- Jun 6, 2017
- 603
- 61
How can a person who is in Christ, be considered as "unsaved"?
Proof #6
The Bible gives examples of sinners
saved without any conditions.
Since God saves sinners unconditionally by His own sovereign wisdom and power in Jesus Christ, and the gospel and its ordinances are only for the education and comfort of the elect, then there should be examples of such cases in the Bible. And there are many. The previous proofs and the following examples solve the perpetual questions men have had about infants, idiots, and the heathen. Salvation is by God's grace alone, and it can easily reach every class of man in every situation. The examples to follow cover every man and thus are comforts for our souls.
We have already shown in the previous five proofs that God's elect are saved fully and infallibly without conditions. But let us add to these proofs with specific examples of such from the Bible.
What about John the Baptist? He leaped for joy in his mother's womb at the presence of Jesus, and he did so by the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:15, 44). Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and an evidence of eternal life, so we know John was saved before he was born (Gal 5:22; Rom 8:14-15; I Pet 1:8).
What about Cornelius? He feared God, which no unsaved man does (Rom 3:18); and he gave alms and prayed acceptably to God (Acts 10:1-4). And this was true before hearing the gospel or being baptized. Peter revealed by the Spirit he was already accepted with God (Acts 10:34-35).
What about Lot? He loved Sodom more than righteousness, and he ended up incestuously with his daughters in a cave (Gen 13:12; Gen 19:14, 16, 20, 36). Yet we are taught by the Spirit Lot was a just and righteous man, saved by the glorious grace of God by Christ's obedience (II Pet 2:7-9).
What about the rich young ruler? Though he chose his riches over Christ, Jesus loved him; and he went away sorrowful - two marks of a man with eternal life (Mark 10:17-27). Jesus hates the wicked (Ps 5:5; Matt 7:23); and only spiritual men desire to follow Christ. Riches are a strong obstacle to obedience; but salvation by an omnipotent God is easy even in such cases.
What about Israel in the wilderness? They ate and drank spiritually of Jesus Christ, which is to have eternal life (I Cor 10:1-4); but they were disobedient and rebellious (I Cor 10:5). Yet God chose them, chastened them, called them children, and loved them (Deu 7:6-8; 8:5; 14:1; 33:1-3).
What about blinded Israel? Paul declares that a portion of elect Israel was blinded to the gospel, so that though they were enemies of the gospel, they were beloved in election (Rom 11:25-32).
What about infants? There is no doctrine of salvation on earth that consistently and Scripturally provides for infants, except the truth of unconditional salvation. Since eternal life is entirely by God's grace in Jesus Christ, dying elect infants are saved the same way as all other sinners.
Proof #7
Unconditional salvation is the only
doctrine giving God all the glory.
Eternal life entirely by grace without human conditions gives God an infinite and undivided measure of glory. Any conditional system of salvation, even those requiring only faith, make man the determiner of his own destiny - and thus his own saviour. But there will be no sharing of glory in heaven, for Jesus Christ will receive it all. The wicked are not in hell, because they failed to do what the righteous did, but rather because Jesus Christ did not do for them what He did for the righteous. Salvation is of the Lord, and this fact cannot be modified or compromised.
If a mere offer requires conditions, then it is a reward and not a free gift; then the Giver is in debt to the one meeting the conditions (Rom 4:4); then it is of works rather than grace (Rom 11:6); then the Giver is robbed of glory by the one performing (I Cor 1:26-31). Only by eliminating all conditions does God get all the glory (Eph 2:9; Rom 11:33-36; I Cor 4:7; Titus 3:4-7).
The true God is Jealous, and He will not share His glory (Ex 34:14; Is 42:8). He has so designed salvation to give Himself all the glory (I Cor 1:26-31; Rom 2:29; 9:23; Eph 2:7).
God created all things - even the wicked for the day of evil - for Himself and His own pleasure (Prov 16:4; Rev 4:11). He did not create us for our pleasure, and then helped us out of our sins. He was not surprised by sin in Eden at all, for it was all part of His purpose to glorify Himself.
Salvation is not remedial to deliver damned sinners God pitied, but rather revelatory of His glorious nature by the judgment of the wicked and the deliverance of the elect (Rom 9:14-24). He chose to display His wrath and power in the one category and His glorious riches in the other.
Many talk and sing about salvation by grace, but only unconditional eternal life is truly gracious; for if we add conditions to His grace, then sinners choose their own salvation. The difference between heaven and hell is not man's choice at all, but God's (I Thess 1:2-4; II Thess 2:13).
God based salvation on His own will in predestination for His own glory (Eph 1:5-6, 11-12). He has mercy on whom He chooses, without regard for man's will or efforts (Rom 9:15-16).
If God wanted all men saved and sent Jesus to die for them, based on their compliance, then two things are true - He is the most frustrated Being and His work effectively accomplished nothing.
Jesus victoriously saved His people from their sins without losing one (Matt 1:21; John 6:39), and the elect know He saved them exclusively by Himself (Rev 5:1-14; Heb 2:13; Rev 6:10).
There is only one soul winner in heaven - Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Praise ye the Lord.
I find no way one arrives into Christ except by being baptized into Christ, Gal.3:26,27