Bible Study good Friday


Luke 24:1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. 3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.

The first day of the week is Sunday that begins after sunset Saturday. Remember Sabbath starts at Friday at sunset an ends Saturday at sunset, which begins a new day being Sunday.

Here we see the women coming to the tomb of Jesus very early in the morning, but not finding Him there. So, sometime between Saturday after sunset when the Sabbath ended and early morning before the women came bringing the spices which they had prepared, Jesus was risen from the tomb.

Jesus never went down to hell to preach as scripture says He went to preach to the spirits in prison. When Jesus laid in the tomb for three days his body was dead, but His spirit was very much alive. In 1 Peter 3:19 it says Jesus being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit went and preached to the spirits in prison. Scripture does not say what Jesus preached to them, but some speculate that He was proclaiming to these fallen angels that Satan had no victory over His death.

The spirits in prison that Jesus went to preach to are those angels that are reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. These angels are separate from the third Satan gathered with him as these angels bound in chains kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day, Jude 1:5-7.

Ephesians 4:9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?...............The lower parts of he earth just means the grave.
You mean that His BODY was raised on Sunday morning.
That makes sense because if it had been otherwise, the Roman soldiers guarding the tomb would have seen the stone moved.

Agreed. His spirit was alive always.
And even the catholic church teaches that Jesus did NOT go to hell,,,although it's in one of their creeds.

so what difference does it make? it says on the third day he arose.
It's interesting to understand about the Passover and the High Sabbath. It's just history and culture.

Many years ago I had read a book about the times Jesus lived in.
What difference did it make?
None, for our salvation...but when you love someone, aren't you curious about where they come from?
I have that movie and what a great perspective of a non believer witnessing the crucifion and the resurrection of Christ.
It was great.
When the man living in the lone house at the beginning sees the Roman soldier he tells him that he looks like he's travelled far. Which he did! Spiritually.

And at the end the man looks through the window with the cross shaped metal guards.
According to the higher courts...

On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald . . . cried, “He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy.”

Sanhedrin 43a

I am assuming you all understand the Sanhedrin controlled the Jewish courts.

I have a book is like to quote from. But to preface, the Essenes who were a devout Jewish sect, believed they had the correct lunar calendar while Jerusalem used the Babylonian calendar. This helps explain the contridiction between Johns Gospel where Jesus dies as the Passover lamb as the Passover lamb in the temple is being slaughtered while the other three gospel writers who have Jesus eating the Passover meal.

And I quote from page 219 and 220 from Hillel and Jesus.

Living in such a Essene surroundings, it is not surprising that Jesus chose to celebrate his Passover meal according to the Essene calendar. Here may lie the solution to a puzzle that has been intriguing exegetes for a long time. According to the synoptic gospels, the Last Supper of Jesus was a Passover meal ( Mark 14:12, Matthew 26:16, Luke 22:15 ) for the Evangelist John it was a meal before the Passover feast (John 13:1 according to John, the trial of Jesus took place before Passover; According to the synoptics, it followed it. In John's View the high priests and the scribes " did not go into the praetorium themselves so as not to be defiled and made unable to eat the Passover" (John 18:28)

Pilot recalls that he was prepared to release a prisoner for Passover (John 18:39-40.)

Good Friday was preparation day and to prevent the bodies from remaining on the cross during the Sabbath since that Sabbath was a day of special solemnity ( John 19:31) the burial took place that evening.

In 30 c e, when Jesus was crucified, the temple Passover was on a Sabbath. It was extremely important for j o h a n n i n e Christology to point out that Jesus died (as the Lamb of God) while the Lambs were slaughtered in the temple (John 19:36 ). The meal in the house of Simon the leper, as John sees it, had already taken place " 6 days before Passover" (John 12-1 ), while the synoptics it was "two days before Passover" mark 14:1). The synoptics and John have two different passover's in mind for the first, it began on the eve of Wednesday, for the other, on the eve of the Sabbath.

This goes along with what I posted in post #52.

