try this then, for example - when you want to grow watermelon in the garden , do you plant a small watermelon ? or do you plant a watermelon seed ?
when a mere and sinful man (doctor or otherwise) wants to have a baby with his wife and 'artificially' does what he can to try this, does he put a small body inside his wife, or a seed (i.e. sperm) ?
why is there any thought at all that Yhvh would change what He has said in how everything reproduces and go against His Own Word in preparing the body for Yeshua to inhabit ?
when a mere and sinful man (doctor or otherwise) wants to have a baby with his wife and 'artificially' does what he can to try this, does he put a small body inside his wife, or a seed (i.e. sperm) ?
why is there any thought at all that Yhvh would change what He has said in how everything reproduces and go against His Own Word in preparing the body for Yeshua to inhabit ?