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Is the holy Spirit the Spirit of Christ?


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Peter then stood up and said the Thou art the Christ.

I think it was actually, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God"

His Messiahship and His Sonship is irrelevant to his ontology (essence).
i hope that mad guy isn't directed at me, didn't mean to upset you.

No - not at all - it was directed to myself and the fact that I s/h been doing something differently an hour ago but I am still here blogging (being brought under the control of something other than Christ...).

Your latest interaction with me has been very gracious and reflective of the sincere heart I perceived in you earlier.

he has to be all the bible says he is

He is -

"There is ONE God, and ONE Mediator between man and God, the MAN Christ Jesus" (ITim2:5).

You are good to go with that text alone.

If he has not the nature of both God and Man when he walked the earth, then the bible is lying or we read it wrong. I think the former would be true as the bible is clear on the nature of christ and what he was.
Anth said:
i'm not sure what you mean by taking issue with it,

Darcy - Without going further - the original sin concept is a pre-medieval bit of theology that crept into the institutionalized church - there is no meaningful Biblical basis. However, I don't have time to pursue this (I am already spending to much time at my worst addiction - blogging... :mad )


Actually, I agree with you on this one.
Which is why babies and small children are innocent.
Each man's own sins separate him from God...not Adam's sin.
His sin did cut man off from the tree of life, however, so we all die, and because all men sin...we all die in our sins without the cross.

Isaiah 59:2 said:
But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
glorydaz said:
Actually, I agree with you on this one.
Which is why babies and small children are innocent.
Each man's own sins separate him from God...not Adam's sin.
His sin did cut man off from the tree of life, however, so we all die, and because all men sin...we all die in our sins without the cross.

Isaiah 59:2 said:
But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

Now i see where my error was, it is a term i obviously used loosely yet it's not true, as you pointed out Glory, we are only held accountable until we reach the age of accountability, what ever age that would be? the Lord told the Israelites to count people at the age of 20 - is that the age?
are you a non tritarian, Anth?

1 Corinthians 8:6 (New International Version)
6yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

John 17:3 (New International Version)
3Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
Anth said:

If you are genuinely interested in digging into this - meaning genuinly open to changing your mind - I would spend the time to do it. However, most prefer their "old corn" - their traditions so I don't waste time on the subject.

However, two easy points

1. Ego Eimi is NOT a reference to Jehovah (you will need to read the Septuagint - the source for most of the NT's OT references in Ex 3:14) but you can simply read Jn9:9 - and that will solve your dilemma...

2. Col 1 - Creatorship - again, you are using a false translation (Try the ASV1901). Please review the Greek and again your dilemma will be solved. At no point does is there a didactic text that states that Jesus was the causal agent for the creation (that is, Jesus did not create anything - His Father did - in reference to Jesus).


I'm not going with your false translation idea. It isn't just one verse that tells me Jesus is God and created everything. Just for future reference...I don't pay heed to the teaching of men or their doctrines. I allow the Holy Spirit to teach me through the Word alone. I always have and I always will.
So instead of using the charge of false translations to say I'm not understanding, it would be better if you used scripture to show your own take on what the Bible says and then we may be able to reason together. There is no reasoning with someone who claims various translations change the Word. The Holy Spirit is the one who illuminates the Word to our understanding. It works well for me, and I intend to stay the course.
Anth said:
are you a non tritarian, Anth?

1 Corinthians 8:6 (New International Version)
6yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

John 17:3 (New International Version)
3Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
thanks for you answer, i have spent alot of time over the past week or so studying this and there is one God, yet He consists of 3. i see throughout scripture the validity of this, He was 3 in Genesis, God created the world, through Jesus, and the Spirit hovered over the waters. this is Christianity's entire foundation.
DarcyLu said:
glorydaz said:
Actually, I agree with you on this one.
Which is why babies and small children are innocent.
Each man's own sins separate him from God...not Adam's sin.
His sin did cut man off from the tree of life, however, so we all die, and because all men sin...we all die in our sins without the cross.

Isaiah 59:2 said:
But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

Now i see where my error was, it is a term i obviously used loosely yet it's not true, as you pointed out Glory, we are only held accountable until we reach the age of accountability, what ever age that would be? the Lord told the Israelites to count people at the age of 20 - is that the age?

I don't think there is any particular age.
The Lord alone knows the heart of man, and when we disobey the conscience God has given us all.
I just wouldn't know for sure when it is the Lord holds us accountable.
glorydaz said:
Now i see where my error was, it is a term i obviously used loosely yet it's not true, as you pointed out Glory, we are only held accountable until we reach the age of accountability, what ever age that would be? the Lord told the Israelites to count people at the age of 20 - is that the age?

I don't think there is any particular age.
The Lord alone knows the heart of man, and when we disobey the conscience God has given us all.
I just wouldn't know for sure when it is the Lord holds us accountable.

hey, maybe i'm not being held accountable now. :biglaugh
jokin' obviously as i know i am :yes
DarcyLu said:
Anth said:
are you a non tritarian, Anth?

1 Corinthians 8:6 (New International Version)
6yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

John 17:3 (New International Version)
3Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
thanks for you answer, i have spent alot of time over the past week or so studying this and there is one God, yet He consists of 3. i see throughout scripture the validity of this, He was 3 in Genesis, God created the world, through Jesus, and the Spirit hovered over the waters. this is Christianity's entire foundation.
Hey, Darcy...have you ever done a study on the "arm of God" and the "hand of God"?
You'll see Jesus is more than the word of God. It's very interesting. :thumb

BTW We have a body, soul and spirit, too.
We're made in His image. :yes
DarcyLu said:
glorydaz said:
DarcyLu said:
Now i see where my error was, it is a term i obviously used loosely yet it's not true, as you pointed out Glory, we are only held accountable until we reach the age of accountability, what ever age that would be? the Lord told the Israelites to count people at the age of 20 - is that the age?

I don't think there is any particular age.
The Lord alone knows the heart of man, and when we disobey the conscience God has given us all.
I just wouldn't know for sure when it is the Lord holds us accountable.

hey, maybe i'm not being held accountable now. :biglaugh
jokin' obviously as i know i am :yes

Haha...ya think God would fall for that one? :couch
glorydaz said:
Hey, Darcy...have you ever done a study on the "arm of God" and the "hand of God"?
You'll see Jesus is more than the word of God. It's very interesting. :thumb
Jesus IS God. i will look the others up and see what i can learn - thanks.

glorydaz said:
We're made in His image. :yes
yep, and we are One with Him, also. :yes


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