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O wretched man that I am...

I think that we've all had good days and bad days in this Christian life we experience.. but why be dishonest about it ?

On my best days I fall infinitely short of the glory of God.. on the bad days.. well, like I said.. why be dishonest about it ?
Re: O wretched man that I am...

I think that we've all had good days and bad days in this Christian life we experience.. but why be dishonest about it ?

On my best days I fall infinitely short of the glory of God.. on the bad days.. well, like I said.. why be dishonest about it ?
let me try again, The Spirit of God Convicts the believer of righteousness. meaning that we who belong to Christ have "His Rightoeusness" The Holy spirit bears witness with our Spirit that we are "righteous sons of God" To walk in the Spirit is to walk in agreement with the Holy Spirit! Now the natural mind must be brought into submission to the Word of God. This is the "renewed mind" It no longers thinks itself as the "old man" but the "New Creation". Now you know when you are in Faith, and feel Gods Love for you, that you naturally love others. It is the "spirit" within you that is loving others! You are in agreement with Gods Spirit! and you are "walking in the spirit" If you agree to this point I will continue?
Re: O wretched man that I am...

let me try again, The Spirit of God Convicts the believer of righteousness.

What else does the Holy Spirit convince us of ?


In case you're avoiding the obvious.

meaning that we who belong to Christ have "His Rightoeusness" The Holy spirit bears witness with our Spirit that we are "righteous sons of God" To walk in the Spirit is to walk in agreement with the Holy Spirit!

Couldn't agree more !

Now the natural mind must be brought into submission to the Word of God.

This is incorrect imo.. there's no reforming the old man, and he is going to constantly war against the SPIRIT of Christ within the believer. This is why the scriptures teach us that (positionally) we are DEAD.. not reformed.. we are to reckon our old man DEAD.. although in a practical sense we are to put off the old man who IS corrupt according to deceitful lusts.. and we're to put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is the "renewed mind"

And Paul teaches us that with the mind we serve the Law of God, but with the FLESH the law of sin.

It no longers thinks itself as the "old man" but the "New Creation". Now you know when you are in Faith, and feel Gods Love for you, that you naturally love others. It is the "spirit" within you that is loving others! You are in agreement with Gods Spirit! and you are "walking in the spirit" If you agree to this point I will continue?

Sorry, I can't agree with this because it's not scriptural.. I understand that my old man wars against the Spirit of Christ in me.. this is a simple biblical fact.
Re: O wretched man that I am...

What else does the Holy Spirit convince us of ?


Slow down a little bit! lets start at this point!

Joh 16:8

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
Joh 16:9

Of sin, because they believe not on me;
Joh 16:10

Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
Joh 16:11

Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

the Holy Spirit is convicting 3 different groups 1. the "world" of sin, 2. You "believers" of righteousness 3. satan of "judgement"

Now find me one scripture in All the NEW Testament where the Holy Spirit brings the "believers" sin to remembrance? NO! what you will find is everytime the Holy Spirit and His work is mentioned that it says "there sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more! Check it out!
Re: The old man and the new man..

Rom 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Rom 1:17

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

This is the same charge they made against the Apostle Paul!Thank you Lord! :swords

What charge are you even talking about.

It's polite to address questions honestly. If someone asks if you are a sinner it should not take a believer 20 posts to never answer.

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Re: The old man and the new man..

What charge are you even talking about. Lack of reading comprehension and response skills?

It's polite to address questions honestly. If someone asks if you are a sinner it should not take a believer 20 posts to never answer.

I have already answered!

Rom 7:17

Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
Rom 7:18

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
Rom 7:19

For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
Rom 7:20

Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
Rom 7:21

I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

Re: The old man and the new man..

I have already answered!

Paul wrote, you quoted. I don't see your name answering anywhere in those scriptures for the question asked.

You also understand that the observation I posted prior was that the LAW you claim to not be under is the same LAW Paul upheld for believers to adhere to in Romans 13:8-10

Re: O wretched man that I am...

Slow down a little bit! lets start at this point!

Joh 16:8

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
Joh 16:9

Of sin, because they believe not on me;
Joh 16:10

Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
Joh 16:11

Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

the Holy Spirit is convicting 3 different groups 1. the "world" of sin, 2. You "believers" of righteousness 3. satan of "judgement"

Now find me one scripture in All the NEW Testament where the Holy Spirit brings the "believers" sin to remembrance? NO! what you will find is everytime the Holy Spirit and His work is mentioned that it says "there sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more! Check it out!

I think that you make an excellent observation here.. although John also teaches us that we (believers) have an Advocate if we sin, and not only that.. but that if we say that we have no sin, that we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

In my experiences, the Holy Spirit of God has certainly convicted me of sins long after I was in Christ.. because we're not sinless.. sin easily does beset us at times.. and there's conviction involved there, and the goodness of God leads us into repentance of these sins in our lives.

Like I said before.. why not just come out and say it.. ? Is there something dishonest about saying that there is sin in our lives ?
Re: The old man and the new man..

Paul wrote, you quoted. I don't see your name answering anywhere in those scriptures for the question asked.

