- Apr 2, 2003
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The irony of the whole situation is that you have interpreted the Bible, even while denying it. I am quite certain that your Baptist friend would have agreed with me. It is only because you don't understand what interpretation is that you think one can read it without interpreting it at some level. But you have unknowingly proved my point more than once in these forums. I could prove it to you but I guess I expect people to actually put some thought into the matter and figure it out for themselves.My scholarly Christian friends agree with you to a man. Except one. Some are Catholics. I expect such a response from them. It's according to their Tradition. And they add a very reasonable corollary. There has to be an authoritative interpreter. Otherwise one ends up with chaos. And almost 500 years of Protestantism has proven them right. So why am I not a Catholic? I guess because the one who originally gave me a Bible to read was a Protestant. Who never once indicated he believed in interpretation. He gave me the Bible and said read it. What you need to know is there. He was a Baptist. If he still lived, I would ask his advice on how to deal with this kind of situation. He didn't tell me while he was alive. So I deal with it the best I can. Obviously everyone on this forum agrees with you. At least no one has said otherwise.
I suppose not since once the deity of the Holy Spirit is implied once the argument to the deity of Jesus is made.There's a difference?
I really don't know what you are referring to here. No one has said you are trying to change peoples' minds.I really hate it when Christians are so predictable. Especially right after I tell them what they will do. And you did exactly what I said you would do. I take no pleasure in that.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind here. I know it's not possible. A couple of billion strong not possible.
But this being one of the two things of importance to me. In relation to Christianity. What you said was just a natural stepping stone.
If that nonsense was your silly attempt at trying to show "how unreasonable it is to follow an interpreted Bible," then it once again shows that you do not understand what interpretation is, nor how one goes about deeper interpretation.How could I pass up such an opportunity? I had to put it out there. How unreasonable it is to follow an interpreted Bible. In the exact way that I did. I know the rest is out of my hands.
Having to interpret Scripture, or rather being unable to avoid interpreting it, has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the Bible is the word of God.If I'm wrong and you're right, then I have to acknowledge the Bible isn't what it's claimed to be. The written word of God. Can't be. It's just more writings of men. Deceitful men? Don't know. I doubt that many religious writings are purposefully written with the intention to deceive. Maybe what they wrote seemed real to them at the time. Just like your interpretations seem real to you right now. I don't see any indication that it's your purpose to deceive. Any more than I think you are unsaved simply because you choose to believe in an interpretation or that interpretation is inevitable. I said that for effect. Think about it kind of an effect. Using your kind of argument.
I'm not saying that interpretations of the Bible are necessary, although there are many times when it is, I'm saying that the very act of reading it is to interpret it at a basic level.You've only made a statement. Impossible to read the Bible without interpreting it. And since I'm the one who says that the Bible can be understood without adding any interpretations, the burden of proof is on you to prove that the additions of interpretations are necessary.
I will, right below.You've never tried to prove it. I don't think you can.
Voila! Proven by your statement. Such personal pronouns in the OT are statements of monotheism, not necessarily the nature of God. But you have interpreted the OT to say that God isn't triune, despite there actually being nothing in the OT that precludes God from being triune, and despite the NT making it fairly clear that he is.Any more than you can prove a Triune God should or did use personal pronouns to refer to himself.
In a sense you are correct. There is absolutely no way for anyone to get the fullness of Scripture without interpreting it in the way you are thinking. There is a need for deep and thorough interpretation but there is no way for it to ever be completely objective. But even at a basic level of interpretation, which we all do, it still is subjective. That's just the nature of reading the Bible and it in no way whatsoever means that the Bible isn't the word of God.Because the Bible plus interpretation can't be thought by any rational man to be the Bible alone.
If you have iTunes, I highly recommend listening to these: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/itunes-u/principles-for-biblical-interpretation/id426800662?mt=10
There are also three broadcasts here on biblical interpretation, on the right hand side, which you can listen to online: http://www.whitehorseinn.org/