i am not judging man when i state this. its tween them and God.
If it's between them and God, why would you take on the task? No sinner is equipped to eternally judge to another persons detriment, period. There is simply no justification in the N.T. to perform that task. We are to believe the best for our fellow believers, and to hope for the best for them as well, period.
agian let me ask you this? do you believe in freewill?
No. I cannot logically rule out The Will of God working in conjunction with any person, nor can I logically rule out the will of the devil, also working therein. In the light of the other wills, the freewill doctrine is yet another contrived fantasy that is used primarily to belittle and to condemn other people and to 'self' justify the 'right decision makers.' My faith does not reside upon making the supposed 'right' decision, but upon what The God of all creation did at the cross. There is and never was any excuse available for me by my own actions. I am a partaker in what God has done. Nothing more.
if not then why do you buy eternal security?
I have every right to believe in The Total Sufficiency of God in Christ. Believers who would cast doubt on me or any other believer certainly have that right. They should also take a close look at themselves first, and then see where they got the 'right' in the N.T. to disperse other believers to eternal fire or annihilation. There is no such measures provided to any believer in the text. So I say, why would one even seek such a thing upon another believer. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.
And we also know that it is God who judges those outside the church. So again do the math. I am not God. Neither are you.
that implies the receipent doesnt have a choice anymore he gave up his right to deny god and will go to heaven no matter what sins he does.
Do you really think you and you alone had a choice when you were an unbeliever, when 'this will' was upon your own mind?
2 Corinthians 4:4
In whom
the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
With the above, I certainly understand the present dilemma of the unbelievers, and certainly do not see 'them alone' as it pertains to their own minds when Satan is flat out blinding them.
It is my joy to share, but it is not my call as to whom God allows to see. I heard the Gospel many times in many ways before The Light dawned for me, personally. There came a time for me in this present life 'by God.' I am grateful, and do not use my present vision for condemning spiritually blinded people or 'excusing' my own ineffectiveness to turn them based on their blinded minds...
Paul planted, Apollos watered,
but it remains God who provides the increase.
now i know the calvinists here dont teach that. they teach it this way that God will keep the soul he saves but they teach it rather that God will ultimately draw you back.
I sympathize with many determinist positions, and I sympathize with many freewill positions. I cannot however go entirely with all of them. Both positions have many basic faults of reasoning on the spiritual level.
that implies no will of the believer.
A blinded will is what it is. I cannot in good faith say that God could not help them if He Desired to do so.
I also believe that blindness in believers (in part) is a perpetual condition of vacillation in many forms. Even Paul admitted that he only saw in part. That is part of the humble pie we must all partake in if we desire to be truthful within ourselves. None of us are all 'only Light' at least at the present time.
The question then becomes a part of this thread. What constitutes a believer? The RCC for example has long held that God does not condemn people for 'good works' even if they've never heard the Gospel, or if they did hear, they didn't understand. I agree with that position wholeheartedly.
i am arminist and i dont buy calvins idea of predestening souls to heaven or hell. sure its hard to walk away from God but there are stern warning on such things.
How one understands any form of judgments is somewhat voided if they don't have all the parties on the table for understandings. There are many preachers whom we could look at and say, wow, those people are manipulating deceivers who are milking their masses strictly for the cash. But I still believe that God uses even deceitful and lying preachers to do His Own Deal with individuals. So who am I to say? I just can't sit under a lot of sectarian preachings for myself, largely because of their imposed requirements to sit in Gods Seat to the detriment of others. That just can't be my thing. My conscience requires me to bypass that effort.
would would the writers of hebrews state such and also peter if its not possible?
I believe every Word of God applies to my ears on both sides of the ledgers, yeah, even the bad parts. I know unto whom to attribute the bad side and do not want to be enslaved by that working. Few believers understand this.
again you come across as that its all satans fault that God will save all men.
You know full well that discussing loving all our neighbors is not allowed here, so why bait me?
Never said He does. But on many levels even our terms will be different.
I do adamantly believe that every vessel of dishonour will be in the Lake of Fire forever and ever, period. And I also believe every vessel of honor will be saved, even if they were temporarily blinded in their present life. Do the math from there.
for narrow is the way and few there be that find it.wide is the way to destruction.its on men once god reaveals himself to repent.
Imho, those who seek to destroy their fellow believers have certainly found the path that leads to destruction by their own lips. Funny how that works in people who think they have found the path of life. The opposite is their factual case from their own statements. It's called 'self' justification. A method that Jesus hated. But He tolerated such things at the time.
Luke 10:29
But he,
willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. The man who says the truth in his own heart, that I am a sinner not worthy, went to his home, justified. Chest beating of self justification is one measure to tell a phony.
There is no excuse for me, period. All of my hopes are pinned upon God in Christ alone. He Is Able.