Tomlane said:
Duval, I have been spiritually baptized so God must still be in business and I now of others who have been as well.
How do you know you are not just deluding yourself??? Seriously? Did the room light up and the heavens open to you and a dove flew to the top of your head??? Since satan can appear as an angel of light, how do you know you have not been duped?
Where is your evidence? Man does not save himself, God does. Thus, no matter how hard you wish it and think it, only God Himself baptizes. So how do you know you have been baptized from above, rather than just waking up one day and making the claim?
Tomlane said:
By the way, I have never been water baptized either or have I done communion, the Sabbath, or tithing or do I belong to any sectarian church. But I do belong to the Church that is mentioned in Acts 2:47 by the Christ's love for me and his endless grace. I've had it all given to me and I only had to believe.
No, you don't. ALL of those were water baptized and you just said you haven't. Thus, you cannot belong to that same community. Anyone can say it, but by your works, you are known.
Tomlane said:
And the scripture is taught to me by the Holy Spirit that is in me.
Again, even satan can appear as an angel of light. Man is easily deluded into thinking his thoughts are God's thoughts. "Here, drink the Kool-Aid, God told me to teach that..." Sorry, the Spirit is not one of confusion. He does not teach you "A" and everyone else "B". The Holy Spirit cannot be responsible for what you believe and what the Church has taught for 2000 years at the same time, since they oppose each other. Either billions did NOT have the Spirit and YOU do, or the other way around... Considering people were baptizing with water and the Spirit in the first century at the command of Christ, people who were taught DIRECTLY by the Apostles, your position doesn't look too secure.
I think with that evidence, most would agree that the Spirit is NOT leading you in this matter.
Out of love for you and your soul, I feel compelled to warn you of the potential destruction of misinterpreting Scriptures and rejecting Christ's commands.
This is why it is better to rely on the Church on such matters, the pillar and foundation of the truth, rather than yourself, which is easily deluded - and you cannot even prove that the Spirit HAS come to you via some "internal desire".