... and not use musical instruments during worship, right Ernest? You forgot that one! You gave your list of steps in repentance with verses to support them, but strangely, your list just stopped. Why didn't you add the ol' musical instruments clause found in the CoC handbook? Could it be because you'd have no verse to link it to salvation like you do the other criteria? Repent, confess, be baptized, oh and don't listen to musical instruments while in worship.
The CoC makes such monumental leaps of doctrine, and it is both hysterical and tragic that you say you strictly follow the Bible. The only reason I permit this thread to continue as you announce that only your denomination will be saved is because you CoC'ers are showing how absurd your thought process is and why NOT to get involved in the CoC. Through all your abuse of the Word and the Body of Christ, you are doing readers a service. If they didn't know about the CoC before, it is exposed now.
Jehovahs Witnesses, Mormons, and Christian Science know where they will be challenged by biblical Christians, and they spend an enormous amount of time rehearsing their answers. They have them down, verses are taken out of context but they are memorized, and these canned responses are systematically churned out in defense of accusations that they are cults. Ernest, rrowell, you've practiced and rehearsed your lines well. That's all I can say. Thank you for exposing your denomination's errors.
CoC is a denomination.
CoC is just one denomination with no special connection to the Lord.
You don't adhere to the Bible. You adhere to the CoC.
And, yes, you believe one must be a member of your denomination (CoC) to escape hell.
Yes, from the bible one can read that Christ's church taught one must beleive, repent, confess and be baptized to become a Christian. One can also see from the bible Christ's church did not use IM.
Thomas Aquinas, Catholic Theologian; 13th century: "Our church does not use musical instruments, as harps and psalteries, to praise God withal, that she may not seem to Judaize." Bingham's Antiquities, Vol. 2, p.483, London
John Calvin, Reformation Leader, Founder of Reformed & Presbyterian denominations: "Musical Instruments in celebrating the praises of God would be no more suitable than the burning of incense, the lighting of lamps, and the restoration of the other shadows of the law. " Calvin, Commentary on Psalm 33, see also commentary on 1 Samuel 18:1-9
John Wesley, Founder of Methodist Denomination: "I have no objection to instruments of music in our chapels, provided they are neither heard nor seen." Cited by Methodist commentator Adam Clarke; Clarke's Commentary, Vol. 4, p.684
Catholic Encyclopedia: "Although Josephus tells of the wonderful effects produced in the Temple by the use of instruments, the first Christians were of too spiritual a fibre to substitute lifeless instruments for or to use them to accompany the human voice. Clement of Alexandria severely condemns the use of instruments even at Christian banquets." Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 10, p. 652
Martin Luther, Reformation Leader: "The organ in the worship service is a sign of Baal." Realencyklopadie Fur Protestantische Theologie und Kirche, Bd, 14, s.433 cited in Instrumental Music and New Testament Worship, James D. Bales, p. 130.
Charles Spurgeon, Baptist Author/Pastor: "We might as well pray by machinery as sing by it" and "Israel was at school, and used childish things to help her learn; but in these days when Jesus gives us spiritual food, one can make melody without strings and pipes... we do not need them. That would hinder rather than help our praise. Sing unto Him. This is the sweetest and best music. No instrument like the human voice." Charles Spurgeon, Commentary on Psalm 42
Even though I disagree with these men on other issues they could at least get it right when it came to the issue of IMs.
Mt 16:18 "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Christ built His own church so it is not a man-man denomination.