They could be, but they are lead by God. I trust Him. He is the one who places godly leaders in our lives.
The church is the people of Jesus Christ. We are the redeemed and are being made spotless. Until that time,the Church is still fallible.
What? Like yours?
What Jesus preached was put in writing for all the generations to come, praise God! We need nothing else.
My thinking comes from the freedom I have in Jesus Christ. I am not in bondage to an institution, which is itself bound up in man-made traditions, thanks.
Dear Alabaster, Your thinking is not logical. If you think it is real freedom to read the Bible "for yourself/by yourself", you are responsible for what goes in your tradition. Thus, your tradition is a "tradition of men", if you are, indeed, a man (or a person, perhaps you are a young lady). God bless you. Anyway, how can we know whether or not our traditions come from men, or from God? It all depends upon apostolic succession. The Orthodox Churches can all trace themselves to the preaching/ministry of the 12 Apostles, including especially St. Andrew, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John, St. James, St. Thomas who doubted so much, he wanted to be certain. To conclude that reading the Bible by oneself without any tradition does not lead to a tradition of one's own is illogical. You must rely on the thinking of someone, and if it is only yourself, it is your own tradition. God founded a Body of Christ, not individuals. When individuals come to Christ, they need to believe some tradition. The question is, which of 30,000 traditions is the tradition of God. Oh, and I made a mistake in one of my posts. I said that the Orthodox Church considers her tradition of God also considers the tradition of the Protestants the same. Not completely. Protestantism is in part from God, and part from men, which makes it a tradition of men. Eastern Orthodoxy comes all from the Holy Spirit, and any error in her members in the Body of Christ are corrected by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). The Body can have individual members submit to the judgment of the elders if there is any error, whether moral, or doctrinal. Take care.
In Erie PA Scott Harrington
Your rejection of infant baptism was also held by a man who baptized himself, but I gather you do not try to do that, I grant you that fairly. But since the Bible does not say whether baptism is by single immersion or trine immersion, it is difficult to know how sola Scriptura will solve this problem. If it is by single immersion, God is then One Person, and not three. The Bible does teach immersion, in examples. But it does not say how to immerse. It is logical with the Three Persons of God to immerse 3 times in baptism. One immersion implies a Unitarian view of God. Anyway, we would consider Christ's immersion by St. John to be unique, as Christ Himself is the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and thus only a single immersion for Him. For His Church, though, 3 immersions.
In Erie PA Scott