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No Pretrib Rapture

Exactly, and so they just plan accordingly as post-trib believers they can just put it off until the anti-christ receives his deadly wound and is then healed .
Hi Consecrated Life

That's an assumption that cannot be made from the evidence. But yes, if God wants to give us some 'signs' to warn people of the soon coming devastation of the planet, so that those who love and believe Him know that the things happening are all part of 'how' it's all going to end, I think He does that a lot in His word.

Yes, that's right. Those believers who trust God's word do what Jesus said and trust his words. He warned Israel that when they see certain things happening that they should flee. You think he didn't expect them to be looking for those certain things happening? Why would he waste his breath telling them if he didn't expect them to heed his warning?

God bless,
Exactly, and so they just plan accordingly as post-trib believers they can just put it off until the anti-christ receives his deadly wound and is healed.

Hi Consecrated Life

That's an assumption that cannot be made from the evidence.

God bless,
There is ample evidence of our human nature to procrastinate applied to what God tells us we should be doing.
A classic example would be the holding back in charitable giving for a period of time, rationalizing it by saying things like:

" I am due to get that promotion at work next July so I will just wait until then before I start giving what I know I really should be giving"

I have recently engaged in that type of procrastination in doing right by God myself.
The cost of almost everything having dramatically gone up recently I had rationalized in my mind that God certainly understands me holding back & not increasing my charitable giving accordingly, so for the better part of a year I had not increased my giving in accordance to the cost of everything else going up , rationalizing that because my own income had not increased in any significant way God understands my holding back .
I was purposely ignoring a lesson I had been taught by God long ago that He will Bless even more what is not given out of abundance , but what is given out of sacrifice.
I was actually repeating a procrastination I learned was a mistake and a failure to receive God's added Blessing I had learned long ago.
This is our nature which remains with us even after salvation.
I believe that I am not the exception , but more the rule in being delinquent in procrastinating doing what I know God would have me to do in this business of charitable giving from what God has given to me .

This same slackness of our human nature in responding to what we know God would have us to do can be equally applied to many aspects of our Christianity
Exactly, and so they just plan accordingly as post-trib believers they can just put it off until the anti-christ receives his deadly wound and is then healed .
Taking advantage of God's program especially designed just for privileged slacker post-trib christians to fill their lamps with oil right after the alarm has been sounded , just in the nick of time , right before Christ's return.
The deadly wound came in 1798 and was healed in 1929. Once everyone who takes the mark of this beast will have sealed their fate of damnation in God's judgement and will be cast into the lake of fire. I don't know who is teaching you about slacker Christians as there is no such thing as either you are God's own through the Spiritual rebirth or you are none of His own. Read and understand the parable of the ten virgins as no one knows the day or the hour of Christ return, Matthew 24:36-39.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Mat 25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
Mat 25:2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
Mat 25:3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
Mat 25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Mat 25:5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
Mat 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Mat 25:7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
Mat 25:8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
Mat 25:9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
Mat 25:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Mat 25:11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
Mat 25:12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Mat 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

The lamp represents the word of God, Psalms 119:105, and the oil represents the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, John 3:5-7.
Hey for_his_glory

No, sorry. I don't see it. The dots aren't connecting in my old and slow brain.

God bless,
I'm sorry. Go back to my post #63 and read the scriptures I gave to see the Church being the body of Christ will still be here on earth during the time of the son of perdition with the mark of this beast that many will be deceived into taking.
There is ample evidence of our human nature to procrastinate applied to what God tells us we should be doing.
Hi Consecrated Life

Oh, I'm not arguing that we don't all procrastinate. I was arguing your understanding of your previous postings.
Exactly, and so they just plan accordingly as post-trib believers they can just put it off until the anti-christ receives his deadly wound and is then healed .
Taking advantage of God's program especially designed just for privileged slacker post-trib christians to fill their lamps with oil right after the alarm has been sounded , just in the nick of time , right before Christ's return.
Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but you seem to be saying that it wouldn't be fair for the rapture to come post or mid trib because that would be God giving us a warning to repent and that some will hold out and wait for these 'signs' before doing anything. And I get the feeling that you feel that would be unfair somehow, but that's exactly the lesson of the parable of the workers in the field. Some were called early in life and spent their entire lives living for Jesus. Some were called later in life and spent a good portion of their lives living for Jesus. But still more waited until the end of the day, very late in their life, to start living for Jesus. Jesus tells us that they will all receive the same wage. That is God's salvation.

