Thank you for the welcome. I'm only 71. I've been reading the Bible a while now. A few years ago a good and well meaning friend gave me a Bible that I couldn't read. The print was too small. He was a Christian who was atypical of the breed. A mutation perhaps. Conservative Protestant who judged no one. I bought another Bible because he was a good friend and I thought if it's important to him, I should take a gander. A nice giant print black letter KJV that I still use. It's large and heavy, which gives it a substantial feel to me
The reason I'm not a Christian is because Christians do not wish me to be. And most use some form of disciplinary action to make sure I never become one. Closed communion, for example. I've been to a couple of denominations that don't practice closed communion. But one is still a second class citizen if one doesn't go along with their Tradition. I don't think that's Biblical. But that's just me. Obviously Christians disagree or they wouldn't keep doing it. I question the deity of Christ. So 99.9% say I'm not saved. Or being saved as the Catholics would say. To them I've committed a mortal sin and apart from denying my own mind (which is not what faith is about to me), repentance they call it, I'm headed for hell. Free, your fellow Moderator put it this way, "the stronger argument could be made that if one doesn't believe that Jesus is God then they aren't saved". I also question the idea that the deity of Christ is impossible. That pretty much accounts for the other 1% thinking I'm not saved.
At this point, I really don't want to be a part of Christianity. Not only is it divided by denominational interpretations, but it's way too judgmental. An interpretive case for judging outsiders could be made, I suppose. That they haven't accepted God's free gift in Christ, and that sort of thing. But there's no excuse for them judging one another the way they do. Christianity is too dysfunctional a family for me to want to be a part of it. I'd rather just be a simple believer on the outside looking in, if anything. But Christianity is what it is. And Christianity is the only expression related to the Christian Bible that I'm aware of. So I doubt more than just the Trinity. Thus I'm an Agnostic. If God will forgive the Christians for the mess they've made of things, I think he'll take my situation into account as well. If not, then I'll have plenty of Christian company in hell. And I'll feel sorry for the Atheists. Because they still won't be rid of them. And that surely will be hell to them.
I'm really only on this forum to see what the people have to offer regarding what I said in my post #407. Perhaps you would like to offer something.
As I said elsewhere, My name is actually Jesse Stone. And I only learned about three years ago of Tom Sellecks 8 movies in which the main character has the same name as I do. Just as a matter of curiosity, have you watched the Jesse Stone movies? When CBS cut it off they gave as a reason that it was only being watched by old people.
Administrator Chopper. That "we got it together and everybody else is an idiot" is exactly the kind of thinking that makes me glad I'm not a Christian. Sorry you Christians have to live with it. I don't.