cybershark5886 said:
Yes, read the Scriptures. But do so with the mind of the Church and the Doctrines given. Unfortunately, some prefer to serve themselves and their own "doctrines", "that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction."
That could bias me to presuppositions though that may not be correct. I don't think I should "read into" the Lord's Supper the doctrine of transubstantiation IMO. And I
have been a Berean about that.
A Berean, I repeat, is someone who accepts the faith as preached, finding the pertinent Scriptures. The Thessalonians searched the SAME Scriptures and did not believe Paul's interpretation. The Bereans did believe. Not because they were smarter, had more Bible college graduates, had Thayer's Greek Lexicon, or maybe a the latest Strong's Concordance! God has not required that people be really smart to understand Scriptures. He has given apostles, evangelists, preachers, etc., for that purpose.
Acts doesn't hold Paul accountable to the Bereans. Nor is Scriptures holding Paul accountable to Scriptures. Have you read Galatians 1? Who is Paul accountable to? Certainly not the Galatians or THEIR interpretations of Scriptures...
We both know that the Scriptures themselves can be distorted to say pretty much what anyone wants to teach. Thus, we Catholics, knowing all about this rough-shod treatment of the Sacred Writ, rely on the Traditions to give us the
proper interpretations. Transubstantiation is just a way of trying to use human language to come to grips with a mysterious article of our faith. Perhaps the future will see the Church think of a better term that defines our belief and makes it more applicable to people of the future. Doctrinal definitions serve that purpose - to make the faith understandable to the people of today, not 500 years ago.
If you are a Berean, you would accept the teachings given. It is pretty darn universal that the teachings given are that the bread and wine of the Eucharist become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Thus, the "real" Berean accepts the teaching given by the successor of Paul and looks to Scriptures to verify and strengthen His belief....
See, look, fellow Bereans... "Paul" is right. Look at John 6. Eat my flesh... Hmm. Look what else we found... What were the words of our Savior? What was He giving to the Apostles to drink in the chalice? Did our GOD call it wine or blood? Hmm.
This is what the
real Berean does. Not look to the Bible to find things in contradistinction to the teachings given.
Well, I don't think "Paul" could be right... Hmm. Hey, look, fellow Bereans. We are not allowed to eat blood. See, "Paul" must be wrong... Hmm. We just KNOW that Jesus was speaking metaphorically in John 6. As a Berean, I must protest, "Paul"...
That makes it sound like you have decided to find things for the PURPOSE of remaining where you are. Like I said, anyone can find, if they look hard enough, for a verse that appears to nullify or verify their preconceived doctrines...
Being a Berean requires hearing the Gospel, not re-inventing it.