Here is an unknown fact that most Christians and even some Jews have never heard of. It's called seudah maphsehkey which means "the last supper" that took place on the 13th of Nisan being a Wednesday evening at sunset that began the next day being Thursday. This is the last supper Jesus would eat with His disciples before He was betrayed by Judas, Matthew 26:17-29. This took place before the beginning of Passover that started on the 14th of Nisan, Thursday at sunset, before the Festival of Unleavened Bread that followed immediately on the 15th of Nisan being Friday at sunset that started the Saturday High Sabbath.
It's interesting to understand about the Passover and the High Sabbath. It's just history and culture.

Many years ago I had read a book about the times Jesus lived in.
What difference did it make?
None, for our salvation...but when you love someone, aren't you curious about where they come from?
study is great and good to be shared in the right manner --i fail to see the right manner
I highly recommend that everybody immediately stop all the debating about Nisan dates and just go with simple arithmetic.

Seeing as how a preponderance of textual data testifies that Jesus Christ's crucified dead body was restored to life during the third day rather than after the third day was over and done with, then start counting back three days and three nights from there. Here's how.

According to Luke 24:21-23, the third day was Sunday. So:

Sunday = 3rd day
Saturday = 2nd day
Friday = 1st day

Saturday night = 3rd night
Friday night = 2nd night
Thursday night = 1st night

DO NOT count crucifixion day as one of the three days. Wait until the Jews' preparation for Passover comes to an end and they're ready to sit down and dine upon their paschal lambs before starting your chronology or it won't come out right. It's essential to leave crucifixion day set aside for the slaughtering of lambs; including the one on the cross.

NOTE: Quite a few of the Christians I encounter online are unaware that there are four sabbaths during Passover week: two routine sabbaths and two special sabbaths. The routine sabbaths are fixed; but the special sabbaths float. The first of the two special sabbaths commences the very night of the paschal lamb dinner. That particular sabbath is a very, very holy sabbath; far more holy than a routine sabbath.

What is truth and exacts in history if you do not have dates to specify what day certain festivals took place as in what we are discussing.

Exodus 16:1 And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.

Moses gave us the exact date of Passover as in the above verse which is why that date is commemorated even today on the 15th of Nisan/April.
I remember that the date of Jesus' birth is not certain...

Actually we can pinpoint fairly close to the day when Jesus was born. You have to study the 24 courses of the priest that would begin and end their service in the Temple on the Sabbath, a tour of duty being for one week (2 Chr 23:8, 1 Chr 9:25). On three occasions during the year, all the men of Israel were required to travel to Jerusalem for festivals of the Lord, so on those occasions all the priests would be needed in the Temple to accommodate the crowds. Those three festivals were Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, and Tabernacles (Deut 16:16).

But, this is another topic of discussion.
This goes along with what I posted in post #52.

Here is an unknown fact that most Christians and even some Jews have never heard of. It's called seudah maphsehkey which means "the last supper" that took place on the 13th of Nisan being a Wednesday evening at sunset that began the next day being Thursday. This is the last supper Jesus would eat with His disciples before He was betrayed by Judas, Matthew 26:17-29. This took place before the beginning of Passover that started on the 14th of Nisan, Thursday at sunset, before the Festival of Unleavened Bread that followed immediately on the 15th of Nisan being Friday at sunset that started the Saturday High Sabbath.
Sorry, I missed that post, I've been swamped lately.

What I've read about the Last Supper, it wasn't sanctioned by the Temple, so it was more apt to be celebrated by the Essenes or other Jews not tightly held with Temple practices.

Passover commemorated the death of the firstborn where the blood of the lamb was absent. The Last Super celebrated those who were not the first born since the Angel of Death only targeted the firstborn
I can't recall if that occurred on the 13th or not, but I take your word on it.

I hope I'm not repeating what you've already typed.
study is great and good to be shared in the right manner --i fail to see the right manner

This is the right manner of discussion as the topic is about good Friday. We are all in agreement that Jesus was raised early Sunday morning. Some of us like learning the history, culture and times of those eras. Not everyone is interested to learn things sort of things which is no big deal.
Sorry, I missed that post, I've been swamped lately.

What I've read about the Last Supper, it wasn't sanctioned by the Temple, so it was more apt to be celebrated by the Essenes or other Jews not tightly held with Temple practices.