I don't believe this parable of the workers paints God as somehow being petty enough to tell those who waited til the last opportunity in their lives to find Him, that that's some terrible thing to Him. God's will is that we all come to the knowledge of His salvation afforded us through His Son, and I'm pretty sure He's not counting the number of days in each one's life that they may have given over to living as He asks or believing what He has told us.

God bless,
I'm sorry. Go back to my post #63 and read the scriptures I gave to see the Church being the body of Christ will still be here on earth during the time of the son of perdition with the mark of this beast that many will be deceived into taking.
Hi for_his_glory

Maybe I haven't been clear on my position. I agree with your claim here that the believers will endure, at least part of the days, referred to as the Great Tribulation. I just don't find the connection that you're making with many of these verses that you populate in your thread, that they have anything to do with the matter.

But I think I've been clear in at least a couple of my responses on this thread that I am a post or mid trib believer.

God bless,
Exactly, and so they just plan accordingly as post-trib believers they can just put it off until the anti-christ receives his deadly wound and is then healed .
Taking advantage of God's program especially designed just for privileged slacker post-trib christians to fill their lamps with oil right after the alarm has been sounded , just in the nick of time , right before Christ's return.
The deadly wound came in 1798 and was healed in 1929.

You have no appreciation of the power of God's ability to prophesize the future & the days we are living in .
The wound that happens to the Antichrist and is healed and is seen by the whole world is a single event witnessed by the world in a matter of minutes.

Rev 13:3
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

It will be akin to the JFK assassination where his head comes apart but instead of the terrible wound being the end of it the person slumps down in the seat , out of sight for a moment , and then rises back up sitting upright in the seat in perfect condition.

Such a wondering experience witnessed worldwide in real time in 1929 is an impossibility.
In fact it has only become a possibility in our short life spans.

In His prophesy God foresaw the day that everyone in the world would be electronically & visually connected in real time.

ALL THE WORLD WONDRING, at the same time over what they have just witnessed .

The amazement that the entire world is experiencing at once as God describes it is unmistakable .

You seem quite unaware that this is not the only instance in Revelation where God unmistakenly refers to modern technology's involvement in His prophesy having the entire world bear witness to one single event in real time.

How could it not be considering the time we are living in and the technological advancements no being made in light speed?
ie : artificial intelligence being the next advent.
Hi Consecrated Life

Oh, I'm not arguing that we don't all procrastinate. I was arguing your understanding of your previous postings.

Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but you seem to be saying that it wouldn't be fair for the rapture to come post or mid trib because that would be God giving us a warning to repent and that some will hold out and wait for these 'signs' before doing anything. And I get the feeling that you feel that would be unfair somehow, but that's exactly the lesson of the parable of the workers in the field.

God bless,
Your feeling about what I'm saying is wrong.
My sarcasm has flown completely over your head.
As I described it the only people it would "unfair" too would be the post-trib people foolish enough to believe they could pull a fast one on Jesus playing the delay game & then springing into action after the alarm bell rings.
Like Jesus would be unaware and of what they are up to .
He who knows the thoughts & intentions of our very hearts ?
Really ?
I am only describing human nature's penchant procrastination given the opportunity .
The one fact you have not disputed or taken issue with interestingly enough.
Did you know that David procrastinated for close to a year before repenting for murder and adultery.
And even at that God had to put his back to the wall with Nathan's finger in his face to do it .
How much more would some Christian's procrastinate making things right for things much lesser than murder & adultery if they knew for sure that the any one of prophetic alarm bells of the tribulation would give them advance warning ?
My sarcasm has flown completely over your head.
Hey Consecrated Life

