AVBunyan said:
Many of you folks who believe you can lose it don't even know what this salvation is that you are losing. How can one lose something he doesn't even know what it is he is losing! :o
I've yet you see one of you "lose-its" give a clear exposition on my two questions:
1. What is justification-salvation?
2. What took place in the believer at the point of justification-salvation?
Until you folks can clearly define what scriptural salvation is then why spend all you time trying to show how one can lose something he doesn't even know what that something is!?!?! :o
You folks are making your attempts at practical sanctification the basis for your salvation.
Most of your famous "lose-it" verses have nothing to do with justification any way.
Until you can define the saint's position as God sees it as it is expounded in Ephesians and Colossians then you need to leave all those suspect "lose-it" verses alone.
One more time with feeling - If you even get justification settled then all these OSAS-"lose-it" discussions will once and for all cease.
But they probably will not because some of you want to stand before God and have him pat you on your back and tell you what a fine job you've done down here! :-?
God bless
God bless you too.
Perhaps though AV, it would make much more sense for you to reconcile all those 'suspect' verses with the position of justification you are taking. For if the position of justification you are taking is the correct one, under no circumstances would God ever had warned that He would blot out a name from the book of life. After all, I know that we both agree wholeheartedly that God isn't given to making hystrical threats to frighten us into obedience.
Listen, I've been a Christian now for over 30 years, and I've been faithful to study texts in their context for all this time. For years I belonged to a Calvinist church, and yet the theology simply fails to adequately explain the 'suspect' verses. Unless a certain doctrine can harmonize with all of Scripture, it must remain suspect.
So, please, lets not treat each other like idiots, let's study together, share what we've learned and how we can harmonize the scriptures, so that we don't stand accused by the unbelievers that we Christians love to argue and fight amongst ourselves over a Book filled with contradictions.
I would assume that you are speaking of my list of 'lose-it' verses, and you're correct in that the context of most isn't justification. The context of most is a warning of not entering into God's rest, the context of rest being eternal life, as per Hebrews 4. Of failing to achieve the prize, the context of which is winning souls through the gospel. Of why the Isrealites who fell in the desert are set before us as an example and a warning. Of the fact that we
become partakers of Christ if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end.
(Hmmm, did I add that one to the list of suspects. :-? Well, I guess I did now, it's Hebrews 3:14.)
I didn't add any of the texts in which God warns that He will blot names out of the book of life, but they're worth considering as well, just maybe not on this thread. Head's up though, Michael, because I'll certainly be referring to them in our debate. I think our debate has been just a bit snickered at, but I'm glad that Michael is posting the full gospel, with salvation, justification, sanctification and glorification clearly explained. This way we can delve deep into just how these 'suspect' verses fit or don't fit within the greater context.
Yes, it's a jump beyond the basics, but I'm ready to
leave the elementary teaching about the Christ and press on to maturity, and guess what, the context of those words are withing a text about the peril of falling away, a falling away from which it is
impossible to renew unto repentence.