"wanting more" ?
OK...being -homeless- is not a state of mind. Its an obvious state of deprivation and extreme vulnerability, especially in American culture. The homeless are often victimized, brutalized.
Poverty is a very real social problem. The "have nots" in the US, in particular, end up having difficult lives. Not to be too hard on American culture--there's extreme poverty in other nations, too, with absolutely no safety net in place--but compared to say, the UK or Canada, the US is not doing much at all to help the poor or even the very poor. In fact, since Bill Clinton (the "Democrat") signed so-called "Welfare Reform" into law in 1996, -deep poverty- in the US has grown. Meanwhile, the rich and very rich are getting more and more tax cuts, overall inequality is growing, and the working class is being damaged by drug epidemics.
Its...crazy, to me...especially since 9/11, the US somehow has limitless funds for endless wars against anybody and everybody, but we've got tons of homeless people, people living on the edge of nothing, and a shrinking middle class. Oh, and the US also somehow has the funds for prisons...lots and lots of prisons, many of them privately owned by shady corporations...but now the GOP wants poor people to meet work requirements for Medicaid, for food stamps, for...anything.
What we have now in the US is sort of like The Gilded Age 2.0, only...worse. Inequality is -deeply- entrenched now, and the culture has shifted so far to the right that basic progressive concepts are derided as "libtard" nonsense, etc., even when they're solidly backed by quality data. There's also this ridiculous situation -within- the church in which poor people are despised and hated, punished. Keep in mind; Jesus -was- poor, and He died a poor criminal's death, on The Cross, so that we may have "life, and that more abundantly."