1) But you agreed that nothing is too hard for God nor was anything impossible for God. Yet, you put God and the word "can't" in the same sentence. Are you trying to tell me that God isn't all powerful and that there are things that are impossible for him to do?
Also, the bible says in 1 John 1:8 that we are all sinners. Jesus came to this world to save us sinners, yet you're saying he didn't. As you know, majority of this world does not know Christ. If majority of this world is going to hell, then Jesus didn't come to save the world, but rather, only a small portion of the world. That would be false. This leads into our second premise.
2) No one chooses torture. It's illogical to assume any person would rather be tortured than be in the warm embrace of God's love. Also, considering that God is all powerful, he can create a rule that would prevent anyone from going into a fiery dungeon called hell. So, either way you slice it, it would be God that allows those people to be tortured forever. That is not God.
God loves his enemies (Luke 6:35 & 1 Cor 13). No one allows people they love to be tortured. That's sadistic. So, why assume God will?
The people who do not know Christ surely aren't choosing to be tortured. You also have to wonder about the people who lived before Christ. What about all the other nations outside of Israel who weren't God's people? Because they weren't given the opportunity to know God or Christ, are you suggesting they "chose" to go to hell? On top of that, the bible says that no one could follow the Law except Jesus Christ who was without sin. That means everyone under the law died in sin. Christ wasn't born when Moses, Jacob, Elijah, Ester, Job and etc. were around. In fact, even if they did follow Mosaic Law to the tee, it wouldn't justify them, because no one is justified under the Law (Galatians 3:11). The Law is a curse (Galatians 3:10 & Galatians 3:13), and its purpose was to stir up sin (Romans 7:5).
So, essentially, what you just said was that everybody who lives, ever lived and ever will live, except Christians, are going to hell. I just want you to think about that for a moment.
Its a lot you just wrote, lots of questions.
So, ill try to answer them, but probably not in order.
First, you need to study the word.. "Paradise" as it was used by Jesus when talking to a dying thief....then study "Abraham's bosom", to find out what happened to old testament "saints".
Next, God is bound by his word.
In other words, he cant break it, and so, if he has created a situation that allows for forgiveness of a person, of a world full of people, and some of them choose to not take the forgiveness, then in fact, they have chosen the consequence.
Had God designed a world of designer puppets, without free will, then the answer to your question would be....."sure, God can just make all the puppets choose heaven".
However, he is dealing with spiritual beings, who are created in his image, with the power of choice, and even tho he could have killed the Snake when it was tempting EVE, ......he's not going to do it, because that is not how truth, free will, and the operation of human kind has been designed.
Its is not designed to exist as spiritual puppetry, but rather its designed to behave with reason and responsibility and choice and consequence, and so, the consequence of choosing to reject Christ, is going to end where all those go who willingly refused Jesus.
Finally, does not lawbreaking demand justice?
So, does not a life of sinning, demand a penalty?
It in fact, does.
CHRIST was KILLED as the penalty for our sins.
That is how SERIOUS God sees the situation, and we have to see it the same.
Do you think God was playing around when he came here, wrapped himself in flesh, and had the flesh beaten off of his body so that the bible say he was "unrecognizable"?....then they nailed him to a tree, and he pushed off the spike in his feet up and down, up and down, bleeding out, till he could no longer push his body up again and suffocated hanging there.
Do you think that Salvation that God himself provided on this horrible horrible Cross, is something that if avoided or mocked, should not lead to a penalty?
Should not the consequence of the rejection of Christ be equal to the suffering that Christ did to forgive us all?
Do you think that you dont love your Children if you punish them for wrong doing?
So, when considering a lifetime of sinning, a LIFETIME, and rejecting Christ during that lifetime of sinning.........consider that there has to be a consequence, and in fact there is a harsh one, just as the price which Christ paid was also harsh.
The sad thing is.....that the consequence is not God punishing you after you die, as he's not doing that....but rather the punishment is the consequence of where you chose to end up.
The Christ rejector did this to themselves.