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- #81
I can show you the color yellow. I can show you an elongated fruit. I can show you the peeling of the fruit and the fruit itself. But I CANNOT MAKE you SEE that it is a banana. You may 'choose' to call it a 'phisbot'. Heck, you may even choose to 'worship' the 'phisbot'. But in TRUTH it IS a banana.
Here's a little insight into the issue. NEVER once have we been offered that TO SIMPLY BE BAPTIZED is to BE SAVED. Not only is it offered in addition to 'other things' in the statements CONCERNING IT, but if we read The Word as a WHOLE, there is MUCH more to BEING 'saved' than Baptism.
Can I SHOW you where the Bible STATES: "Baptism is NOT enough"? Yes and NO. I can, but that doesn't mean that you'd be WILLING to accept the 'words' as such.
But we can see through the parables offered by Christ that Heaing the Word is NOT ENOUGH. ACCEPTING The Word is NOT enough. For FAITH without works is DEAD. That it's NOT ABOUT the hearers of the Word but the DOERS of it. I can go on and on with these but it's a wasted effort if one has already subscribed to a 'certain belief system' that teaches DIFFERENTLY.
An EXPERT? ME? By NO MEANS. But I AM able to accept and BELIEVE in what is offered in The Word. And I have NOT been influenced by ANY particular denomination in the respect of Baptism or many other 'doctrines'. I have simply approached The Word with an open heart and an open mind and have allowed The Spirit to plant the seeds of understanding rather than MEN.
Now, let's go BACK to the topic: I ask YOU, IS 'water Baptism ENOUGH'? Is that ALL one NEED DO in order to BE SAVED? IF one is Baptised, does that ASSURE them a PLACE IN HEAVEN? For THIS Is the ISSUE that we NEED to determine in order to 'get PAST' this MOST basic of issues. Once we are ABLE to discern the ANSWER to this question, THEN we are able to MOVE AHEAD to DEFINING the LIMITS of WHAT IS ENOUGH or what is NEEDED 'other THAN' Baptism.
Look folks, we were NEVER told to STOP. We were NEVER told to 'give in'. We were NEVER told to START a 'good work' and that's OK. We were TOLD to 'run the race like we mean to WIN IT. There is MUCH offered in this SIMPLE statement. It's KIND of like the guy who worked all day being bummed at the guy that worked fifteen minutes and got paid the SAME thing. The purpose of this parable was to offer that the man that was 'bummed' was DEAD WRONG. It's not up to US to determine a 'gift' that is offered. Nor should we ONLY be willing to DO for the 'gift'. AND, what is JUST as important is the ENTIRE parable deals with WORK. There is NOTHING that is worthy of ownership WITHOUT the WORK that it takes to obtain it.
Boy, I can hear the voices already: "you CANNOT ''work'' your way to Salvation!!!!!!!!" I agree. But you CANNOT SHOW your FAITH WITHOUT WORKS. ANYONE can SAY anything, but it's the FRUIT that bears witness of the WORDS. WHAT do you TRULY believe it MEANS to 'BEAR One's OWN cross'. What do you BELIEVE that it MEANS to FOLLOW Christ? He NOT ONLY offered that we are to LISTEN to His words, but He states OPENLY and CLEARLY that we are to DO EXACTLY what HE DID if that is what is REQUIRED of US. And WHAT did He DO? He LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US. And we are NO LESS bound by this SAME obligation. And He further offers that we MUST be WILLING to offer the SAME LOVE for God and our neighbors or WE ARE NOT WORTHY.
Folks, we are NOT able to 'pick and choose' the PARTS of The Word that we LIKE and simply follow THESE. We are BOUND to follow the ENTIRE Word. Perfectly? I have yet to witness any but Christ that was ABLE. But to the BEST of our ABILITY and through the strength and guidance of The Spirit we CAN produce that which we are GIVEN. And that is NOT TOO MUCH to GIVE in return for the wonderous LOVE we have been offered in EXAMPLE. Think about it........
