Trying to make one scripture untrue by the using another is error.
Sorry, to make that statement means you have to show same to be a fact rather than a mere assertion.
The scriptures say what they say, period.
Obviously 'how' they are actually 'heard' varies and in some cases varies quiet dramatically.
True maturity in the Word is when you can bring ALL scripture into truth.
I believe for a fact that none of us currently have a perfect reflection on these matters as to have A Perfect Reflection requires having Only His Reflection.
Fairly simple observation. I am not willing to say that any of us have those types of reflections, myself included,
and that we all by virtue of imperfect reflections see and understand imperfectly.
Some just can't seem to live with that fact and then transition into the weirdness zone. There are many at these boards alone who think they already see perfectly and demand others must see only through their supposed perfect reflections. I most often times laugh at such notions and sometimes just shake my head at the ignorance being shown.
Now Paul all through his letters said we must die to the "flesh" so that the "Spirit" might gain control of our bodies. Our battle with the satan in a "spiritual" one.
Well there ya go. See how easy it was to see the real enemy and figure out that Satan isn't 'flesh?' Welcome to the brilliant club.
the Victory over the "flesh" is a "spiritual" victory. But if you neglect the clear scripture that the "flesh" is sinful, you can and never will understand the New Testament!
You can claim that the flesh is evil all you want. The fact is that the flesh is in fact 'subject to' the adverse powers of evil and that is the fact of the matter. That doesn't automatically mean the flesh itself then is evil, but what the flesh is 'subject' and 'subjected' to.
I have no issues in seeing the fact that we all have sinned and have sin and that
sin is in fact of the devil.
I have no use in seeing evil flesh in the light of fact because it's not.
Jesus inhabited flesh and His flesh was just like any of the rest of us except for one crucial difference. Without sin.
Your supposed 'evil flesh' did not make you do evil. Adverse unseen forces did.
I am sorry smaller, you are missing God! Your flesh is just as
Pauls and mine! Full of sin!
Evil flesh. What a laugher.
You see you and I can read the same scriptures and come to completely different conclusions.
Jesus told us 'all' clearly where EVIL comes from.
Mark 7:23
All these
evil things come from within, and defile the man.
It sure ain't yer surface hide. It's what hides inside the box.