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Can sinning be overcome?

So repentance from sin is unnecessary in your religion?
Just let the sins keep coming as they prove you are not a hypocrite?
That would make me laugh if it weren't so sad.
Christians as a general rule will not sin because the Holy Spirit is a restraint.

However, as long as we are in these unredeemed Adamic bodies we will sin, Romans 8:23. Jesus said that he came into the world to save sinners, if you are not a sinner, then you don't qualify.
Do you think Hopeful is aware of this , or could he be fooling himself ?
Maybe he really believes he has cracked God's code.
On the other hand he may say in his next post that he has cracked the code, and that if we will send money he will tell us the secret .
Who knows where such a fantastic claim could end up ?
The "code" is free.
Here it is.
Are you so sorry for your sins that you will never do them again? (2 Cor 7:10, Acts 2:38)
If so, repent of sin...permanently !
Then get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of past sins.
After which you will have no sin on you and you can even say "I have no sin."
If your turn from sin was real, you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, (also called the baptism of the Spirit).
Full of the Holy Spirit.
God gives that type of man pastors, prophets, and teachers, to educate and admonish them in life today.
It is called walking in the light, and the light is God, in Whom is no sin. (1 John 1:5,7)

The "code" was spoken of by Peter on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:38.
Christians as a general rule will not sin because the Holy Spirit is a restraint.

However, as long as we are in these unredeemed Adamic bodies we will sin, Romans 8:23. Jesus said that he came into the world to save sinners, if you are not a sinner, then you don't qualify.
How can something destroyed at its water baptism into Christ's death and then reborn of God's seed, still be Adamic? (Rom 6:6, Gal 5:24, 1 John 3:9)
Besides, you can't blame your hands and feet for whatever sins your mind compels them to participate in.
How can something destroyed at its water baptism into Christ's death and then reborn of God's seed, still be Adamic? (Rom 6:6, Gal 5:24, 1 John 3:9)
Besides, you can't blame your hands and feet for whatever sins your mind compels them to participate in.
Christians have two natures. The nature of Christ and the nature of Adam. Paul said, "This corruptible must put on incorruption" 1 Corinthians 15:52-54.
Taking Romans 7 out of context is eisegesis. Paul was referring to his struggle with sin before he was saved.
The context is where you fall short in understanding ,.
" was " would be the proper context for a past point in time before Paul was saved.
" I am" is the proper context for the present moment .

" O wretched man that I AM ....." ( Romans 7:24 )
Does this extended period of sinlessness earn you special status with Christ, above the hundreds of others on this forum who cannot claim any such protracted period of goodness ?
Nope, as I am only doing what is commanded.

, so are you interested in obeying God
With your protracted record of sinlessness , not to mention great humility, you now have before Christ, how is possible that the hundreds of forum members here who can make no such claim of sinlessness due to their disobedience to God in that regard could be seen as having equal status in the eyes of Christ?
Christians have two natures. The nature of Christ and the nature of Adam. Paul said, "This corruptible must put on incorruption" 1 Corinthians 15:52-54.
What Paul calls "corruptible" is the skin and bones we walk in.
The vessel of the Holy Ghost, after reception of the Holy Spirit.
We will be getting an incorruptible, glorified body (mansion), at the return of our Lord.

Everything born of Adam is destroyed at our "immersion: into Christ.
The context is where you fall short in understanding ,.
" was " would be the proper context for a past point in time before Paul was saved.
" I am" is the proper context for the present moment .

" O wretched man that I AM ....." ( Romans 7:24 )
"...who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"
That was answered with Rom 6:6..."Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
The body of death is destroyed at its immersion into Christ's death.
With your protracted record of sinlessness , not to mention great humility, you now have before Christ, how is possible that the hundreds of forum members here who can make no such claim of sinlessness due to their disobedience to God in that regard could be seen as having equal status in the eyes of Christ?
Does any man have a status with God?
We are either in Him, or not in Him.
We are either in Him, or not in Him.
Easy for you to say with a sinless record of not so much as a sinful thought for over a 14 years.
But what about the 99.9% of the forum members here not endowed with your lengthy record of sinlessness, who although striving for your level of sinlessness, find themselves perennially disobeying God by having an occasional sinful thought.
As an expert can you give these discouraged some hope of being accepted in Him with a much smaller total of sinless years than your own grand total of 14 years?
Just give the rock bottom number of years so as not to discourage these perennially disobedient any more than you have to.
Would 2 years of obedient sinlessness be enough to be " In Him ", even on a probationary period, until a string of years approaching your own could be established?
Easy for you to say with a sinless record of not so much as a sinful thought for over a 14 years.
I wasn't given anything that is not available to anyone else.
But what about the 99.9% of the forum members here not endowed with your lengthy record of sinlessness, who although striving for your level of sinlessness, find themselves perennially disobeying God by having an occasional sinful thought.
Life in Christ starts with a real repentance from sin.
Turn from sin today, and go from day to day...even hour to hour, growing in strength and the grace of God.
It is written..."There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." (1 Cor 10:13)
Someone new to the faith will not be tempted with what someone who has been obedient for years will encounter.
As an expert can you give these discouraged some hope of being accepted in Him with a much smaller total of sinless years than your own grand total of 14 years?
One day at a time.
And avoid those who dragged you into their own sins in the past.
Just give the rock bottom number of years so as not to discourage these perennially disobedient any more than you have to.
Would 2 years of obedient sinlessness be enough to be " In Him ", even on a probationary period, until a string of years approaching your own could be established?
You/they can get "in Him" by simply getting baptized into Him, after a real turn from sin. (Rom 6:3, Gal 3:27))
That will also provide the remission of your/their past sins. (Acts 2:38, 22:16)
It will also accomplish the destruction of that which was born of Adam's seed. (Rom 6:6, Gal 5:24)
Become a new creature which is reborn of God's seed. (2 Cor 5:17, 1 John 3:9)
Sir, that doesn’t mean that as soon as a sin is committed God immediately rejects a believer. There is such a thing as patience.
God's timetable is different than ours, sometimes serious sins do not get revealed for a while, but God knows instantly. Technically we are already dead to God as someone just mentioned to me, speaking of what happened to Adam. Do you understand that Adam was spiritually dead upon eating of the forbidden fruit, even though he physically lived 930 yrs?