Yeah, that can be a problem with sarcasm. Especially when the communication medium is a keyboard and a screen. I find that it's generally good to identify sarcasm and keep it down to a minimum. Although it can be fun to use sometimes.
As I described it the only people it would "unfair" too would be the post-trib people foolish enough to believe they could pull a fast one on Jesus playing the delay game & then springing into action after the alarm bell rings.
Like Jesus would be unaware and of what they are up to .
And that's a serious concern for you as you live your life here on the earth today. You are concerned for those who have heard the gospel and read the Scriptures and found out the secret code that is going to tell us all when we need to stand up and be counted. And you just don't think that's fair!!! AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHY I MENTIONED THE PARABLE OF THE HIRED WORKERS!!!!!! Friend, God's got other much more important things for you to be concerned about as a child of His. He wants you, in season and out of season, to always be able to tell others about the hope that you have found and now lives in you, who is the Jesus found in the Scriptures.

Have you got a minute that I can show you what he's done in my life?

And then, hopefully you're off doing the work that your Father has established for you to do since the foundations of the world were established. If you are a child of His.
I am only describing human nature's penchant procrastination given the opportunity .
Yes, and I haven't so far seen anyone disagreeing with that.
Did you know that David procrastinated for close to a year before repenting for murder and adultery.
And even at that God had to put his back to the wall with Nathan's finger in his face to do it .
No!!!!! God forbid it!!!! Tell me it isn't so!!! David was a sinner?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Oh well, he's going to need Jesus, isn't he?
How much more would some Christian's procrastinate making things right for things much lesser than murder & adultery if they knew for sure that the any one of prophetic alarm bells of the tribulation would give them advance warning ?
And again, this causes you concern because you think some people may figure out some way to sneak in that isn't in keeping with your understanding. Even though you keep saying that Jesus will know each of our hearts, you don't seem to believe he can do it without your help. Ok.

God bless,
Hey Consecrated Life

And that's a serious concern for you as you live your life here on the earth today. You are concerned for those who have heard the gospel and read the Scriptures and found out the secret code that is going to tell us all when we need to stand up and be counted.

God bless,
I just got done telling you that nobody's foolishness is of any concern to me.
We all have to stand alone before Christ and answer for our actions or inactions , and nobody else's
Why is that so hard for you to understand ?

As I described it the only people it would "unfair" too would be the post-trib people foolish enough to believe they could pull a fast one on Jesus playing the delay game & then springing into action after the alarm bell rings.
Like Jesus would be unaware and of what they are up to .
I just got done telling you that nobody's foolishness is of any concern to me.
We all have to stand alone before Christ and answer for our actions or inactions , and nobody else's
Why is that so hard for you to understand ?
Right, that's what I said. You seem to know that Jesus will successfully separate the wheat from the chaff. But your concern here is somehow that you think people are going to try and cheat their way into heaven. So yes, while you say you know that Jesus will handle this, your argument seems to be that somehow some 'unbelievers' are going to sneak an end run around by him.

Oh, and as far as the understanding...

I'm sure you won't likely agree, but I believe that I understand just fine.

God bless,
Right, that's what I said. You seem to know that Jesus will successfully separate the wheat from the chaff. But your concern here is somehow that you think people are going to try and cheat their way into heaven.

God bless,
God Decides who goes to heaven, and you can't cheat or fool God.
That's fair enough for me.
God Decides who goes to heaven, and you can't cheat or fool God.
That's fair enough for me.
Hi Consecrated Life

Exactly!!! But here is what He asks you to do for Him. Not go out and condemn the world for its sin, but to proclaim the salvation available through Jesus. That's what He sent His Son to do and it's the same life that His Son represented and lived that He's asking you to live.

So let go all that anxious concern that you're obsessing over of any unfairness as to 'how' they get into heaven. God's plan is perfect and those who 'get into heaven' will all be qualified and vetted. But He has made work for us to do while we sojourn here on this earth of wicked unbelievers.

God bless,
Hi Consecrated Life

Exactly!!! But here is what He asks you to do for Him. Not go out and condemn the world for its sin, but to proclaim the salvation available through Jesus. That's what He sent His Son to do and it's the same life that His Son represented and lived that He's asking you to live.

