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Gal 5:1
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

"Liberty" can be a fearful thing for those who have never known it? Many say well if we take off the yoke of the Law from people, they might sin? Well, the scriptures declare that the "Law" stirs up the sin in the flesh. That the strength of sin, is the Law! That trusting in Gods Grace and its power is the ONLY answer to sin!

No! God declares to turn the "young eagles" free, turn them into the "Winds of My Spirit" and "I will teach them" and I will cause them to fly!


I wish more christians would understand the gospel of grace. The law kills but the Spirit gives life. Grace, grace, and more grace.
I like to see you start a thread about one's identity in Christ or What does it mean to be in Christ.
I wish more christians would understand the gospel of grace. The law kills but the Spirit gives life. Grace, grace, and more grace.
I like to see you start a thread about one's identity in Christ or What does it mean to be in Christ.

Hi Deborah,

What is the gospel of grace?
I wish more christians would understand the gospel of grace. The law kills but the Spirit gives life. Grace, grace, and more grace.
I like to see you start a thread about one's identity in Christ or What does it mean to be in Christ.

Yea that is a good idea? I do know that we must be careful with the "mystery" of godliness! satan has many ministers around and they use the deeper things of the "spirit" as "false light". I have a desire to just lay it out, but I think that the Lord would have us to be careful not to reveal something in a way that satan could use to deceive? I believe The Lord gaurds the "mystery" with precepts put upon precepts, line upon line etc... " to him who has, more will be given"
He is a good and wise God!:clap

God Bless you, Deb13 :)

1Ti 3:16

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

-Mitspa :wave
First "I know nothing good lives in my flesh" "my flesh is sold under sin" but I am not in the "flesh" but in the "spirit" I am "complete in Christ" without sin!
I have died to the Law, which is the strength of sin! NO SINNER can be "IN CHRIST"

NO ONE can be under the Law and be "in the Spirit"

Of course one 'lives' under the Law.

Read that section of Galatians 5 again and see where Paul strictly dictates matters believers are NOT to be involved in. They are LAW matters.

Paul assuredly did not march in with GRACE to allow any of these:

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past,
that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

These are 'legal' matters.

It will remain a severe distortion of Grace to claim that we are 'free' to do any of the above.

One can certainly 'blame' their flesh, but that will be no excuse for any of the above either.

There are deeper principles the Law means to show.

And for the record I do not deny that sin indwells flesh, prompted by the 'insertion' of LUST therein. It is not a matter of the flesh, but the impetus or powers that the flesh is subject and remains subject to.

Those are lust and temptation, NOT the flesh itself.

One does not avoid confrontation with these 'powers' 'under Grace.'

Paul identifies that this is the factual condition of every believer and that it continues to this day, using the life of Abraham and the Law as an allegory of showing. Yes, the LAW is an ALLEGORY. Paul did not speak these matters to any of our detriment, but for our understandings:

Gal. 4:

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.
29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

Ishmael and Isaac are a picture of each of us as believers.

We each bear the persecutor of the flesh in our own bodies.

This is part of what the Law and ALL LAW shows. It would not have mattered what Ishmael did, he would NOT inherit regardless, by Gods Dictate.

Ishmael and Isaac are both ALLEGORIES. Just as were Sarah and Hagar and also Abraham.

Abraham had TWO SONS. Both of these 'sons,' as they came forth from Abraham, also come forth from EACH of us.

Gal. 4:
21 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?

22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.
23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants

Believers for the most part do not understand that ALL of the characters and their actions and THE LAW, though 'real flesh people' are in fact 'allegories' OF SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDINGS.

Of course one 'lives' under the Law.

Read that section of Galatians 5 again and see where Paul strictly dictates matters believers are NOT to be involved in. They are LAW matters.

Paul assuredly did not march in with GRACE to allow any of these:

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

These are 'legal' matters.

It will remain a severe distortion of Grace to claim that we are 'free' to do any of the above.
Are you admitting the "flesh" is sinful? If so the only biblical way to overcome the "flesh" is by the "Spirit"

You cannot be under law and be "IN CHRIST"

Gal 5:16

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Gal 5:17

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
Gal 5:18

But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

This is very simple! a "child" could understand:)
Are you admitting the "flesh" is sinful? If so the only biblical way to overcome the "flesh" is by the "Spirit"

One may very well 'reign' over adverse powers that the flesh is subject to.

That doesn't mean that we rid ourselves of the adversity we carry.

One may very well 'reign' over adverse powers that the flesh is subject to.

That doesn't mean that we rid ourselves of the adversity we carry.

I think the battle is a daily one! Paul said He died every day? Our "flesh" seems to always lust for the things of this world. Our "spirit man" desires to walk and serve our God. Thus we have our conflict... The mind is the battle field, It is won by faith in the Word of God. A "renewed mind" thinks and keeps its thoughts in line with the Word of God. If we step out of faith, the flesh will gain its ground and plant seeds of death. I have learned to bring my own "flesh" into submission to the "spirit" by faith! not by law!:yes

I saw misconception here.