Passover commemorated the death of the firstborn where the blood of the lamb was absent. The Last Super celebrated those who were not the first born since the Angel of Death only targeted the firstborn
I can't recall if that occurred on the 13th or not, but I take your word on it.

I hope I'm not repeating what you've already typed.

If you want and have time you can go read my post #52. We are basically saying about the same thing.
The Jews used a Lunar Solar calendar that is different than our Gregorian calendar we use today as the first month of their new year began in the month of Abib/Nisan being March/April. Their calendar was not a 365 day calendar like the one we use. The Hebrew Sabbath was instituted by God given to Moses in Exodus 16 as a day that started from Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset.

Here is an unknown fact that most Christians and even some Jews have never heard of. It's called seudah maphsehkey which means "the last supper" that took place on the 13th of Nisan being a Wednesday evening at sunset that began the next day being Thursday. This is the last supper Jesus would eat with His disciples before He was betrayed by Judas, Matthew 26:17-29. This took place before the beginning of Passover that started on the 14th of Nisan, Thursday at sunset, before the Festival of Unleavened Bread that followed immediately on the 15th of Nisan being Friday at sunset that started the Saturday High Sabbath.

After Jesus and His disciples finished their meal and sung a hymn they all went out to the mount of Olives. This would be the evening beginning of the day Thursday after Wednesday’s sunset that they all went to the garden in the mount of Olives. During that evening Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss and the Roman Guards arrested Jesus bringing Him to Caiaphas the high priest where the scribes and elders were gathered. Being that it was now the 14th of Nisan and the beginning of Passover Jewish law prevents Caiaphas from holding a trial so Jesus is turned over to Pontius Pilate to be examined for the charges brought against Him.

John 18:39 the Jews had a custom to release one prisoner at the time of Passover. Pilate instructed the guards to release Jesus and Barabbas and the crowd chose Barabbas to be released. This was early morning Thursday after sunrise that court was held, Jesus condemned, scourged and lead away to be nailed to a cross. On the ninth hour of the day being around 3:PM Jesus cried out and gave up the ghost.
Matthew Chapter 26-28

Preparation day was on the 13th of Nisan as everything had to be prepared before Wednesday at sunset that began the 14th day of Nisan being Passover before the Festival of Unleavened Bread (Matza) that started on the 15th of Nisan Friday at sunset. Matthew 26:30 after Jesus and the disciples finished the Passover meal they all went out to the mount of Olives. This would place the time being after Wednesday at sunset beginning the next day being Thursday

The Festival of Unleaven Bread (Matza) being the second Festival began immediately after the day of Passover on the 15th of Nisan (Friday at sunset) and ran for seven days ending on the 22nd (Saturday at sunset). The Sabbath day begins on Friday at sunset and ends on Saturday at sunset. Evening is at sunset when day ends and another day begins. The Festival of Unleaven Bread starts on Friday at sunset and ends Saturday at sunset as a this High Sabbath is the seven days of Pesach (Passover) starting at sunset on the 15th day of Nisan (April).

High Sabbath is seven annual festivals and days of rest that do not necessarily happen on weekly Shabbat (Sabbath). Two occur in the Spring. The first and seventh days of Pesach (Passover). Another one, Shavuot (Feast of Weeks/Pentecost) occurs in Tammuz/June. Four occur in the Fall in the seventh month of Tishri/October, Rosh Hashannah (Trumpets), Yom Kipper, Sabbath of Sabbaths (Atonement) and Sukkoth (Tabernacles).

The day of preparation mentioned in John 19:31-42 and the commemoration of the Festival of Unleaven Bread being a high Sabbath goes back to Exodus chapter 16 when on the 15th day of Nisan, being the second month that began the exodus of the Hebrews being led by Moses and Aaron departing out of the land of Egypt to Sinai.

Since the holy days (certain Sabbaths) can fall on any day of the week the preparation day can fall on any day of the week. On the day of the Festival of Unleaven Bread all food, Sabbath artifacts, cleaning and arranging schedules of prayer and time together had to be prepared before Friday at sunset.

Three days and three nights begin with Thursday being the first day and first night. Friday is the second day and second night. Saturday is the third day and third night with Jesus being raised from the tomb Sunday around sunrise.

