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Solo said:Most Roman Catholics earn their salvation through works, therefore they can't understand salvation as a free gift permanently given to them by a loving God.
Nope. Not Catholic teaching at all. Works are useless if one is not saved. A man can theoretically build a skyscraper to heaven and fill it with all the poor but if he is not in a state of grace he will in fact go to hell. So salvation is not earned in Catholicism. It is a free gift. We are saved. Now works do come in to play in salvation with regard to perseverence. When we seek to do good it is like physical excercise to the body. Virtue counteracts vice. If we are doing good we are not doing evil. Now if one does not get physical excercise his body becomes weak and eventually dies. The same is true for spiritual excercise, namely charity. The spiritual body will become weak and die. It will not persevere in faith. So the works do not save, except in that they keep the spiritual body strong. Of course one needs a good diet as well. Spiritual food called the Eucharist.
IIt is interesting that I came from a Roman Catholic type understanding prior to being saved, as I was raised in a trinity lutheran church (similar views and consubstantiation); and I too had difficulty with salvation being given without earning it; as well as salvation being permanent without man keeping it on his own.
Your integrity is highly in question here as you present a staw man that has been pointed out to you and still hold to your views on Catholicism. Your such and expert on the Catechism, you should be able to point out in the Catechism where it says we keep salvation on our own apart from the grace of God. It just isn't in there. Of course I fully expect you to selectively quote.
Not one Roman Catholic or Pro-loseyoursalvation proponent has answered the meaning of this verse:
And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30
No, you have seen it answered you are just hard to the answers. We are sealed with the spirit. As mentioned seals can be broken. God does not force us to stay in his grace. You have not answered how a man who was never in a tree can be said to have fallen from that tree.

Nor have they answered which sin or sins will cause one to lose their salvation.
Why mortal sins of course.
[4] For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit,
[5] and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come,
[6] if they then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.
Apostacy is one of them.