Free #30
And as I've said before, I think you're dead wrong on this issue. I'm not questioning the fact that you are in fact interpreting the Bible. I'm questioning your right to do so. I wouldn't care, if it weren't for another fact, that it is a matter of life and death.
To think that what the Bible plainly says, that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life is literally true; is that just an interpretation? How much plainer must the Bible be for you not to interpret it. Do you think that God gave man a Bible, purported to be a revelation from God to man for the good of man, that is so hard to understand that he must interpret it to understand it? Making his salvation dependent not on faith in what God has provided, but on the hope the interpretation that he follows is the correct one?
John 14 was said to Jews and was only meant for the Jews. Likewise Acts 4:12. God's messiah for God's chosen people. Has nothing to do with Gentiles at all. Paul misinterpreted what Jesus sent him to do and started a religion for the Gentiles. We only have his own word and the word of his buddy Luke to say it isn't so. A religion that uses the name of Jesus Christ. A Christian religion. And the formulation of the Trinity three hundred years after Paul is just part of that religion. For the Gentiles, there is no Messiah. Except the one of their own devising. Salvation won't be for the Gentiles until the messiah of the Jews returns again to set up his thousand year reign on the earth. They're still dead in their sins until God says otherwise.
How's that for an even narrower view than Calvinism. It's just an interpretation. As good as any other interpretation. And about as reliable as objective truth as any other interpretation. On par with Astrology.
Do you know what Astrology is? It's a way of life lived through interpretations of the positions of the stars. What's the difference between living life interpreting the positions of the stars and living life interpreting a collection of ancient writings? Probably a lot to you. None to me.
Why do you think I'm an Agnostic? Could it possibly be because most Christians think like you do? That it's impossible to read the Bible without interpreting it? That the Bible is textually criticized, compiled, translated, and understood through interpretation? That denominations are created by interpretation? How can you say that anything you believe is true? Or real for that matter? Or is it just a matter of childlike faith, children who will believe anything an authority will tell them? Is your mother The Church (however you understand it), who interprets the Bible for you? Is your Father the Bible, that you can only understand by interpretation?
Were you saved by an interpretation? Are you basing your life on an interpretation. Are you living a life according to your own interpretations? Or maybe someone else's?
As you suggested, every writing of man must be understood by interpretation. If the person who wrote it isn't available to interpret it, then someone else must interpret the writing on his behalf. Are you suggesting that the Bible is no different than any other writing of man?
Seems to me that the Bible doesn't present itself as just another writing of man. Nor is interpreting the Bible relying on some ethereal ghost the Bible calls the Holy Spirit guiding you. You're relying on your own interpretation or someone else's when you rely on interpretation. Ultimately, you're relying on yourself alone, even when you accept that someone else's interpretation is the right one. There is no Bible for you in any significant or substantial sense other than your own interpretation or that of another.
Following the Bible is a lot like following the Law. If you're guilty of interpreting any of it, you're guilty of interpreting all of it. And you become your own Bible. Like a lawless man becomes a law unto himself.
You have suggested that a good case could be made that one who denies the Trinity is not saved.
I suggest to you another good case that could be made: That if you are relying on interpretation to understand the Bible, then maybe it is you that isn't saved. You've only interpreted yourself to be so. In common terms, you've talked yourself into thinking you are what you want yourself to be. Which is nothing that is real. In which case, all I've said before goes against your interpretation, and is sheer nonsense (unreasonable) to you. Because it has to be for you to continue in your own delusion.
I see dead people.