CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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What a great post!!!I believe there is a deaper issue hear that needs to be addreessed!!!!!!
These 2 doctrines are usually at front and center of this discussion!!!!
1. Babtism as the point of salvation
2. Eternal security as the point of salvation .....
I have belonged to both of these type churches that cannot go beyond these into maturity.....
These are both mentioned in Hebrews 6:1-2
As elementary doctrines that would trip up the faith of christians if they get stuck in these 2 doctrines
And do not continue to grow and mature....
Hebrews 6:3-8
I believe what many are getting trapped in is EVENT BASED SALVATION....
Our nation is freaked out over events.....
Ex.-- I just went to Disney World and to a NFL football game.....
People will wait 4-6 hours to go on new rides or all night to get. Football tickets....
God specifically warned about this when Peter got freaked out at the Mount of Transfiguration and wanted to make 3 idols to 1. Jesus. 2. MOses and 3. Elijah.....
Great event but Peter wanted to make an idol out of it!!!!!
Matthew 17:1-5
My Question is this????
1. Is salvation a 1 time EVENT......??????
2. Is salvation a life long RELATIONSHIP???
as Jesus said
He who endures to the end will be saved
Matthew 24:13