So let go all that anxious concern that you're obsessing over of any unfairness as to 'how' they get into heaven. God's plan is perfect and those who 'get into heaven' will all be qualified and vetted. But He has made work for us to do while we sojourn here on this earth of wicked unbelievers.

God bless,
I really like your approach.

I tend to look for how many raptures and be thankful of the concept.

Noah and family were raptured from the coming tribulation.

Lot was raptured.

The Ezekiel mark on the forehead rapture

Jesus was sort of raptured from corruption in the Grave.

Not that I have last EndTimes rapture stuff all together. I don’t.

I am thankful a way of escape from eternal hell exists. It is not a boat, a great fish, a dispersion into another nation.

I realize I did not order all this. Redneck rough. Sorry.

The concept of escape is in Christ Jesus. The Gospel.

Mississippi redneck
Hi Consecrated Life

So let go all that anxious concern that you're obsessing over of any unfairness as to 'how' they get into heaven. God's plan is perfect and those who 'get into heaven' will all be qualified and vetted. But He has made work for us to do while we sojourn here on this earth of wicked unbelievers.

God bless,
No such thing going on here.
Unless you are referring to the anxious restlessness you are exhibiting in having this thread's inherent lack of biblical harmony and any foundational precedent whatsoever in making the case for the spiritually weak post-trib theology pointed out to you .
Deferring instead to your now well established custom in lacking any cogent foundational biblical precedent to support the subject of a thread you disconnect completely from attempting any biblical based support of the thread's subject matter in favor of obsessing over someone personally.
If are you so afraid to stick to this thread's subject matter and present the best biblical precedent you know of in support of the it . why not just move on if you have nothing to offer ?
I have offered that the having antichrist come to world power is provides a clear timeline of demarcation that must be crossed before Christ can return , runs antithetical to Christ's clear warning, that He comes quickly at a time we think not, VOID of any specific prophesized end times event graciously provided as a precursory warning .

Unchecked Copy Box
Matthew 24:44
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Do you think you can now , at last , come up with something / anything biblical to offer to support the theory of this thread, or not ?
Hi Consecrated Life

You do know 'denial' is not a river in Egypt... right?

God bless,
Egypt is not the thread's subject matter either .
But still having shown no appropriate biblical precedent to support this thread's subject matter after 5 pages of disconnected posts I do understand at this point your removing all doubt that even a weak attempt will be forthcoming from you .

Unchecked Copy Box

Matthew 24:44

Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man co

But do you have any hope at all that anyone will ever be able to come up with an appropriate biblical precedent to offer in support this thread's unsanctified theory of post-trib ?
Egypt is not the thread's subject matter either .
But still having shown no appropriate biblical precedent to support this thread's subject matter after 5 pages of disconnected posts I do understand at this point your removing all doubt that even a weak attempt will be forthcoming from you .

Unchecked Copy Box

Matthew 24:44

Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man co

But do you have any hope at all that anyone will ever be able to come up with an appropriate biblical precedent to offer in support this thread's unsanctified theory of post-trib ?
Hey Consecrated Life

I'm actually losing hope by the second as to whether or not anyone will be able to understand your point in all of this.

God bless,
Hey Consecrated Life

I'm actually losing hope by the second as to whether or not anyone will be able to understand your point in all of this.

God bless,
Still having shown no appropriate biblical precedent to support this thread's subject matter of:

"No Pretrib Rapture"​

I do understand at this point your removing all doubt that a cogent biblically supported answer may be forthcoming from yourself.

But do you have any hope at all that anyone will be able to come up with an appropriate biblical precedent to offer in support this thread's unsanctified theory of post-trib ?

Why not ?

Matthew 24:44
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Still having shown no appropriate biblical precedent to support this thread's subject matter of:

"No Pretrib Rapture"​

Hey Consecrated Life

Yeah, I reckon you're right about that. So I'll depart with my understanding of a rapture that comes sometime after the Great Tribulation has come upon the earth and you can continue with your understanding that the rapture will occur before the Great Tribulation spoken of by Jesus. It's ok with me.

It will all be ok.

God bless,