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for I know my,plans for you ..

I know you,before you were born.. i guess he Doesnt already know who will actually repent . we are not infinite ,He is.
Knowing something
and predetermining it are totally different ideas.

God knows everything - past, present, future.
There is no time with God...He is timeless.
In fact, science cannot go back beyond the instant of creation (the Big Bang) because TIME did not exist yet.

This does not mean that God predetermined everything that would happen to each person from
the beginning of time.

God knew us because He is timeless....
He has plans for us..IF we follow His ways.
This has nothing to do with predestination.
we aren't raised in a vaccum
What does this mean?
You mean we can be affected by our environment?
If we are,,,,the certaily you believe God determined HOW we would be affected....
so whether or not we're raised in a vacuum becomes meaningless...
What does this mean?
You mean we can be affected by our environment?
If we are,,,,the certaily you believe God determined HOW we would be affected....
so whether or not we're raised in a vacuum becomes meaningless...
did you make your choices in be a female?who your parents were,what na tion you were born ?

what abilities you have ?
Knowing something
and predetermining it are totally different ideas.

God knows everything - past, present, future.
There is no time with God...He is timeless.
In fact, science cannot go back beyond the instant of creation (the Big Bang) because TIME did not exist yet.

This does not mean that God predetermined everything that would happen to each person from
the beginning of time.

God knew us because He is timeless....
He has plans for us..IF we follow His ways.
This has nothing to do with predestination.
god doesn't state i raise up nations and kings ?
they by themselves gain power ?
Knowing something
and predetermining it are totally different ideas.

God knows everything - past, present, future.
There is no time with God...He is timeless.
In fact, science cannot go back beyond the instant of creation (the Big Bang) because TIME did not exist yet.

This does not mean that God predetermined everything that would happen to each person from
the beginning of time.

God knew us because He is timeless....
He has plans for us..IF we follow His ways.
This has nothing to do with predestination.
Jesus loves you.
God did not make it difficult to be saved.
Why do you try to make it difficult?
Not everyone is smart enough to understand everything.
All we have to do is love Jesus all the days of our lives and we will be saved.
Are you able to understand that?
Yes dear.

However, may I state that many Christians believe they can
live as they want to and still be saved.
Do YOU believe this?
I don't think you do.
I mean, I KNOW you don't believe this.

Someone has to say what needs to be said.
Jesus NEVER said "just believe in Me and you will be saved".

What He DID speak about was obeying Him and DOING.
Doing means doing things...not just believing.

(or it could mean NOT doing things).

Do we agree on this?
you words imply God isn't omniscient .

when a man insulted the nature of God at a the council against Arian's,he was slapped.
Who is insulting the nature of God?

The person that believes God is love,
wants to save everyone,
and teaches them how...


The person that believes picks some for heaven and some for hell
to "glorify" Himself.

Who is insulting the nature of God?

The person that believes God is love,
wants to save everyone,
and teaches them how...


The person that believes picks some for heaven and some for hell
to "glorify" Himself.

you claim the right of predesitning your self to be saved ?
my church always starts with .you are called to be here today .

I agree .
I have no right to claim I will be alive Tommorow or healthy enough to be anywhere .

some think that isn't anything to do with God ,funny Arminist churches say the same
you made yourself ?
yoh woke up,decided to be female ?
plan to die ,you choose your abilities

no to,all
that isn't the premise .I'm not even a one or the other but I observe how we are .we really are limited .God said this

for it appointed for all men to die ..sounds like he set ups death by allowing it to happen.

as quoted by another our days are numbered ,we can't add or subject. genetics plays a role .my mom is 30 lbs under weight ,anemic and has high blood pressure .

high bp runs in the family ,as does dementia ,dad has it ,grandfather's died with it .

as far as sarcasm ,God uses it ,see the plaques against Egypt ,oh you worship frogs ,here is Your God !

oh pharoah is A God ?he rebirths in his son?let me help you,with that .

so I guess a bit of sarcasm is a sin ,funny,you insult scholars who might be wrong but you,also study ,a scholar is what those reformers where .

it is that reason i choose my approach .I don't agree with Calvin but I see why .
when speaking about free will biblically, it means having the free will to make moral choices,
to decide if we want to sin or not,
to decide if we want to fellowship with God or not.

It has NOTHING to do with making ourselves or
being female
or deciding when to die.

Please take note of the difference.
All of us here know we cannot fly,,,no matter how much we will it.

Free will cannot go beyond what is possible to do.
And we are not discussing philosophical free will, but biblical free will.
  • Psalm 139:16 All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
  • Proverbs 16:4 The LORD works out everything for his own ends – even the wicked for a day of disaster.
  • Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
  • Proverbs 20:24 A man's steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way?
  • Proverbs 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.
  • Daniel 4:35 All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: "What have you done?"
  • Acts 2:23 this Man, when handed over [to the Roman authorities] according to the predetermined decision and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross and put to death by the hands of lawless and godless men.
  • Ephesians 1:11 In Him also we have [a]received an inheritance [a destiny—we were claimed by God as His own], having been predestined (chosen, appointed beforehand) according to the purpose of Him who works everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His will,
  • 1 Corinthians 2:7 But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory.
  • 2 Timothy 1:9b [He did it] not because of anything of merit that we have done, but because of and to further His own purpose and grace (unmerited favor) which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began [eternal ages ago].
  • James 4:13-15 Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."
Too late.
But will speak to the N.T. verses tomorrow morning.
As to the O.T. verses...they will be discussed too.
when speaking about free will biblically, it means having the free will to make moral choices,
to decide if we want to sin or not,
to decide if we want to fellowship with God or not.

It has NOTHING to do with making ourselves or
being female
or deciding when to die.

Please take note of the difference.
All of us here know we cannot fly,,,no matter how much we will it.

Free will cannot go beyond what is possible to do.
And we are not discussing philosophical free will, but biblical free will.
you imply God doesmy.

freddy posted we don't live free
why exactly does God call us slaves to sin and then slaves to righteousness once saved?

a slave has no freedom .that's a starting point of this
you imply God doesmy.

freddy posted we don't live free
why exactly does God call us slaves to sin and then slaves to righteousness once saved?

a slave has no freedom .that's a starting point of this
Tomorrow Jason.
It's too late here.
Did God choose Biden?
It's the same idea.
he raises all.

Romans 13 ,Nero was in power
obey them,in,office .he killed his mother and siblings to stay in power and yet it says ,God didn't make him do it just used it and it says what evil is done and punished by God under roman law .

only resist ungodly laws .

god allows men to do evil its called he allows it ,a part of his plan ,mercy or in timing judgement of glory

now to kill this mystery of said 1200s indian who can't name but somehow is good enough .what tribe ?most are canniballistuc or worshippers of nature ,the Mayans ,Incans,Olmec,toltec,and aztec worshipped nature and they all had human was comon to offer captives from war or in dire a local in said village or city .

if God dI'd reveal himself ,he changed ?they would have stopped ,those that believed .since you can't from the bible state that these are in heaven ,argument from silence ,nor can it be said otherwise it's a fable per what Paul warned about .

indian culture ,I do read up on it .Mayan and Aztec artifacts have been found in floruda .trade did occur .

you make God inconsistent on that if a person is honest in his worship of a dietty,the nature of creation even in calvinism or arminism is not a full revelation.

both do believe God reveals in visions but again neither to be in,place of Romans 10. it does happen bit again outside of the testimonies if those in churches afterwards ,there aren't any in the Americas or elsewhere that can be produced akin to the bible
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