This is an appropriate stance given their doctrine. Similarly, everyone that believes Christ is God is going to hell according to the doctrine of Muslims. If their doctrine is correct in this area, their verdict is too. If only R.C.s go to heaven as their doctrine IMO states, then their blessing is far, far superior to mine. The ultimate "I TOLD YOU SO".

More power to them is they proclaim what they believe is TRUTH.
Aside: What is so interesting is that the over whelming majority of people stay with the religious beliefs they were first presented with ... seems to be another 'force' determining ones salvation as the result is somewhat predictable ... but I digress.
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The doctrine of the Catholic Church is NOT that only they are going to heaven.
If you want to know the teaching of the CC, please see my post no. 398 in which both Barbarian and I post the authoratative teaching of the CC.
Here's the Ordo Salutis of the CC:
1. A baby is baptized to remove original sin (which was invented by one of your heroes, Augustine)....
2. He receives the Holy Spirit - Who remains asleep in the baby until such time as the grown child wishes to become a Christian person.
3. A person must know Christ and be reborn in order to be saved...this is known as Justification and immediately after, Sanctification.
That's it.
As to confession....after hundreds of years the church adopted what it now known as private, auricular confession.
What the CC teaches as a mortal sin, which would cause one to forfeit their salvation, is exactly the same as what would cause a Protestant to become
detached from God and be in danger of loss of salvation. For instance, murder.
Of course, just as in Protestantism, one would ask forgiveness and be forgiven - except we would go directly to God and they also need to be forgiven
by their church and so they go to a priest in order to be back on good terms with their church AND God.