I can show you the color yellow. I can show you an elongated fruit. I can show you the peeling of the fruit and the fruit itself. But I CANNOT MAKE you SEE that it is a banana. You may 'choose' to call it a 'phisbot'. Heck, you may even choose to 'worship' the 'phisbot'. But in TRUTH it IS a banana.
Here's a little insight into the issue. NEVER once have we been offered that TO SIMPLY BE BAPTIZED is to BE SAVED. Not only is it offered in addition to 'other things' in the statements CONCERNING IT, but if we read The Word as a WHOLE, there is MUCH more to BEING 'saved' than Baptism.
Can I SHOW you where the Bible STATES: "Baptism is NOT enough"? Yes and NO. I can, but that doesn't mean that you'd be WILLING to accept the 'words' as such.
But we can see through the parables offered by Christ that Heaing the Word is NOT ENOUGH. ACCEPTING The Word is NOT enough. For FAITH without works is DEAD. That it's NOT ABOUT the hearers of the Word but the DOERS of it. I can go on and on with these but it's a wasted effort if one has already subscribed to a 'certain belief system' that teaches DIFFERENTLY.
An EXPERT? ME? By NO MEANS. But I AM able to accept and BELIEVE in what is offered in The Word. And I have NOT been influenced by ANY particular denomination in the respect of Baptism or many other 'doctrines'. I have simply approached The Word with an open heart and an open mind and have allowed The Spirit to plant the seeds of understanding rather than MEN.
Now, let's go BACK to the topic: I ask YOU, IS 'water Baptism ENOUGH'? Is that ALL one NEED DO in order to BE SAVED? IF one is Baptised, does that ASSURE them a PLACE IN HEAVEN? For THIS Is the ISSUE that we NEED to determine in order to 'get PAST' this MOST basic of issues. Once we are ABLE to discern the ANSWER to this question, THEN we are able to MOVE AHEAD to DEFINING the LIMITS of WHAT IS ENOUGH or what is NEEDED 'other THAN' Baptism.
Look folks, we were NEVER told to STOP. We were NEVER told to 'give in'. We were NEVER told to START a 'good work' and that's OK. We were TOLD to 'run the race like we mean to WIN IT. There is MUCH offered in this SIMPLE statement. It's KIND of like the guy who worked all day being bummed at the guy that worked fifteen minutes and got paid the SAME thing. The purpose of this parable was to offer that the man that was 'bummed' was DEAD WRONG. It's not up to US to determine a 'gift' that is offered. Nor should we ONLY be willing to DO for the 'gift'. AND, what is JUST as important is the ENTIRE parable deals with WORK. There is NOTHING that is worthy of ownership WITHOUT the WORK that it takes to obtain it.
Boy, I can hear the voices already: "you CANNOT ''work'' your way to Salvation!!!!!!!!" I agree. But you CANNOT SHOW your FAITH WITHOUT WORKS. ANYONE can SAY anything, but it's the FRUIT that bears witness of the WORDS. WHAT do you TRULY believe it MEANS to 'BEAR One's OWN cross'. What do you BELIEVE that it MEANS to FOLLOW Christ? He NOT ONLY offered that we are to LISTEN to His words, but He states OPENLY and CLEARLY that we are to DO EXACTLY what HE DID if that is what is REQUIRED of US. And WHAT did He DO? He LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US. And we are NO LESS bound by this SAME obligation. And He further offers that we MUST be WILLING to offer the SAME LOVE for God and our neighbors or WE ARE NOT WORTHY.
Folks, we are NOT able to 'pick and choose' the PARTS of The Word that we LIKE and simply follow THESE. We are BOUND to follow the ENTIRE Word. Perfectly? I have yet to witness any but Christ that was ABLE. But to the BEST of our ABILITY and through the strength and guidance of The Spirit we CAN produce that which we are GIVEN. And that is NOT TOO MUCH to GIVE in return for the wonderous LOVE we have been offered in EXAMPLE. Think about it........