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The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached !


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You're such a clever fellow. Is that your eight words of wisdom on the subject?

You have to admit, it has a certain "ring" to it. Sort of, out of a "Shakesperian" play..."This is a lie from hell's gaping hole." If you add the voice of say, Richard Burton or perhaps Basil Rathbone, you might have something...What you think Glory???
You have to admit, it has a certain "ring" to it. Sort of, out of a "Shakesperian" play..."This is a lie from hell's gaping hole." If you add the voice of say, Richard Burton or perhaps Basil Rathbone, you might have something...What you think Glory???

Ah yes, it's only the voice that was missing. Thanks Grubal.

I was wondering if I should ask if he was clothed and in his right mind.
You're exactly right. And there is a great difference between the Twelve and the Apostle Paul.

The Twelve were witnesses to Jesus' ministry and His resurrection, and there commission was in connection with God's program with Israel. Even the water baptism of repentance was for the Jews because of their role in Jesus' death. It was their repentance for that. Paul was sent for us, the body of Christ..through the dispensation of Grace.

Eph. 3:1-2 - "For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:"

Paul teaches about the inner man..the new creature and proclaims the Gospel of Christ.

The Gospel of the Kingdom was a different dispensation...specifically dealing with the Jews as a nation.

When the times of the gentiles is fulfilled, God will take up the Gospel of the Kingdom pertaining to the Jews as a nation. Luke 21:24 - "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." Israel, as a nation has been persecuted all this time, but it's day is coming.
What do you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom was? Because you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom was to the Jewish nation does it then follow that the Scripture pertaining to Gospel of the Kingdom is not for Christians?
What do you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom was? Because you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom was to the Jewish nation does it then follow that the Scripture pertaining to Gospel of the Kingdom is not for Christians?

I believe it's one thing for the Jews, and another for the believer. The Gospel of the Kingdom for the Jewish Nation was set aside, because they rejected the Messiah. During the dispensation of Grace, it's the Kingdom within. The Jews were looking for a Kingdom on Earth, and many believe that will take place during the Millenium, although I don't personally subscibe to that least at the present time.

I believe the Kingdom of God is the one Jesus spoke of here.
Luke 17:20 said:
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
I believe it's one thing for the Jews, and another for the believer. The Gospel of the Kingdom for the Jewish Nation was set aside, because they rejected the Messiah. During the dispensation of Grace, it's the Kingdom within. The Jews were looking for a Kingdom on Earth, and many believe that will take place during the Millenium, although I don't personally subscibe to that least at the present time.

I believe the Kingdom of God is the one Jesus spoke of here.
And every bit as reliable as any of Scofield's's excrement, without any loss of antisemitism. Just fold in a pinch of the 'when they look on him' Gospel by sight and you got something completely absent in the Scriptures.
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What do you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom was? Because you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom was to the Jewish nation does it then follow that the Scripture pertaining to Gospel of the Kingdom is not for Christians?
You really did not answer the two questions.
And every bit as reliable as any of Scofield's's excrement, without any loss of antisemitism. Just fold in a pinch of the 'when they look on him' Gospel by sight and you got something completely absent in the Scriptures.

Have you taken up drive-by shootings as a hobby?

I don't personally mind, but if you have even an inkling of what you're so disgruntled about, you should probably make it known....lest it eat you from the inside out.
Have you taken up drive-by shootings as a hobby?

I don't personally mind, but if you have even an inkling of what you're so disgruntled about, you should probably make it known....lest it eat you from the inside out.
What part of false gospel dont you understand?

There was no 'Kingdom offer' and resulting change of plans. From before the foundation of the earth salvation would be gained on behalf of men through the work of the cross and the 'Kingdom of his dear Son' is the only kingdom promised the jews since the return from Babylon.

Was it any part of the work of Christ to revive and reconstitute the Jewish nation? to re-establish that people in the land that was once theirs? to revive their system of worship, etc.? Did He come to reinstate the bondwoman and her son in the family of Abraham? and to make the son of the bondwoman to be heir with the son of the free woman? Did He come to raise up again, and to make permanent, that "middle wall of partition" between Jew and Gentile, or to take it away entirely and forever? Did He come to restore the "shadows" of the old covenant, or to abolish them? These are questions of surpassing importance, and they press for settlement at the present time. We are deeply convinced that one of the most urgent matters for the Lord's servants and people in these last days is to grasp the truth that there is absolutely no salvation of any sort whatever, no hope for any human being, except "through the blood of the everlasting covenant;" that there is nothing but the abiding wrath of God for those who do not stand upon the terms of that covenant; and especially that there is absolutely "no difference" in God's sight, and in His future plans, between Jew and Gentile.

