Worshiping with out IM is not the contradiction. The contradiction comes in when the CofC believes they are the only true church and everyone else is damned.
The cofC is full of hypocrisy. Using the OT only when it serves the outcome they wish. Ignoring passages that say clearly "do this" or "don't do this" because it does not fit their choices.
Claiming to be NT cofC and yet they do not adhere to Acts 2:45.... 1 Cor 14:39 is disregarded ...Romans 16:16 is ignored for sake of a name, a title ,
The contradiction is between churches and Scripture.
Don't forget arrogance. There is just a touch of arrogance as well.
Arrogance? I should remind you that your both moderators and should act as such...
I have used the old testament for what it was left to us for... not to use parts of the Jewish worship I like and disregard the parts I don't (like both of you have done)
We are commanded to "sing", I have shown it to be scriptural, therefore it is His will not mine, now show me where mechanical instrumental music is his will, not yours.