- Dec 2, 2022
- 5,786
- 333
You crack me up! I love it!You are 100% Nuts. We are not saved, period, end of discussion, thru the Roman Catholic Cult system of Fake Sacraments.
We are saved thru grace alone, thru faith alone, in the once and for all time completed work of Christ, ( in bearing our sins upon the cross, in dying upon the cross as our substitute for our sins, being resurrected, and ascended in glory back to the right hand of God the father, after establishing the new covenant in his blood and flesh sacrifice alone, at Pentecost, where the apostles were finally sent to preach the new covenant in Christ Jesus alone, ) as per Eph 2:8-10, etc.., in which Peter plays no role which he deserves to be elevated above anyone else, as the great commision applies equally to all of the apostles,
With none greater than the others, as all being mere servants of God in the form of the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. It is all about the Glory of God, in Christ Jesus, and not Peter as a Faked Pope, Nor In The Faked Sacraments Of A Fake Roman Catholic Mother Of All Harlots Lie, With None Of It's Lying Claims Actually Going Back To Peter as per Gal 2:8
And Our Endurance To The End, Is Our Endurance In And Thru Faith, And Not Thru The Fake Sacraments Of The Fake Roman Catholic Cult.
Our Endurance Thru Faith As Contrasted By The Fake Sacraments Of The Fake Roman Catholic Cult.
And Yes, Just As Satan Misquote Scripture Or The Words Of God, At Eden, And In Tempting Christ, etc.., etc.., etc.., He Still Does So Today Even Thru The Lying Roman Catholic Cult -
Which Will At Times State Actual Statements From The Scriptures To Pretend To Have A High Christology, While Really Adding To, Or Taking Away From, Or Substituting In Place Of, And thus Stealthily Poisoning The Truth - Because Anti-Christ Means That Which Is Substituted For And Against Christ, And Against the Truths Of Christ And Christ Alone - Such As The Fake RCC Sacraments To Lie About The Meaning Of Enduring In Faith With The Lie Of Completing One's Faith Thru Fake Sacraments Which Falsely Add To One's False And Fake RCC Defined Anti-Salvation
Please one thing at a time these are large subjects
How does one put the n Christ?