It is my understanding if you commit a serious sin, God rejects you instantly since you rejected Him, however like David who committed one of the worst sins imaginable, his repentance received forgiveness, but it took a little while, and God did not shield him from some consequences that resulted from it.
God's timetable is different than ours, sometimes serious sins do not get revealed for a while, but God knows instantly. Technically we are already dead to God as someone just mentioned to me, speaking of what happened to Adam. Do you understand that Adam was spiritually dead upon eating of the forbidden fruit, even though he physically lived 930 yrs?
God didn’t reject him even though He knew. That’s where you’re mistaken. God isn’t less patient than we are. You need to provide a scripture that says a sinner is “dead to God.” God spoke to Adam, Cain, David, Peter and so on after they’d sinned which makes no sense if God considers them dead. It’s you assuming you know God’s attitude that is questionable.
It is my understanding if you commit a serious sin, God rejects you instantly since you rejected Him, however like David who committed one of the worst sins imaginable, his repentance received forgiveness, but it took a little while, and God did not shield him from some consequences that resulted from it.
Your understanding has no examples in history but the opposite is described. He is actually slow to anger, not quick.

Where did you get the idea God instantly considers the sinner dead?
I wasn't given anything that is not available to anyone else.

Life in Christ starts with a real repentance from sin.
Turn from sin today, and go from day to day...even hour to hour, growing in strength and the grace of God.
You are still avoiding addressing the those 99.9% of this forum who after real repenting from past sin, and beginning in Christ, falter after not even 1 year and commit a sin ?
How does this 1 sin impact our status as being " in Christ " ?
Are we still on the in's with Christ , or is it over ?
Why are you not addressing this pervasive circumstance among the 99.9% of us forum members who have sinned after becoming in Christ ?
Are we still in Christ or not ?
Is it just that your decades long standing of not so much of even having a sinful thought for even a second has made you in capable of relating to the 99.9% who have been circumscribed by having a sinful thought ?
You are still avoiding addressing the those 99.9% of this forum who after real repenting from past sin, and beginning in Christ, falter after not even 1 year and commit a sin ?
How does this 1 sin impact our status as being " in Christ " ?
Are we still on the in's with Christ , or is it over ?
Why are you not addressing this pervasive circumstance among the 99.9% of us forum members who have sinned after becoming in Christ ?
Are we still in Christ or not ?
Is it just that your decades long standing of not so much of even having a sinful thought for even a second has made you in capable of relating to the 99.9% who have been circumscribed by having a sinful thought ?
You’re not going to get through, CL. I’ve met these “I’m sinless like Jesus” christians before. They have a lot riding on them being sinless. Human pride is iron strong at times. Nothing will get through. The man in the mirror must be perfect!!
You’re not going to get through, CL. I’ve met these “I’m sinless like Jesus” christians before. They have a lot riding on them being sinless. Human pride is iron strong at times. Nothing will get through. The man in the mirror must be perfect!!
Yes, when they are actually so unlike Christ in their fear and trepidation of answering the vital spiritual questions stemming directly from their own prideful boasts.
Christ never afraid & running for the tall grass from a question.
So shallow in spiritual discernment they are, never realizing that by means of their prideful boasts of sinlessness they have before our very eyes committed the one sin God says he hates the most.

Pro 29:23
A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.
You are still avoiding addressing the those 99.9% of this forum who after real repenting from past sin, and beginning in Christ, falter after not even 1 year and commit a sin ?
If they "falter", (a sanitized word for sin), they didn't repent of sin.
How does this 1 sin impact our status as being " in Christ " ?
There is no sin in God, or in Christ. (1 John 1:5)
Are we still on the in's with Christ , or is it over ?
The sin showed they were never repentant, so were never in Christ.
Why are you not addressing this pervasive circumstance among the 99.9% of us forum members who have sinned after becoming in Christ ?
Are we still in Christ or not ?
God, Jesus, and the prophets, have said enough.
Is it just that your decades long standing of not so much of even having a sinful thought for even a second has made you in capable of relating to the 99.9% who have been circumscribed by having a sinful thought ?
If they were circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, (Col 2:11), they wouldn't still be serving the supposedly dead "flesh".
If they, you, keep reading my posts, you will see that all can participate in what is written in Acts 3:26..."Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities."

So, how about turning from your iniquities?
You’re not going to get through, CL. I’ve met these “I’m sinless like Jesus” christians before. They have a lot riding on them being sinless. Human pride is iron strong at times. Nothing will get through. The man in the mirror must be perfect!!
It is a shame that obeying God seems so impossible an idea to you.
God can do anything.
Including keeping His children free from the devil.
Yes, when they are actually so unlike Christ in their fear and trepidation of answering the vital spiritual questions stemming directly from their own prideful boasts.
Christ never afraid & running for the tall grass from a question.
So shallow in spiritual discernment they are, never realizing that by means of their prideful boasts of sinlessness they have before our very eyes committed the one sin God says he hates the most.

Pro 29:23
A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.
It is written..."Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9L23)
Are you an unbeliever?