Looks good!
Only two items I would add are:
1. The Temple used the Babylonian Solar Calendar (Nissan) where others, such as the Essens used the Lunar Calendar (Abib). This will cause the 14th to fall on different days depending on the year.

It also accounts for Matthew, Mark and Lukes account of Jesus eating the Passover meal where John has Jesus dying on the Day of Preparation (14th).

2. I believe the 14th is the day of Preparation.

You should double check both these items and keep me straight if I have anything flipped or mid stated. lol!
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Here's another useful tip to go along with the arithmetic recommended in post No.75.

Avoid thinking in terms of 24-hour calendar days.

The Jews' holy days always begin at sundown. But those kinds of days-- as well as ordinary civil days --are an amalgam of light and dark.

Gen 1:4-5 and Gen 1:14-18 keep light and dark distinctly separate; i.e. creation's days begin when the Sun comes up, and its nights begin when the Sun goes down.

Jesus believed the very same thing as Genesis.

John 11:9-10 . . Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.

This world's light is of course the Sun as per Gen 1:14-18. So then, when Jesus was here; day was when the Sun is up and night was when the Sun is down.

If you apply Jesus' and Genesis' definitions of day and night to Matt 12:40, your Easter chronology will have a fair chance of being spot-on.
Here's another useful tip to go along with the arithmetic recommended in post No.75.

Avoid thinking in terms of 24-hour calendar days.

The Jews' holy days always begin at sundown. But those kinds of days-- as well as ordinary civil days --are an amalgam of light and dark.

Gen 1:4-5 and Gen 1:14-18 keep light and dark distinctly separate; i.e. creation's days begin when the Sun comes up, and its nights begin when the Sun goes down.

Jesus believed the very same thing as Genesis.

John 11:9-10 . . Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.

This world's light is of course the Sun as per Gen 1:14-18. So then, when Jesus was here; day was when the Sun is up and night was when the Sun is down.

If you apply Jesus' and Genesis' definitions of day and night to Matt 12:40, your Easter chronology will have a fair chance of being spot-on.

So you agree that Jesus was crucified on Friday, and on the third day He rose, which would be Sunday morning?

Friday - 1st Day
Saturday - 2nd Day
Sunday - 3rd Day


Friday - 1st Day
Saturday - 2nd Day
Sunday - 3rd Day

A very common error is neglect to account for all three of the three nights Jesus predicted in Matt 12:40. They're all listed in post No.75.

While we're at it, another important tip I should mention is that Jesus and his men ate their own paschal lamb a day ahead of the Jews. Apparently the Jews' official religious calendar was off a bit that year; while Jesus, being a prophet in direct contact with God, would of course know the correct date with a very high degree of precision.

NOTE: The Jews tried their best to avoid executing Jesus at any time during the Passover season.

Matt 26:3-5 . .Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they plotted to arrest Jesus in some sly way and kill him. But not during the feast-- they said --or there may be a riot among the people.

Due to their official religious calendar's error, the Jews inadvertently put Jesus to death during the very season they wanted to avoid. (sigh) Poor guys. They just couldn't win.
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Looks good!
Only two items I would add are:
1. The Temple used the Babylonian Solar Calendar (Nissan) where others, such as the Essens used the Lunar Calendar (Abib). This will cause the 14th to fall on different days depending on the year.

It also accounts for Matthew, Mark and Lukes account of Jesus eating the Passover meal where John has Jesus dying on the Day of Preparation (14th).

2. I believe the 14th is the day of Preparation.

You should double check both these items and keep me straight if I have anything flipped or mid stated. lol!

I like using this Hebrew site Judaism 101 for information as it is a full OT Jewish study. This guy has a great explanation of how the Luna solar calendar came to be plus you can study all the different festivals and feast days.

Actually Jesus never ate the Passover meal as He was the Lamb led to slaughter before Passover began. Exodus Chapter 12 shows that Passover being the 14th of Nisan/April beginning at sunset Thursday evening which began the next day being Friday this commemorates that of God saving the Jewish firstborn in Egypt of being killed as the Moses instructed them to kill an unblemished lamb and use the blood on their door post. By Thursday evening at sunset Jesus had already died on the cross, taken down and buried before the Sabbath began.

