Catholic Crusader said:
Imagican said:
.....The Church is NOT the 'final authority'. FAR FAR from it. The Church is to BE submissive TO The Spirit.....
I strongly disagree. When Jesus gave the authority to bind and loose to Peter, and to the Apostles as a group, THAT is authority. The Council of Jerusalem in Acts is the proto-council, the first example of binding and loosing. They made a decision on circumcision, and that was the end of the matter - we are "bound" by that decision. THAT is how authority is exercised. If protestants were around then, everybody would have just decided what to do for themselves.
And who are you to say that the Churtch is NOT submissive to the Spirit? I say that everything the Catholic Churtch teaches is true, BECAUSE OF the Holy Spirit, and my submission to that authority IS a submissiopn to the Spirit also..
While I am well aware of the nature of your disagreement, it is DUE to your lack of acceptance of what was offered that brings about your disagreement.
CC, YOU have been taught and believe that the apostolic succession has BROUGHT the CC to it's present position. I, on the other hand, understand WITHOUT a DOUBT in my mind that the apostolic era ENDED with the DEATHS of the apostles. That they were 'for a time'. This is eplained in scripture but denied my many for the sake of their 'beliefs'. I try NOT to let them 'get in the way', IF they run contradictory to scripture, (I know, I know, personal interpretation, etc,,,,,,,,,,,,).
But the scriptures PURELY indicate without ACTUALLY stating that the apostles were empowered for a REASON. And that reason was NOT to 'judge mankind' as you would indicate. Their PURPOSE was to LOOSE and BIND while they were PRESENT in the FLESH, (ALIVE). But there ULTIMATE purpose was NOT to LOOSE or BIND, but to SPREAD the Word. To offer the Gospel in the areas of the world that had NOT heard of the wonderous 'gift' that had been offered OF God.
Their powers of 'tongues', 'healing', even RAISING the DEAD were to SHOW enough of the TRUTH so that it COULD be carried on AFTER they were NO LONGER HERE except in WORD, (Gospels, epistles and such). That the CC became the proprietors of such is OBVIOUSLY the WILL of God. But that DOESN'T make them ANY more 'special' than ANY of God's OTHER 'children'. And IF one OFFERS such 'pride', it is 'false pride' for if ANYTHING has been offered, it is a GIFT of God. NOT something 'deserved', but GIVEN REGARDLESS of merit.
I only offered what I offered for the sake of the topic. For we are NOT here to discuss WHO or WHAT has 'decided FOR us' the answer to this question, but what we HAVE in scripture that either supports or refutes this idea of BAPTISM 'being enough'.
I care NOT to discuss 'church' dogma or doctrine. For this is the rudimentary babbling of MEN. What we discuss here is what has been offered through Spirit that CAN be discussed OUTSIDE of ANYONE's particular BELIEFS. And that LEAVES us with The Word.
IF you 'believe' that this is ONLY able to BE interpreted from the perspective of the CC, then you CHOOSE to turn this INTO a 'CATHOLIC TOPIC' which has ALREADY been offered to be AGAINST the rules of the forums. I do not necessarily agree with those rules but am WILLING to abide by them for the sake of those that DO have a 'say in the matter'.
So PLEASE. The ONLY way in which to logically discuss this issue without turning it INTO a debate of denomination is to refer to SCRIPTURE. Otherwise, there is NO way to come to ANY decision of the issue EXCEPT what AN INDIVIDUALS denomination has TAUGHT them to believe. That was NOT the purpose of this thread.
I THINK that the issue has already been decided in favor of Baptism ALONE NOT being ENOUGH. I THINK that there has even been agreement among EVERY denomination when confronted with NOTHING other than THE question that there is MORE to BEING a follower of Christ than simply having water sprinkled in their face or being dunked under water. And I think it a shallow understanding that would BELIEVE that ALL it takes to recieve the gift that has been offered is simply STATING that they BELIEVE that they have RECEIVED It.
David Koresh, Jim Jones, the list is ENDLESS. I would venture to BET that each of these WAS Baptised. But I also would be willing to BET that MOST that I could ask would offer that these were NOT 'true' followers of Christ. So, at least for these, Baptism WASN'T 'enough'. i am NOT judging the HEARTS of these individuals but the FRUIT. And both these were basically MURDERERS that TAUGHT that THEY THEMSELVES were Christ. I do NOT believe that they were and that for them to TEACH such MADE them FALSE teachers. Their Baptism OBVIOUSLY not able to KEEP them from the wiles of the DEVIL. Obviously NOT ENOUGH.
So, by all means, I am MORE than willing to discuss the issue so long as we can DO IT within the confines of the RULES of this forum. But IF one INISISTS upon discussing it based SOLELY AS a 'denominational issue', the rules CANNOT be abided by.
The FINAL authority as offered in scripture was NEVER the apostles, NEVER were they SO EMPOWERED. For even the apostles acknowledged that THEIR power was FROM Christ. That HE was/IS The HEAD of HIS CHURCH. Any doctrine or dogma that denies this is in denial of the Holy Spirit. For each of those apostles that WROTE to us proclaimed to BE LED by The Holy Spirit. NOT a 'church' but parts of THE CHURCH with Christ AS the ULTIMATE authority. Each a memeber of The BODY. NONE claiming to BE the Head for EACH understanding COMPLETELY that they served NOT themselves, but their Savior Jesus Christ AND their BROTHERS and SISTERS IN Christ.