The Gospel of the Kingdom , P Mauro ,chapter 1.

The Fifth Dispensation. This is said to be the dispensation of "Law," and it is put in the strongest possible contrast to the next succeeding "dispensation," that of "Grace." And further we are told that "This dispensation [of Law] extends from Sinai to Calvary; from the Exodus to the Cross; from Ex. 19:8, to Matt. 27:35" (S. B. notes).
Here is where some of the most serious evils of dispensationalism come clearly into view; for the aspersions which the teachers of that system cast upon the holy law of God constitute in their totality a complete and grievous misrepresentation thereof; and in certain extreme instances they assume the character of slanderous vilification. But before glancing at some of these, let it be noted that the much maligned "dispensation of law" is said to have embraced the entire lifetime of our Lord--"from Ex. 19:8 to Matt. 27:35"; for it is one of the points upon which the dispensationalists mainly insist, that the Gospels belong to the era of law, and not to that of grace; which I am bold to say is palpable and pernicious error. For as regards the termination of the era of the law, we have the word of our Lord that "The Law and the prophets were"--not until Calvary, but--"until John; since that time the kingdom of God is preached" (Lu. 16:16). And in agreement with this it is written: "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17).

chapter 2
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You really did not answer the two questions.

reba said:
What do you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom was? Because you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom was to the Jewish nation does it then follow that the Scripture pertaining to Gospel of the Kingdom is not for Christians?

Gee, I thought I did. Let me try again. John the Baptist, the Twelve, and Jesus all preached the Kingdom of God "was at hand", the kingdom of heaven was "near" or in your "midst." Basically, Jesus was the King and wherever the King was there was the Kingdom.

Jesus also said the Kingdom of God was within. After Jesus was resurrected, Paul was raised up to preach the Gospel of Grace, and justification by faith, by which Jesus comes to dwell in us. It's all the same gospel, but the audience was different. The Apostles, themselves, didn't understand until Jesus explained to them about the Comforter who would come and abide within all who believe. The Gospel of Grace, the Gospel of Peace, the Gospel of Your Salvation...all the same Gospel.

Paul is referring to the audience "the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter." So when we read the gospels talking about the kingdom of God, we take all those verses to heart. They all speak to repent and draw near to the cross. After the cross, Paul teaches us how to be raised with Christ into newness of life.

If I still haven't answered your questions, I'll gladly keep trying to explain what I mean. Perhaps I'm not very adept at keeping things direct and to the point. You might have to bear with me on that one.

Regardless of what I say, there is someone out there who doesn't like what it is.

So you know, Reba, you're setting me up for a drive-by. ;)
What part of false gospel dont you understand?

There was no 'Kingdom offer' and resulting change of plans. From before the foundation of the earth salvation would be gained on behalf of men through the work of the cross and the 'Kingdom of his dear Son' is the only kingdom promised the jews since the return from Babylon.

Was it any part of the work of Christ to revive and reconstitute the Jewish nation? to re-establish that people in the land that was once theirs? to revive their system of worship, etc.? Did He come to reinstate the bondwoman and her son in the family of Abraham? and to make the son of the bondwoman to be heir with the son of the free woman? Did He come to raise up again, and to make permanent, that "middle wall of partition" between Jew and Gentile, or to take it away entirely and forever? Did He come to restore the "shadows" of the old covenant, or to abolish them? These are questions of surpassing importance, and they press for settlement at the present time. We are deeply convinced that one of the most urgent matters for the Lord's servants and people in these last days is to grasp the truth that there is absolutely no salvation of any sort whatever, no hope for any human being, except "through the blood of the everlasting covenant;" that there is nothing but the abiding wrath of God for those who do not stand upon the terms of that covenant; and especially that there is absolutely "no difference" in God's sight, and in His future plans, between Jew and Gentile.

The Gospel of the Kingdom , P Mauro ,chapter 1.