First ever since Noah every human is born with and bound by a covenant. The Jews thus need to obey the covenant law - the Mosaic Law, while the Gentiles need to obey the covenant law - the Law in Heart. They will be judged by Law by default.

The New Covenant is not something born with. It's a gift for someone capable of choosing to choose. Moreover, this Covenant doesn't deal with what Law you should obey, instead it deals with what will happen when you failed the law (as specified in your in born covenant). Without the Second Covenant, if you failed the Law (as specified in your in born covenant) you are dead. But with the New Covenant in place, you are forgivable.

As for the Law itself, you can't help but have to break it. To simply put, you have to die no matter what unless you choose the New Covenant with consent.

Romans 3:31
Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.
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I saw misconception here.

First ever since Noah every human is born with and bound by a covenant. The Jews thus need to obey the covenant law - the Mosaic Law, while the Gentiles need to obey the Law in Heart. They will judged by Law by default.

The New Covenant is not something born with. It's a gift for someone capable of choosing to choose. Moreover, this Covenant doesn't deal with what Law you should obey, instead it deals with what will happen when you failed the law (as specified in your in born covenant). Without the Second Covenant, if you failed the Law (as specified in your in born covenant) you are dead. But with the New Covenant in place, you are forgivable.

As for the Law itself, you can't help but have to break it. To simply put, you have to die no matter what unless you choose the New Covenant with consent.

It really doesn't matter what 'covenant' one observes.

The TWO covenants are very simple. There is a covenant against evil. There is a covenant for GOOD.

All believers have both good and bad operational in themselves. No choice slides us past the fact of having evil present within us.

There will be no justification for any evil in any man no matter how much understandings they try to paste over the fact.

The Law was always meant to 'divide' us from our OWN EVIL. Yet we do not 'rid' ourselves of that working, internally.

Do we use the New Covenant then to justify this evil?

That will never happen no matter what 'choice' is applied.

I saw misconception here.

First ever since Noah every human is born with and bound by a covenant. The Jews thus need to obey the covenant law - the Mosaic Law, while the Gentiles need to obey the Law in Heart. They will judged by Law by default.

The New Covenant is not something born with. It's a gift for someone capable of choosing to choose. Moreover, this Covenant doesn't deal with what Law you should obey, instead it deals with what will happen when you failed the law (as specified in your in born covenant). Without the Second Covenant, if you failed the Law (as specified in your in born covenant) you are dead. But with the New Covenant in place, you are forgivable.

You seem to say two things? and then swirl it all around to say very little? what fault do you find? please be as clear as you can, it may be we agree but I can not tell from what you have posted? :chin
It really doesn't matter what 'covenant' one observes.

The TWO covenants are very simple. There is a covenant against evil. There is a covenant for GOOD.

All believers have both good and bad operational in themselves. No choice slides us past the fact of having evil present within us.

There will be no justification for any evil in any man no matter how much understandings they try to paste over the fact.

The Law was always meant to 'divide' us from our OWN EVIL. Yet we do not 'rid' ourselves of that working, internally.

But we do not rid ourselves of that working.

Do we use the New Covenant then to justify this evil?

Never. That will never happen no matter what 'choice' is applied.


It is important in that Bible delivers a very much clear concept about what law and covenants are. But people around are confused. Thus it is important to explain to them clearly what's meant to be said. Alternatively speaking, there is one explanation which will not cause any contradiction and can be kept consistently throughout the whole Bible. People will always be confused if this explanation is not clarified.
I think the battle is a daily one!

Of course it is. We are not to let 'sin/evil' reign over us. It is however there WITHIN us to reign.

No amount of 'I am under Grace' or 'I am legally obedient' will justify the indwelling sin/evil present with us. That will never happen.

We can claim any amount of fancy formulas of theology, but the indwelling sin/evil present within us will never be 'justified' or 'glossed over' by God in Christ under LAW or under GRACE.

These are matters we all have to deal with every day.

From the 'mystic' understanding of the 10 there are interesting observations to be had in the TEN.

We know for example that Jesus said the kingdom is 'at hand.'

We also know that there is a Right Hand of God and a Left Hand of God.

The 10 are linked, but divided.

One might say the first 5 are the Objective or Right Hand and the remaining 5, the subjective Left Hand.

The first commandments stone(s) were broken. There is also symbolism involved there. The second set was chiseled out by Moses later, even accompanied by 'fading glory' shown upon his face, again a symbolic showing of coming Grace and the promise of unfading Glory. Which glory was seen in the transfiguration of The Law (Moses) and the Prohet (Elijah) seen with Jesus, yet with only Jesus at the summation, likewise transfigured.

Needless to say it's very interesting stuff.


Yes, The Hebrew number for 10 is the symbol of the letter Yod/Yud. The pictograph, if you will, is the closed handed, such as a fist.
It is important in that Bible delivers a very much clear concept about what law and covenants are. But people around are confused. Thus it is important to explain to them clearly what's meant to be said. Alternatively speaking, there is one explanation which will not cause any contradiction and can be kept consistently throughout the whole Bible. People will always be confused if this explanation is not clarified.

