Imagican said:
If one is convicted in their hearts to BE Baptized, they should surely BE Baptized. But I believe that they should listen with their hearts to God and His Son instead of PEOPLE.
That is a good slogan for what a lot of people think today...
"If I think it, then it is so..." Or "My perception is my reality".
I guess murders and rapists can also convince themselves they are holy and righteous, as well. All they have to do is "believe it in their hearts". Thus, along with your modern adherents, subjective opinions are reality. Nothing objective anymore... Everyone's opinion of God is equally correct.
Problem with that is it is very easy to believe a lie you establish. The more you think it, the more it becomes your reality.
Wishful thinking is not presented in Scriptures as a viable alternative for the rituals and teachings of the Church, whether during OT or NT covenants...
Imagican said:
Many churches INSIST that one MUST be Baptized into THEIR faith or their 'church' in order to BE a 'member'. Can't you SEE that this is done in order to FORM an allegiance to A particular denomination?
Are you familiar with the concept "people of God"? It is a visible structure, not some invisible and etherally imaginitive people who have some wishy-washy affiliation with each other because they also believe that God speaks to them whenever they have a cognitive thought?
Imagican said:
And there are many that upon leaving ONE church and joining another feel compelled to be Baptized AGAIN. Now HOW does this make ANY sense in 'truth'?
There is only one baptism. A person is not necessarily baptized because they once took a bath in a river. Unitarian baptism is not a Christian baptism. Also, there are a number of Christians who believe that infant baptism isn't good enough - making "correct" faith a work of man that must come before the GIFT OF GOD, freely given.
Imagican said:
For IF 'water Baptism' has ANY validity to begin with, then ONCE would BE enough. if not, then what makes ONE Baptism 'better' or 'different' than ANOTHER? Is it really possible for us to crucify Christ over and over again? Or was ONCE enough?
Yep. Once is enough, if done as the Church intends and God had commanded. Don't complain to me that other denominations want to rebaptize legitimately baptized Christians because they weren't perfect enough. To me, that is putting the wagon before the horse...
Imagican said:
For God is able to KNOW what is IN one's heart regardless of what comes out of their mouth. Being Baptized in water has NO bearing on what is IN one's heart. For I can assure you that many have BEEN Baptized in water that have NO love in their hearts or true love towards God or Christ or their fellow man. Do you truly believe that 'water Baptism' is able to 'BRING' love into one's heart? And if this is so, is it able to bring love into ALL hearts?
It is not YOUR job to judge the level of love in one's heart when they are baptized, so why do YOU worry about whether it "took" or not??? Why can't you just accept someone's witness and leave it at that, rather than looking at someone with your microscope to see whether his heart was REALLY pure enough... Furthermore, baptism does not FOLLOW love. Love comes AFTER baptism, since we receive Christ's Spirit - and THEN we are able to love.
Imagican said:
Now, so far as ignoring what has been offered inscripture: Christ speaks of MANY 'things' that define those that love God and Love their neighbors. I have not found that 'water Baptism' is ONE of these.
I am not sure whether you just don't read posts or have forgotten what I wrote, but I clearly have said that Baptism does not make people love others.
God's Holy Spirit "makes" people love. Baptism is the rite through which a person has received the imprint of the Spirit, has joined the Body of Christ. It is given for the remission of sins. Does that mean God must wait for men to baptize before He is "allowed" to work His will? Certainly not. However, your stubborn refusal is a rejection, not out of ignorance. This is just more rationalization.
Imagican said:
Christ speaks of many that will inherit the Kingdom of God, I have failed to find the part where He states that 'water Baptism' is ONE of these. Regardless of the commission TO the apostles to Baptize IN His name, I have found scarce evidence that Christ commanded ANYONE that they MUST be Baptized in water to RECEIVE Him.
That's not what Peter said a few days after the ascension. Nor is the actions of the Apostles in Acts. Even those who had received the Spirit were promptly baptized - practically making it the same action. Apparently, Peter and the apostles were so dumb that they completely twisted the Gospel AFTER receiving the Spirit...
Or is this just another subtle attempt to undermine the Apostolic teachings by pushing your own agenda?
Imagican said:
Read His APPEALS to all and SEE if 'water Baptism' is ONE of the requirements that Christ HIMSELF offers to us in order to BE 'saved'.
Water baptism BEFORE the Spirit would have just been a baptism similar to John's Baptism. Again and again, you ignore what has been said before. Your rationalizations are not taking into account what was said, and to maintain your "self-revelation", you totally ignore anything that destroys your argument, as if no one said anything.
Only being baptized in water AND THE SPIRIT, Christian baptism, could unite one to Christ, according to Scriptures. No other way is given ORDINARILY for one to join with Christ's Passion and Death, no matter how often you choose to ignore that.
Imagican said:
The question that we began to discuss was NOT the 'validity' of 'water Baptism' so much as 'Is water Baptism ENOUGH'. And I can think of ONLY ONE 'thing' that IS enough: submission to the Spirit of God through Christ.
Yes, is baptism sufficient for what??? Again, I brought this up and answered the question. Water baptism in the Trinity ALWAYS saves. The questin was NOT is that the ONLY thing that saves, but whether IT saves...
Here is what you ignore...
No water baptism before Pentacost gave the Holy Spirit. Yet, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit THROUGH water baptism, a being "born from above". Something that was considered CRITICAL by Christ JUST BEFORE He ascended to heaven. Naturally, this was not the first time He mentioned this...
Secondly, no other way is given but baptism when we are speaking with union with Christ. No one comes into union with the Passion and Death of Christ EXCEPT through baptism. While God is not bound by this baptism, that is no reason to deny its effect or its importance for one who has actually received the Word of God through the Church.
Imagican said:
Not 'pretended submission' but TRUE submission. Is Baptism an act of submission? Of course it CAN be. But is it REQUIRED? I do NOT 'think' so.
Again, true submission does not have to come at baptism. You are resurrecting the age-old heresy of "one must be perfect to be a true Christian". We are not sanctified BEFORE Baptism.
You are confusing salvation to heaven with salvation by the forgiveness of sins. Baptism ALWAYS provides the latter - although God can enact is extraordinarily due to ignorance of the person. Baptism only provides the first step for the former. Naturally, submission to God comes from the Spirit - which comes to man ordinarily after baptism.