Well, thank you for taking the time to read some of the facts. Much easier to dialog.
As to credit, you DID see the 3, count 'em, 3 statements OF JESUS regarding Gods Words being sown and the REACTIONS of Satan? And IF JESUS IS TRUE (please) tell me if Gods Words being sown in ADAM didn't cause that to happen?
Consider your words carefully because if you say NO, we'll cut this conversation real short.
No problem smaller, I had not seen that post until you directed me to it.
If I understood well your interpretation o the words of Jesus Christ, to consider an answer to your question:
We need to look at Adam once again.
There is an opposition in all things, that is the nature of all that exists. You can only know what is pleasure if you know what is pain. You can only know what is joy if you know what is misery. You can only know what is good if you know what is evil. This is not my opinion.
This is a natural law that you cannot escape from. It is like the law of gravity.
When God created Adam from the dust and breathed Adam's spirit into his nostrils, Adam had not experimented that law of opposition until he ate of the fruit.
Here are the things we need to know about the creation of Adam:
a. God cannot create anything evil, if He did, He would cease to be God.
b. God created man in His likeness, which means Adam was free as God is, to choose.
c. God created a physically perfect body for Adam (and Eve), as He could not create anything less then perfect, otherwise He would cease to be God.
d. Because we know 'c' above, we know if he kept his initial state, Adam could not die.
e. As per 'd' above Adam's body was incorruptible. He could have lived forever.
f. Because we know 'a' above, we know that Adam didn't have evil in himself, neither he knew what evil was.
g. Because of 'd', 'e', 'f',
it makes no sense at all for God to 'sow' any gospel word into Adam.
h. We know that 'g' is true because Adam was already perfect, had no corruption, and lived with God.
i. To be sown with the word of the Gospel, Adam needed, first to be in a condition to be redeemed.
i. Adam was not in condition to be redeemed until he ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. (The fall.)
By sowing the word, Christ meant, preaching the Gospel of Redemption to man so man can rid the evil from his heart. That was not the case of Adam before the fall.
The Gospel (if obeyed) is to bring man, eventually, to the presence of God. Adam was already in the presence of God. Furthermore, Adam had not disobeyed anything yet, until he ate of the fruit.
So, your question above doesn't apply to Adam before his disobedience.
AND, by sown, the Lord means, preaching the word of the Gospel. Sown, is more a figure of speech, than a literal act. The literal act is to preach, to talk, to try to convince, to pass a message of the Gospel. That is what Christ means by sowing the word.
Satan does exactly the same thing but in the opposite direction, to try to make man as miserable as he is. He is the father of lies and the great imitator.
When the word of redemption is conveyed to you, you can listen to it, find it nice, believe in it, apply it in your life. The figure here is that the "seed" of the Gospel took root in you.
If you hear the word, find it nice, but don't act on it. Satan will prevail upon you. That means you listen more to the enticings of Satan than to the Gospel. In other words, you didn't let the 'seed' take root in you.
In those passages, Jesus was explaining that there are several levels of people as far as acceptance when the Gospel is preached to them. Some, listen, believe and apply. Some listen, let it stay for a while then, the cares of the world make them forget. Some listen, but, 'right off the bat', don't do anything, and so on and so forth.
BUT in
all those cases,
immediately after the Gospel is preached, Satan will preach his "gospel of misery and lies" and try to convince you not to listen or do anything. If you yield to his influence, he snatches the word from your heart and replace it with his lies.
And by the way, I didn't make any back handed comment.
I truly mean that you are ascribing too much power to Satan. God is the creator and OWNER of all that we know. Therefore He is the One in control. As Jesus said, there is nothing that happens that is not of His knowledge. So if Lucifer is tempting man, he does solely because the OWNER and creator of the universe, ALLOWS him do so. And that allowance is in place because it serves God's purposes.
In other words, if we ascribe, those powers to Satan, as you seem to do, it is the same as implying that God has not control over him. Which is not true.
Now, I don't just believe the above, I know it. I didn't come up with all that on my own. I have studied, prayed, and pondered in my heart of the truths of what I have written above. And I have received a witness of its truths from God, directly to my spirit. So, I can tell you that I know those things to be true. And you can know too, if you desire. You definitely don't need to take my word for it, you can ask Father in Heaven with true intent, and He will reveal it to you directly to your spirit, not to your intellect, but to your spirit.
Be well,