one is saved what are they being restored to? Is it the condition and relationship to God that Adam had before the fall? Not that sanctification (restoration) it will be completely achieved before one leaves this world.