I am posting on a phone, one little finger graze and a mistake is made. It keeps the posts shorter though, and me on a full size keyboard is just too much at times.
1. "It is my belief that Jesus is the Only Begotten of the Father, before He became flesh.
I believe that He, the Son of God appeared to Abraham and many in the Old Testament, not God the Father."
Time (as we know it) does no justice to the way God thinks). God leaps from eternity to time, and into future eternity with ease. I have to wonder ; where is God as he makes this statement?
God the Son did exist to be able to visit Abraham. I think he existed as a spiritual being. (He could appear as having a body etc. IMHO he did not have to be begotten to do this. This is the whole issue in part of our conversation. The Son and the Father and Ruach could gather at pre creation without being begotten, The begotten part of the Son's existence was for the later time (time as we know it) when he was born as a man under the law to fulfill the sacrifice needed to purchase our redemption.
After Jesus rose from the dead:
He could just appear
Move through solids
Float into heaven
It is not the begotten man doing creation and being glorified, but the Son who visited Abraham.
A lot of people do not want to discuss Romans 7:25
Paul says his mind serves the law of God ( the spiritual new birth part of him )
His begotten flesh serves the law of sin ( I inserted begotten as this is what we are discussing right now )
The new birth does not dust off the flesh and make it perfect. The new birth puts a new spiritual man inside my mind and heart (the promise given first to Jewish persons, and then later to those sorry Gentiles). I am a sorry Gentile grafted into the promises (wretched man).
We are not just flesh (if we are born again).
We are now a eternal Spirit if we are born again.
We can talk more later