The Fifth Dispensation. This is said to be the dispensation of "Law," and it is put in the strongest possible contrast to the next succeeding "dispensation," that of "Grace." And further we are told that "This dispensation [of Law] extends from Sinai to Calvary; from the Exodus to the Cross; from Ex. 19:8, to Matt. 27:35" (S. B. notes).
Here is where some of the most serious evils of dispensationalism come clearly into view; for the aspersions which the teachers of that system cast upon the holy law of God constitute in their totality a complete and grievous misrepresentation thereof; and in certain extreme instances they assume the character of slanderous vilification. But before glancing at some of these, let it be noted that the much maligned "dispensation of law" is said to have embraced the entire lifetime of our Lord--"from Ex. 19:8 to Matt. 27:35"; for it is one of the points upon which the dispensationalists mainly insist, that the Gospels belong to the era of law, and not to that of grace; which I am bold to say is palpable and pernicious error. For as regards the termination of the era of the law, we have the word of our Lord that "The Law and the prophets were"--not until Calvary, but--"until John; since that time the kingdom of God is preached" (Lu. 16:16). And in agreement with this it is written: "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17).

chapter 2

Just as I suspected. :nod Quick to jump, and then only provide cut and pastes from the internet.

I'm certainly not impressed by your "wisdom" of men. If you feel better by throwing out charges of preaching a "false gospel," then knock yourself out. I count it all joy. :thumbsup
Thats works ! and a Lie. Isaac did not have to come by Faith to be a Child of Promise, and believers are as Isaac was, Children of Promise Gal 4:28

28Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

What a boring life you must lead, SbyG. You lurk like a little vulture just waiting to call someone a liar.

What an interesting bunch of people we have here in cyber space.
Just as I suspected. :nod Quick to jump, and then only provide cut and pastes from the internet.

I'm certainly not impressed by your "wisdom" of men.[
Well thats only one of the differences between you and I. I give credit for citations.
If you feel better by throwing out charges of preaching a "false gospel," then knock yourself out. I count it all joy. :thumbsup
LOL So it should be all the easier for you to refute point by point.
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Gee, I thought I did. Let me try again. John the Baptist, the Twelve, and Jesus all preached the Kingdom of God "was at hand", the kingdom of heaven was "near" or in your "midst." Basically, Jesus was the King and wherever the King was there was the Kingdom.

Jesus also said the Kingdom of God was within. After Jesus was resurrected, Paul was raised up to preach the Gospel of Grace, and justification by faith, by which Jesus comes to dwell in us. It's all the same gospel, but the audience was different. The Apostles, themselves, didn't understand until Jesus explained to them about the Comforter who would come and abide within all who believe. The Gospel of Grace, the Gospel of Peace, the Gospel of Your Salvation...all the same Gospel.

Paul is referring to the audience "the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter." So when we read the gospels talking about the kingdom of God, we take all those verses to heart. They all speak to repent and draw near to the cross. After the cross, Paul teaches us how to be raised with Christ into newness of life.

If I still haven't answered your questions, I'll gladly keep trying to explain what I mean. Perhaps I'm not very adept at keeping things direct and to the point. You might have to bear with me on that one.

Regardless of what I say, there is someone out there who doesn't like what it is.

So you know, Reba, you're setting me up for a drive-by. ;)
There you have it Reba. ' All the same Gospel' and all the same kingdom, the kingdom of His dear Son.

but you knew that.
Time past
Salvation was through Isreal. Peter said repent, be baptized for remission of sins that would be blotted out at the times of refreshing.

But now
Paul said trust in Christ who did everything.

The same Christ.

Not the same message.
Time past
Salvation was through Isreal. Peter said repent, be baptized for remission of sins that would be blotted out at the times of refreshing.

But now
Paul said trust in Christ who did everything.

The same Christ.

Not the same message.

You are real confused, but I will leave you with this on this issue. Paul stated that God preached the Gospel to Abraham here Gal 3:8

8And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

Now it is no doubt that Paul considered this statement from the OT the Gospel !

Now, very early on in Peter's Minsitry of the Gospel, He stated this Acts 3:25

25Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

Now, this appears to me that Peter and Paul believed and preached the same Gospel..
Time past
Salvation was through Isreal. Peter said repent, be baptized for remission of sins that would be blotted out at the times of refreshing.

But now
Paul said trust in Christ who did everything.

The same Christ.

Not the same message.
What did Christ repent of?
What did Christ repent of?

The question is what did Peter tell the "ye men of Israel" to repent of?

Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: -Acts 2:22

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. -Acts 2:38

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: -Hebrews 8:10
And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. -Hebrews 8:11

If we know what to teach then why does Paul tell us to study & rightly divide the word of truth?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. -2 Timothy 2:15


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