The scriptures have always been simple in this regards.

Pro Love
Anti Evil

We all have indwelling sin and evil present that will never be legal, under Grace or blessed by either Covenant.

Can it be said any simpler?

The delusions only come when we fail to face the obvious and try to justify the indwelling sin and evil present within us.

Yes, The Hebrew number for 10 is the symbol of the letter Yod/Yud. The pictograph, if you will, is the closed handed, such as a fist.

The 'two hands' and the 10 are quite symbolic/allegorical in the way of our own construction.

On the 'left hand' of all of us there is EVIL.

On the 'right hand,' good.

David for example made this observation, noted by Peter in Acts 2:

25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:

The HOPE of the Gospel resides in the HOPE of elimination of our 'left hand.' The indwelling sin/evil present within us. This is also symbolized numerous ways by Jesus in the N.T. My favorite account is Matt. 25. Who is ON THE LEFT HAND OF GOD that will be sent to the flames?

Now, look at your own symbolic 'left hand' and the division promised, the very HOPE of the Gospel will be seen 'personally' and PERFECTLY.

Of course it is. We are not to let 'sin/evil' reign over us. It is however there WITHIN us to reign.

No amount of 'I am under Grace' or 'I am legally obedient' will justify the indwelling sin/evil present with us. That will never happen.

We can claim any amount of fancy formulas of theology, but the indwelling sin/evil present within us will never be 'justified' or 'glossed over' by God in Christ under LAW or under GRACE.

These are matters we all have to deal with every day.


God has judged "sin in the Flesh" on the Cross! We must now "reckon" ourself dead to the "flesh" and alive to the "spirit". Thats why the mind must be "renewed" and that is by faith in the Word of God!

Eph 5:26

That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

The "word" of God held in faith, washes away the knowledge of sin. and "regenerates" the mind unto the "righteousness of God" This is all "by Faith"! the "flesh" profits nothing!
God has judged "sin in the Flesh" on the Cross! We must now "reckon" ourself dead to the "flesh" and alive to the "spirit". Thats why the mind must be "renewed" and that is by faith in the Word of God!

We can 'reckon' 'renew' or any number of various methodologies of theological understandings. The fact remains we all have indwelling sin/evil present with us that will never be justified/under Grace/righteous/authorized by the New Covenant/blessed of God period.

When any of us in these various constructs are led to overlook this quite simple matter our faith has been turned into an illusion of false justifications that overlooks the obvious.

Believers LOVE to say 'I am only and all the GOOD THINGS' from all these great and glorious matters of Word.Uh, no, that is not the factual case.

The Law is our ally to understandings. The Law is the ENEMY and the EXPOSER of INDWELLING SIN and EVIL PRESENT within all of us.

We can 'reckon' 'renew' or any number of various methodologies of theological understandings. The fact remains we all have indwelling sin/evil present with us that will never be justified/under Grace/righteous/authorized by the New Covenant/blessed of God period.

When any of us in these various constructs are led to overlook this quite simple matter our faith has been turned into an illusion of false justifications that overlooks the obvious.

Believers LOVE to say 'I am only and all the GOOD THINGS' from all these great and glorious matters of Word.Uh, no, that is not the factual case.

The Law is our ally to understandings. The Law is the ENEMY and the EXPOSER of INDWELLING SIN and EVIL PRESENT within all of us.


My friend you are just wrong!

2Co 5:21

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Rom 8:3

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

You are missing the work of the Cross! He took all the sin of the "flesh" and it was judged in His Body!

Remember the bronze serpent? that was a picture of "sin in the flesh" being judged in His Body!

Now we who believe in His blood can not be condemned for the sin in our flesh! rejoice and come alive to God by the "spirit":thumbsup

My friend you are just wrong!

2Co 5:21
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Rom 8:3

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

You are missing the work of the Cross! He took all the sin of the "flesh" and it was judged in His Body!

Remember the bronze serpent? that was a picture of "sin in the flesh" being judged in His Body!

Now we who believe in His blood can not be condemned for the sin in our flesh! rejoice and come alive to God by the "spirit":thumbsup

You can make any glorious claims you want Mitspa.

The fact will remain that 'all' believers have indwelling sin/evil present with them.

No amount of pentacostal dancing or positive thinking is going to change that fact.

Jesus dying on the cross did not make you or I magically 'sinless.'

You can make any glorious claims you want Mitspa.

The fact will remain that 'all' believers have indwelling sin/evil present with them.

No amount of pentacostal dancing or positive thinking is going to change that fact.

Jesus dying on the cross did not make you or I magically 'sinless.'


Rom 3:3

For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
Rom 3:4

God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

I did not write the book, I believe every word, I am The Righteousness of God, In Christ Jesus!

I have victory over sin, because Christ paid the price with His own Blood!

Rom 5:17

For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
Rom 5:18

Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
Rom 5:19

For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. :wave
