Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
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I don't see how, Biblically, we do the 'counting', or accounting (at least not in the sense of being credited something). I see where the Bible says God credits something to us. God gives us righteousness in an account, figuratively speaking of course, where there was none before. And it's in the sense of a line of credit of righteousness, for Paul talks about the Holy Spirit, the very essence of righteousness, being a deposit that is made in us. So I see what the Bible means by 'credited to us' as being represented in number four in the definition of the word 'credit' in this link: definition&rlz=1C1_____enUS465US465&oq=credit definition&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4304j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8accounted, counted, reckoned...."I'm counting on you."
I don't say that you are wrong but I just don't think of it quite the same.
If someone says, " I'm counting on you." That's because they are trusting that person, they believe that person is faithful to them. In affect it is as though they see that person as having a right (righteous) attitude towards them.
I see that Jesus is my Advocate (attorney) with the Father. If I am smart I listen to my attorney. His job is to tell me what I need to do to win. So I messed up, I go to my attorney and I tell Him the truth. He gives me truthful and saving instructions for my benefit and the benefit of others in my life. He gets the glory because I say, "Hey you're in trouble, go meet with my attorney, He'll save you when no one else can."
So I can "count on Jesus", I know He is righteous, right in all He does and keeps His Word.
If I am faithful to Him, then He counts my faithfulness as righteousness. It's maybe like when Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac and God said, "Now I Know".
#4 describes to me what the Bible is talking about when God gives us a legal declaration of righteousness. And he gives us the down payment of the Holy Spirit like an opening line of credit in keeping with the promise of a righteousness we will be given at the Judgment.
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