Look up "seudah maphsehkey" which means "the last supper". This took place in the evening hours on the 13th of Nisan/April. According to the Luna Solar Calendar, more than likely the Babylonian Lunar Solar calendar, the 13th was a Wednesday being the day of preparation mentioned in John 19:31-42 and the last supper Christ had with his disciples.

This took place before the Festival of Unleaven Bread that starts on Friday at sunset and ends Saturday at sunset as this High Sabbath is the seven days of Pesach (Passover) starting at sunset on the 15th day of Nisan (April) and ends on the 21 of Nisan according to Exodus Chapter 12.

Wow, I can't believe how much I have researched and studied on this topic since it was first posted. I didn't even know all of this before as I really never studied it in depth.
I like using this Hebrew site Judaism 101 for information as it is a full OT Jewish study. This guy has a great explanation of how the Luna solar calendar came to be plus you can study all the different festivals and feast days.

Actually Jesus never ate the Passover meal as He was the Lamb led to slaughter before Passover began. Exodus Chapter 12 shows that Passover being the 14th of Nisan/April beginning at sunset Thursday evening which began the next day being Friday this commemorates that of God saving the Jewish firstborn in Egypt of being killed as the Moses instructed them to kill an unblemished lamb and use the blood on their door post. By Thursday evening at sunset Jesus had already died on the cross, taken down and buried before the Sabbath began.

Look up "seudah maphsehkey" which means "the last supper". This took place in the evening hours on the 13th of Nisan/April. According to the Luna Solar Calendar, more than likely the Babylonian Lunar Solar calendar, the 13th was a Wednesday being the day of preparation mentioned in John 19:31-42 and the last supper Christ had with his disciples.

This took place before the Festival of Unleaven Bread that starts on Friday at sunset and ends Saturday at sunset as this High Sabbath is the seven days of Pesach (Passover) starting at sunset on the 15th day of Nisan (April) and ends on the 21 of Nisan according to Exodus Chapter 12.

Wow, I can't believe how much I have researched and studied on this topic since it was first posted. I didn't even know all of this before as I really never studied it in depth.

We appreciate your study and hard work in this thread.

If He was crucified on Thursday, then here is how that looks.

Day 1 - Thursday
Day 2 - Friday
Day 3 - Saturday.

Saturday being the Sabbath, is not the first day of the week.

So you agree that Jesus was crucified on Friday, and on the third day He rose, which would be Sunday morning?

Friday - 1st Day
Saturday - 2nd Day
Sunday - 3rd Day


I really do not see how you only display the three days, but mention nothing of the three nights. You have to add the first day and the first night. Remember three days, three nights in the belly of the whale did Jonah stay. This was prophetic of Jesus being three days and three nights, but not a 24 hour day period, but only sunset to sunrise.

I just explained in further detail about this in post #95 using Exodus Chapter 12.
We appreciate your study and hard work in this thread.

If He was crucified on Thursday, then here is how that looks.

Day 1 - Thursday
Day 2 - Friday
Day 3 - Saturday.

Saturday being the Sabbath, is not the first day of the week.


Thursday is the first day being that Jesus died around the ninth hour (3pm) so that makes it the 1st day he died. We are talking about a sunset to sunrise count of days and nights like God said in Genesis 1:3-5.

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

I know you are going to say 3pm is not evening and you would be right. But we do not know how long it took Joseph to walk that mile between Golgotha and Jerusalem, to go before Pilate to beg the body of Jesus and how long it was before Pilate actually had an audience with Joseph and gave him permission. Then factor in how long it took Joseph to buy a shroud and then walk up the hill to Golgotha, take Jesus off the cross, cover Him in the shroud and carried His body to the tomb, John 19:38.
I really do not see how you only display the three days, but mention nothing of the three nights. You have to add the first day and the first night. Remember three days, three nights in the belly of the whale did Jonah stay. This was prophetic of Jesus being three days and three nights, but not a 24 hour day period, but only sunset to sunrise.

I just explained in further detail about this in post #95 using Exodus Chapter 12.

Jesus hung on the cross for most of the day then at the ninth hour He died.

That was the first day.

The next day, the second day, was the Sabbath.

On the third day he rose, which was the first day of the week, which we all know as Sunday.