You also understand that the observation I posted prior was that the LAW you claim to not be under is the same LAW Paul upheld for believers to adhere to in Romans 13:8-10

Who are you? that I should answer too? I have been over all the points needed to answer any question you have ask. Find a new question that I think should be answered, and then I will gladly answer it:)

If you think you can take me into a circle? You do not understand the reason I have answered the questions you have ask? I have answered because they were good questions! Find some more good questions, and I will answer!:thumbsup
Re: O wretched man that I am...

I think that you make an excellent observation here.. although John also teaches us that we (believers) have an Advocate if we sin, and not only that.. but that if we say that we have no sin, that we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

In my experiences, the Holy Spirit of God has certainly convicted me of sins long after I was in Christ.. because we're not sinless.. sin easily does beset us at times.. and there's conviction involved there, and the goodness of God leads us into repentance of these sins in our lives.

Like I said before.. why not just come out and say it.. ? Is there something dishonest about saying that there is sin in our lives ?

Let me ask you, did the Holy Spirit convict you of "righteousness" or "sin" when you messed up? Did He beat you down or pick you up and restore you to a right relationship with your God?

You jump ahead of me and hinder my point. When do you obey God best and Love others as He loves? Is it when you are aware of YOUR SIN, or HIS FORGIVENESS?
When you are close to Him? or when you feel seperated from Him?
Hi Eventide

You're correct. There isn't "something dishonest about saying that there is sin in our livfes." John wrote to Christians saying: "if we say that we have not sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us", I Jn.1:8. Its a dangerous thing to call God a liar.
Re: O wretched man that I am...

Let me ask you, did the Holy Spirit convict you of "righteousness" or "sin" when you messed up? Did He beat you down or pick you up and restore you to a right relationship with your God?

I must admit it is hard to say with certainty... I know that I have grieved the Spirit of God in me.. so is that conviction or something else.. ?

You jump ahead of me and hinder my point. When do you obey God best and Love others as He loves? Is it when you are aware of YOUR SIN, or HIS FORGIVENESS?
When you are close to Him? or when you feel seperated from Him?

Why should I go on answering your questions Mitspa when you refuse to answer mine.. so I'll ask again.

Is there something dishonest about confessing sin in our lives ?

Have you ever sinned since you have been in Christ..?
Hi Eventide

You're correct. There isn't "something dishonest about saying that there is sin in our livfes." John wrote to Christians saying: "if we say that we have not sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us", I Jn.1:8. Its a dangerous thing to call God a liar.

Thank you, and I can't understand why this would be difficult for any Christian to answer..
Hi Eventide

You're correct. There isn't "something dishonest about saying that there is sin in our livfes." John wrote to Christians saying: "if we say that we have not sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us", I Jn.1:8. Its a dangerous thing to call God a liar.

When you can understand the scripture you kinda quoted and this one then you will be stop being a burden with your scriptures and begin to actually be of some help to the Kingdom of God!

1Jn 3:9

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
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Christ in us can not sin... that should be painfully obvious to any person who is born again... imo at least.

We still sin..
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If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins.. if we say that we have not sin then we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us..

Plain as day right ?

Re: O wretched man that I am...

I must admit it is hard to say with certainty... I know that I have grieved the Spirit of God in me.. so is that conviction or something else.. ?

Why should I go on answering your questions Mitspa when you refuse to answer mine.. so I'll ask again.

Is there something dishonest about confessing sin in our lives ?

Have you ever sinned since you have been in Christ..?
Of course! but the strength of sin is the law! WHY? because a man with a guilty conscience, A SIN CONSCIENCE cannot walk with God! The Spirit is bearing witness to "righteousness" we can not have fellowship with God By His Spirit unless we accept the righteousness of God By Faith. We are "double minded" We are unstable.

James tells us that he who looks into the perfect law of liberty, and forgets what the Word says he is! Now the Word says we are forgiven in Christ, we are a new creation in Him! The Word of God is to wash away the "old man" and to makes us see who we are "in Christ" This sets us free from the flesh- liberty

This is why Paul tells us over and over to think and set our minds upon who we are "IN CHRIST" Then we are in agreement with the Holy Spirit, and can walk in the Spirit!
what Mitspa doesn't understand ( for he is not like the Bereans ) is that I Jn.3:9 is in the present active indicative. Now, Mitspa, what does that mean? Does I Jn 1:8 and I Jn.3:9 contradict each other? Those verses were written by the SAME inspired apostle. Mitspa contradicts himself, but the apostle John? No!
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what Mitspa doesn't understand ( for he is not like the Bereans ) is that I Jn.3:9 is in the present active indicative. Now, Mitspa, what does that mean? Does I Jn 1:8 and I Jn.3:9 contradict each other? Those verses were written by the SAME inspired apostle. Mitspa contradicts himself, but the apostle John? No!

I know they dont! I know they are perfect together. By the way I am well trained in the Greek, so please continue to explain how they are different in the "indicative mood"?
Mitspa--Then WHY did you cite I Jn.3:9 if not to disprove that I Jn.1:8 teaches that Christians can sin? So now you are "well trained in the Greek". What are your credentials? And what does the present active mean?