Rajesh Sahu
2024 Supporter
- Nov 12, 2017
- 641
- 209
- Thread starter
- #221
You lost me!The much hyped word GRACE was never used by Jesus , did anyone wonder WHY ?
Grace does not Save . Doing the Will of God does assures Jesus ( Matthew 7:21, Mark 3:35, 1John 2:17)
secondly the Saving grace did not apply (
to the goats ( believing Christians )------ on the judgment day of Christ---- since they didn't practise loving- compassion, On the other hand the Saving Grace applied to a non believer , idol worshipping partly Pagan Good Samaritan who went out of the way to help a dying stranger lying ambushed on a street, even as the Samaritan endangered his own life .
The much hyped Grace applies only to those who have learned to turn away ( repent) from Sin and moved towards practising LOVING-KINDNESS. Only that can save a human. No Love No Grace .
And this love is pure, unconditional and Godly Love.
When John was reclining on the Chest of Universe, I meant Jesus[ Jeremiah 23 :24] at that moment John must have realized the man He was leaning on was what filled the zillions of miles large Universe . And that which fills the Universe was Love . If we read the Gospel of John we find Love as the overarching theme and message of Christ. John knew that whoever did not learn to Love never knew God , for God Is Love ( 1 John 4:8)
Good Samaritan may not be a believer , but it was His actions of Love ( and compassio ) that captured the heart of the Savior.
Grace means nothing in the presence of Sinful life and absence of Loving kindness in a christian . The word Grace was seldom used by any of His handpicked Apostles, except twice in entire 4 gospels. It started getting used repeatedly by Paul.
But is conspicuous by its absence in teaching of Christ, whose highest emphasis was on Love, obedience and repentance.
Without these a Christian cannot be saved warns Jesus. Grace or no Grace .
I jokingly teach my Bible group " GRACE applies only to those who are willing to RACE!"
Race here would mean robust obedience.
Think about this Bright : Had Grace been crucial to human salvation as is being abundantly taught, Why didnt the Christ choose to mention it even once in His ministry. You dont have to answer this question bro. But I would strongly encourage you to reflect on this. After all there was only Jesus who died on the cross for human sin. He bore the brunt of the excruciating pain n suffering for sin of man. If grace was the way to salvation, wouldn't He have taught / mentioned it at least once in His ministry ? Also it would be prudent to be mindful that Jesus , post resurrection, got the opportunity to spend time with His disciples ( again) , and some others as well. If He had "forgotten" / or it "slipped His mind" the first time, wouldn't He have taught Grace as the redeeming feature in His doctrine of Salvation in His second innings ? But He didn't. I would encourage you to consider "Why "