- Dec 10, 2010
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- #21
Re: What's What With Baptism? Bathe, Breathe, Burn
We agree, but only to a point. There is no reason to change scripture just as there is no good reason to read ourselves into certain texts. The text you quoted (Act 2:8), had Jesus telling the disciples WITH HIM AT HIS ASCENTION that THEY were to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of God's Holy Spirit that was to be received within DAYS of Jesus uttering those words.
From the scriptures it would appear that the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit as a fulfillment of the Joel 2 prophecy was for that generation upon whom the end of the ages had fallen upon. (1 Corinthians 10:11)
BTW: I believe calling it HS Baptism was just a metaphor that was used to describe the receipt of God's Holy Spirit
But that was not all that he said. He spoke of the Promise of the Father. That same promise that had been given to him only 10 days prior at the time of the Ascension of Jesus: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about." Jesus left no doubt about what he meant and continued immediately to say, "For John baptized with (or in) water, but in a few days you will be baptized with (or in) the Holy Spirit.”
That is exactly what Peter declared and I see no reason to change what he said now! "The promise (Baptism of the Holy Spirit) is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”
We agree, but only to a point. There is no reason to change scripture just as there is no good reason to read ourselves into certain texts. The text you quoted (Act 2:8), had Jesus telling the disciples WITH HIM AT HIS ASCENTION that THEY were to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of God's Holy Spirit that was to be received within DAYS of Jesus uttering those words.
From the scriptures it would appear that the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit as a fulfillment of the Joel 2 prophecy was for that generation upon whom the end of the ages had fallen upon. (1 Corinthians 10:11)
BTW: I believe calling it HS Baptism was just a metaphor that was used to describe the receipt of God's Holy Spirit