Having the perfect theology does not make one obedient. It is the failure to unlearn the things of the world, and embrace Godly wisdom (which is rooted in the fear of the Lord) that keeps us from obedience, and preserverence. Think about the Word falling on the different soils. It is a love of the things of this world, rather than a love for the law of God, which keeps us from sanctifying our hearts to Him. The doctrine of the Father, which is the doctrine that Christ spoke, is all we should be speaking and trusting. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." He did this very thing Himself with His Father in heaven...He did the will of the Father, because of love. Love is the key to obedience, because this charity will compel us to serve, feed, heal, practice hospitality, forgive, wash each other's feet, etc.
Why do some fall away? DECEIT David in Psalm 119, which speaks of loving God's law, says, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin agains thee." God's Word is what will keep us, as it kept Christ. The Truth is what sets us free, and there is no lie in the Truth.
Drew, I can not agree that I can keep myself until that day. It seems like this is what you are saying. I think this idea alone could lead one to a state of unrepentance, because it puts 'self' first, rather than the denial of self which is what Christ instructed of us. Scripture says that we are not to lean on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledg Him and He will direct our path. How can we walk worthy, if we do not first understand that it is because we are unworthy that we are even called to make the effort?
I think we all should be studying the Word, but to be approved by God, not by men. If we have parts of our theology wrong, and we ALL probably do, then God is the one who will teach us if we are His. If we are not His, but walking in self-righteousness, then we probably will never see our theology as wrong...we'll just be waiting for the next new contrary bright idea that comes on the horizon so that we can vainly parade our man-centered wisdom before men...even lord it over men in a leagalistic manner. We will change, but it will be with every wind of doctrine that blows, not through the power of the Holy Spirit freeing us from the bonds of sin. We won't even see our own sin...though we will have no problem seeing the sins of others. This is what happens when we lack love, and when we fail to practice self-denial. Good theology can not solve these problems, and neither can self...only Truth. When we are given over to God's Truth, above our selves, above our theologies, our denominations, our reactions, our culture, etc. then we are able to pracitice true religion as Jesus' defined it.
Jesus is the only solution, and through Him all things are possible. When you look at the rich young ruler, and compare him to the tax collector, you see that what is impossible with man is possible with God. Obedience, or being convinced of your own obedience, does not save...as the rich young ruler exampled. But, when you take a man, unworthy and lost in his sin, and you see Jesus bring salvation to his house, you see an example of the grace that brings one to obedience...in his overwhelming love for Christ he immediately could not obey Him enough, and had no problem letting go of the worldly riches. All this is possible with God, but impossible with man. No, it is not of ourselves, but it is a work of God. We love Him, because He first loved us, and from that love our faith-obedience comes. We are able then to hear His instruction, obey His commands, heed His warnings, bear His fruit, walk in repentance, do good works, all those things that lead to overcoming the deceiver. The Lord bless all of you.