Sinful flesh went away?
1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1
What's goes away is condemnation, IF you do not follow the desires of the sinful flesh.
IF you do not present yourself as a slave of sin.
16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? Romans 6:16
authority and dominion of sinful flesh to make us sin went away. It was crucified with Christ. The old nature--the mindset controlled by the desires of the flesh--is what died thus releasing us from the
condemnation of the law (because we don't violate the law when we walk in the mindset of the Spirit--the new nature). We weren't released from the requirements of the law when our minds became new in Christ. The new mindset of the Spirit we received UPHOLDS the law that the mindset of the flesh could not keep--the old mindset that the law empowered to actually stir sin up in us, not subdue it.
See, your doctrine has the requirements of the law going away. My doctrine has the mindset of the flesh (the old nature) going away releasing us from the
condemnation of the law (for not doing it), and releasing us from the
power of the law to keep SINFUL flesh,
not crucified flesh, in bondage to lawlessness. Crucified flesh, through the new mindset of the Spirit, does not release us from the
requirements of the law. Crucified flesh, through the new mindset of the Spirit, the mind of Christ, releases us from the flesh and the authority of law to empower flesh to now in fact UPHOLD the requirements of the law. You're focusing on the law. You should be focusing on what happened to the flesh--that is, the mindset of the flesh, the old nature--in this discussion about the law.
old nature--the mind controlled by the desires of the flesh.
new nature--the mind controlled by the desires of the Spirit.
This, to me, is the only way to explain the replacing of the old sin nature with the new nature, but still explain how we are bothered and harassed by the sinful desires of our bodies that we are taught by the church are dead and gone, but which tempt us to entertain them again. But In this new mindset controlled by the Spirit--our new nature--we crucify those desires and UPHOLD the requirements of law we once trampled underfoot while in the old mindset controlled by the flesh (which caved in so easily to those desires, and was even energized by the law).
The requirements of the law did not go away. The mindset controlled by the flesh, and empowered to be all the more sinful by the righteous requirements of the law, is what went away. Releasing us to now uphold, not trample underfoot the righteous requirements of the law...and in the
new way of the Spirit, not in the old way of Moses and the first covenant.